The fishing thread ( not about fish fertilizer)

So opposite of that. Just imagine.

we just went sturgeon fishing down in the delta 2 days before the fire. We were going to go down again the morning of the fire but the wind forecast was not looking good at all night before. Thank god it wasn’t looking good down there too or i would have lost my 3 dogs. So the night before the fire i emptied the boat figuring we’ll go salmon fishing soon. All those setups, 6 of them. Leaned up against my big ass carport that covered both boats. Took off the canopy from the sled and leaned it up there too. We were going fishing up here.
What a bad move that was. Lost everything near the carport.
And btw, all my boat salmon/striper setups were leaned up against that carport too. Crazy what graphite rods and glass rods look like after fire.
Both my boats were out in the yard thank god because i was keeping that driveway on the side of my yard clear because i was doing some landscaping but the boats still took a bunch of damege but fixable.
So opposite of that. Just imagine.

we just went sturgeon fishing down in the delta 2 days before the fire. We were going to go down again the morning of the fire but the wind forecast was not looking good at all night before. Thank god it wasn’t looking good down there too or i would have lost my 3 dogs. So the night before the fire i emptied the boat figuring we’ll go salmon fishing soon. All those setups, 6 of them. Leaned up against my big ass carport that covered both boats. Took off the canopy from the sled and leaned it up there too. We were going fishing up here.
What a bad move that was. Lost everything near the carport.
And btw, all my boat salmon/striper setups were leaned up against that carport too. Crazy what graphite rods and glass rods look like after fire.
Both my boats were out in the yard thank god because i was keeping that driveway on the side of my yard clear because i was doing some landscaping but the boats still took a bunch of damege but fixable.
What fire is going on now!? The hills are starting to brown around here.
North Bay. Sonoma got some sprinkles for an hour or so.

I didn’t see any news about fire, but I know they had control burns in Mendo a week or so ago and it was smoky for two days.