The fiscal cliff will be solved, IMO


Well-Known Member
Do you really suppose that those poor people would be adequately helped were there no government structures to help them? do you really believe that the simple generosity of men in a culture would be enough?
You can say what you want and believe what you are going to, but if we can cut the tall grass the public will be able to see exactly how our government is spending money. I am not an anarchist we still need government and important regulations but we need to trim the fat. Lets see why that homeless guy cant get section 8 or food stamps.


Well-Known Member
I am more conservative, but not because I don't want to help people. It is because the government it doing it so inefficiently. I'd rather give money to the homeless guy on the street with no shoes on. Where is his/her help that taxes are said to be going to .Also why I have fallen into a libertarian small government mind set.
I agree.

I think it is a travesty that we pay for wars and yet vacant houses outnumber homeless people in the US. We have money for drones and a quarter of our homeless are veterans. Congress allocates money for Afghan aggression, but schools have bake sales. I would like to see a major reduction of state authority also. I think it is a blatantly dishonest yet massively pervasive misconception that in order to receive the benefits of social welfare that we must also accept heightened authoritarianism. Fire half the cops and rehire them as social workers and teachers and have the scientists stop developing new weapons and start developing renewable energy.


Well-Known Member
You can say what you want and believe what you are going to, but if we can cut the tall grass the public will be able to see exactly how our government is spending money. I am not an anarchist we still need government and important regulations but we need to trim the fat. Lets see why that homeless guy cant get section 8 or food stamps.

I believe that government transparancy is very important but that isn't what you originaly said. You seem to have intoned that individual generosity would be adequate to support all of the needy in this country without the requirement of government. I know many who believe that things would be just fine if government got out of the business of helping the needy in this country. I contend that if people were as generous as those people say, that government never would have gotten involved to begin with.


Well-Known Member
Hopefully the thread monster wont eat this one...

It is a big steaming pile of crap.

The cuts proposed are not cuts in spending but reductions in the ridiculous amount of increased spending over time. It is the equivalent of making 20,000 dollars per year and budgeting to spend 60,000 next year. Suddenly you decide to only spend 40,000 dollars next year and whee!! you just saved 20,000 dollars!!! FER REAL!!!

They tell us the tax increases are only on 1-2% of the population and it is only a little bit more to ensure they pay their fair share yet somehow this pittance they are going to pay is supposed to help pay down the debt.

And the Republicans have been reduced to arguing who's tax rates are going to go up...

Same old shit, different day. Nothing to see here folks, Washington is busy destroying the dollar like usual.


Well-Known Member
The cuts proposed are not cuts in spending but reductions in the ridiculous amount of increased spending over time. It is the equivalent of making 20,000 dollars per year and budgeting to spend 60,000 next year. Suddenly you decide to only spend 40,000 dollars next year and whee!! you just saved 20,000 dollars!
Wait are we still going to have two major ground wars going on next year?