The First Time You Fapped?


Well-Known Member
What I always wonder about, regarding that first time, was how the hell did I know what would happen? I don't think I'd seen porn yet, and just jerking it the first few minutes feels good and all, but does a young kids mind at that age just instinctively know there will be an eventual climax? How does that work?
I was around 12, had really sore thighs from basketball practice one day after school, came home was massaging the shit out of my legs with an old school electric muscle vibrator that looked like a small pancake on a summer sausage (she was hot I thought) , touched my naughty and couldn't believe what I was feeling, and then like 20 seconds later something I aint never seen before came out, and right then and there I thought I broke my dick. I was seriosuly upset how something so enjoyable ended with whatever the hell that was and I just had to deal with it cause you feel like you can't ask mom and dad shit like that at that age lol, and the internet wasn't around so I was just shit out of luck. I walked around the rest of the night wondering if I shook my dick to death, and I couldn't get my head around why there was no blood if I had actualy caused damage.

So I did it again the next day, LOL. Only that time I actually felt the magic happening (the first time I didn't feel the orgasm, just felt nice and then it was all over) and I just couldn't believe that I could do such things to myself! After that, I bet I was spanking it 5-6 times a day when I didnt have a raw dick.

bud nugbong

Well-Known Member
i was 10 or so and remember just wacking at about 7000 rpm, if i had an rpm guage it would have been redlining. i guess i came but nothing came out lol. it felt pretty damn good so i took it up as a hobby.

i just remeber beating it so fast and my whole body was just tense as fuck. lol memories


Well-Known Member
I was around 12, had really sore thighs from basketball practice one day after school, came home was massaging the shit out of my legs with an old school electric muscle vibrator that looked like a small pancake on a summer sausage (she was hot I thought) , touched my naughty and couldn't believe what I was feeling, and then like 20 seconds later something I aint never seen before came out, and right then and there I thought I broke my dick. I was seriosuly upset how something so enjoyable ended with whatever the hell that was and I just had to deal with it cause you feel like you can't ask mom and dad shit like that at that age lol, and the internet wasn't around so I was just shit out of luck. I walked around the rest of the night wondering if I shook my dick to death, and I couldn't get my head around why there was no blood if I had actualy caused damage.

So I did it again the next day, LOL. Only that time I actually felt the magic happening (the first time I didn't feel the orgasm, just felt nice and then it was all over) and I just couldn't believe that I could do such things to myself! After that, I bet I was spanking it 5-6 times a day when I didnt have a raw dick.
LOL.. I remember raw dick days.


Well-Known Member
Better question!

Since you started, what would you guess would be your total times fapping!?

8,595 - conservative estimate

To put that in perspective, I've been alive just over 9,125 days


Most times in one day?

I think 5 or 6.. that was a long time ago during the puberty days I think.. Back in the AOL, dial up porn days.. lmao