Nice looking pics - I especially like your boat.Ok I'll show you guys some trout and a ohno my son and I caught this year in Kona Hi.
2nd pic - some sort of red snapper? I don't recognize it but still really nice.
Cool stuff.
Nice looking pics - I especially like your boat.Ok I'll show you guys some trout and a ohno my son and I caught this year in Kona Hi.
The Ohono was the best tasting fish I've ever ate but we ate so much of that fish we had to go out for Hamburgers the last day.nice fish and thanks for sharing, the plate of food looks fucking bomb .
i wish i was the gardener what a nice gift to receive.The Ohono was the best tasting fish I've ever ate but we ate so much of that fish we had to go out for Hamburgers the last day.
We ended up giving 20lbs to the gardener, man did he get stoked!!!
That's awesome bro! Very nice ...well caught about 5 fish today 1 cutthroat trout about 8 inches or so but skinny, and the rest sqau fish, i took a pic of one sqau cuz it was the biggest ive ever seen i kill all sqau on site, they are shit fish and are not even supposed to be in our river and they eat salmon eggs. i released the trout cuz it was a cutthroat and not many are left here in the river and he was skinny, but he had some cool colors his fins were orange and the bottom of his neck was as well. i took a pic of him but my phone cam doesnt show how bright the orange was.![]()
i used to go out all the time for ling, the biggest one i had was 40 pounds and about 3 ft long but i no longer have the pic, we had alot of color full rock fish as well. and ya i think a guided salmon trip would be the funnest and best eating i love smoked fish i never really had it any other way that i really like. i would like to go on a guide that goes down the rouge river and it last 4 days and 3 nights and you camp out at night then get back on the water and it goes all the way to the coast but that shit is like 1700 dollars theri is some good prices on river guides here for salmon and steely some are as low as 150 for a full day for 2 people, im saving up to try to go on one.That's awesome bro! Very nice ...
I'm a big fan of going for cut throat. When I lived in Utah, you couldn't talk to anyone that fished without hearing about how great the cut throat fly fishing was. Google 'Cut Throat Fishing in Uinta Mountains, Utah' ... It's world class fly fishing there and you can get guided tours up to ponds where it will be just you and BIG FISH to give you a hell of a fight. But ya, when you mentioned the fishing AND crabbing I was sold. Even if we met up and headed over to the coast to do a guided one. I've done multi-group deep sea fishing in Coos Bay and went out 10 mi back when I was younger and it was a blast. Lots of snapper, ling cod, yellowfish, ... Good eating, that's for sure!
Although a guided salmon or halibut trip would be sick! Salmon has to be my favorite fish BY FAR. Favorite way to eat it is sashimi grade straight up.
Great post brotha!
ya a boeat to have as your own would be the shit, and most of teh guides here are in drift boats and dont use fish finders or anything, but ya i consider that cheating to. i mainly want to go withone to learn all the stuff i can and get some monster fish. i didnt even know they had boat rentals like that, im gonna look up on it when i have some time. and ya i would want to smoke to even thoug i cant cuz my probation, i am still legal but my po wont allow it, if youre a legal card holder and we were ona guide i would just light up a blunt or joint what ever you smoke and see what happins, he couldnt do much if your legal to smoke its not near as bad as cigs. it would be kinda disrespectful though. and i will keep all my fish heads and insides for the purpose of crabbing, i want to smoke my trout though, i can always go out and catch sqaw though i can catch those every cast if i wanted to and we could throw those in the pots let them sit out for a few days and get real stinky smellinThat's why I think we should go for our own boat. Ya, a guided tour will know where to go and have all the highest tech fish finders, ... But is that really what fishing is about? That's kinda cheating in my book haha I say we look into a boat rental which would be very cheap. Lots are $100-150/half-day or something + Gas, and then you just gotta put a debit/credit down for a deposit incase anything happens. If we split that cost I think it'd be worth it. I'd wanna smoke too, so that'd suck being with the guides and not being allowed to do that, ya know?
And ya, if you keep catching those small fish maybe you can toss some in the freezer and instead of smoking, save them to toss in a crab cage in the future? That's perfect sized bait.