The First Year - From Birth to Death - 13 Plants - 14/9/11 to ??/??/??

Think this is my first post on here, either that or i haven't posted in a long time. Anyways i recently started my first ever grow, And it's been going great about a week ago from today i wet some tissue and put my seed in, folded it over and let them germinate. 4 days on the seeds were germing perfectly some had 1 1/2 inch roots on them. I tried germinating 15 and 13 worked so i was pleased.

Now I'm not gonna make up some bullshit name for my seeds, i got them from a friend and he had some very potent weed that he grew himself and got the seeds from, they were also very nice looking seeds, fat, dark ect. So yeh It's going to be some very nice weed if i can do it as my special 'bible' tells me to do

Right now i've got them in some small pots and have watered them with some water mixed with a special product called seasoil. 100% natural of course i also bought some nice soil and mixed it with compost juice to give it an edge. So right now I'm just relaxing and letting my 'little fellas' start there childhood. I've read an amazing amount on this plant and different techniques of growing better and more organic marijuana and I've devised my on way of growing with an array of different methods from everywhere i could find even 3 books I've read 2 - 3 times each and of course the expansive internet. I hope to put into play this year for my first grow, everything so far looks great. But one thing i can say is the feeling you get when your first seeds pops is awesome, and nothing i read ever told me that.

So last of all i'd like to leave you with a picture of my first sprouting and i will regularly up date this thread as my plants go through there life cycle, i hope to use this as a record for my first ever grow and at the end i will post the results.

Day 12 - 26/9/11

Ok so it's been 12 days and my plants are going awesome, nice and green growing fast a think, been watering them every second day or when it it needs it, been feeding with my nutrient mix every 5 days. We had one incident where a slug got onto my plants at about 12:30 at night, lucky i love them and went out to check for some strange reason. Found it easting away at them enjoying itself, so naturally i burned because it deserves to go to hell :)

3 got a small bite taken out of the leave so they survived and are surprisingly going very strong and one poor plant got completely eaton. So i'm left with 12, but 12 good strong ones. So here's a couple of pictures of my plants in total and a close up of a few of the good ones, what do you think?

And here's a plant that been growing weirdly, what do you guys think, It's seem to have only grown one of the first leaves and grown a third bigger leave. May be a freak?

Anyways thats how my plants are going, tell us what you think and i'll post again in a week guys. Thanks.


use epson salts around your plants on the out side of the container they are in slugs hate salt. then wont dare cross it to get to your babies againP26-05-11_19-53[2].jpg
Yeh i put white sand around the outside of the container because i wanted to keep things natural haha, Worked like a charm, damn things haven't touch then :D
Back again, the plants are going nicely, the weathers beens a bit shit lately so they have grown a little. There just starting the lift of there colyteons and the weathers improving so they've been growing a bit faster, which is great. Here's a pic of where there at now, sorry about the quality, only had a shit camera atm, next week they will be much, much better.

And here's a closer view of one.

And another bigger one, again quality is horrible, sorry haha.

So yeh, the plants seem to be going well and hopefully they start developing alot more now. Do you guys think there growing a bit slowly?
Hey everyone, My plants seem to be picking up well now, there starting to form the very beginning of their first true leaves and there a genetic deformity in on of them and I'm very interested to see how it will turn out.

Here's a pic of the bunch:

And here's a pic of one of them thats growing well:

And here's the genetically deformed one i was talking about, Instead of 4 first true leaves it's growing 3, what do you guys think?

So yeh, all in all i think everythings going well. I just want my bud already :p haha but i have to admit, growing has been fun.
lookin good bro haha fuck everyone elses advice just let nature do its thing itl be good yield i reckon 25 oz mine was 2 oz 1 female and thats in the northern australia where it skips vegetative and goes straght to flowering, good smoke sativa dominant got new batch now of 100 seeds gonna do hps grow in tent:leaf::leaf::leaf::leaf::leaf::leaf::leaf:
Hey everyone, so yesterday i transplanted my plants. I went out and bought some very good (expensive) soil instead of going cheap like that last stuff because all it seemed to have done is stunt the growth of my plants drastically. But I've done all my transplanting and made a much better richer soil to put my plants in. Last time a buy cheap soil... oh well just another learn as you go thing. I mean it's my first grow so no matter how much reading i do, Some things are going to go wrong. But now that there in the much better soil my plants will hopefully start to take of. Just gotta give them a couple of days to adjust to the new soil and recover from the transplant.

Here's a few pictures:

Sorry about them being sideways, I'll fix later, but yeh what do you all think. They are growing horribly slow right?
Ok so things are finally looking up, My plants are finally starting to grow alot, lot faster. The transplant was a success and the new soil is working, much, much better. I found out that the soil i was using was shit and making my plants grow very slowly. After the transplant the plants took a few days to adapt and now they look so much better. have a look. Anyone got any thought please post if you do, I know there growing slowly, do you guys think they will get very big or not?


Really you think? Well it seems to late in the season down here. November it is and we usually harvest in march. It's not long enough, you think i should just grow them and see how they go?


Well-Known Member
you must be NZ then, same as the fucking weather over here. but opposite. you need to cover them with some sort of cover, to wet and too cold if i was to take a guess.