The fishing thread ( not about fish fertilizer)

What an amazing day I had on the river, I connected with 3 salmon and a 4th had a snatch right at my feet but didn't connect, I only had them on for 5-10 seconds then off, if I got a couple of runs it wouldn't hurt so bad it's so fkg frustrating lol... but it keeps you keen, I arrived at 11 o'clock and left when it got dark about 7ish.

I picked up a nice trout worthy of a photograph, generally the m brown trout are around a 1/2 lb
I can't fkg wait until daylight... Watch this space I'll have a salmon or two before the 6th :-)

I'm high thinking about tomorrow it'll be a no sleep night tonight I'm sure you can all relate to lol
I was out yesterday again and never touched a fish, fk me I thought it would be a case of turning up, fish are fickle creatures lol...
I did pick up a couple nice brown trout.
There's was a 3rd, I got the phone out put on the camera before unhooking it, I go for the photo, wriggle, juggle splash! and away it went safely... Without a photo lol.

I'm sitting on the bank drinking coffee before I get started for the day, the waters fallen back but there's still a slim chance of a salmon.
I was out yesterday again and never touched a fish, fk me I thought it would be a case of turning up, fish are fickle creatures lol...
I did pick up a couple nice brown trout.
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There's was a 3rd, I got the phone out put on the camera before unhooking it, I go for the photo, wriggle, juggle splash! and away it went safely... Without a photo lol.

I'm sitting on the bank drinking coffee before I get started for the day, the waters fallen back but there's still a slim chance of a salmon.
Trout are really sensitive. If they swallow the bait, they're most likely gonna die. That's the cool thing about fly fishing for them which is what I'm guessing you're doing, but I'm just guessing cause it looks like you're in the water. Lures too don't usually get swallowed though, at least for me.

Walleye are some tough suckers. They also don't usually just go straight to swallowing it. They mouth it first.
[QUOTE="Wizzlebiz, post: 16574578, member: 1046959"
We dont eat them for that reason.I have eaten pike and they are good but bony as well.Like vestigal bones where legs used to be ive heard.
Just eat the back 40%. No bones and flakey white meat. Ain't none of you anglers ever fished for sustenance?
Cool thread..I cant remember a time in my 44 years on this earth when I didn't fish or at least try to as much as possible. I've really been loving the kayak for the last few years. My number one addiction for about 15 years before this was surfcasting. I think I want to start fly fishing again though...hi my name is Jeffrey and im addicted to fishing lol33244.jpeg20140611_234359.jpg20200506_230614.jpg