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so you don't see any difference between the guy who can't even get the support of his own party, but does have the support of the KKK, and a moderate democrat with wide bipartisan support?
Hillary clinton has been caught lying and committing crimes many times caused thousands of deaths, so many bad deals list goes on and on and on..., A lot more than donald trump.
Bro letting you know that you're working with the logic of a rodent isnt't, strictly speaking, hate.Wait for the hate responses... lolol
Whatever you say.
I wanted to reply, but the statement(s?) didn't make any logical sense, grammatically nor congruently.
Look buddy you know. Fields come and maybe cars, right? Exactly. Laugh laugh you laughing time. I never wanted access for reasons can she know? <<< 85% of what 'oddball' sock types.
Whatever you say.
This shit gets better and better
Sock ?? Shirley, you must continue............The rest is kinda accurate in a way if you look at it from Mars.
Mildly curious: Drumpf's pecker being so small and all, when he's in your asshole is there still plenty of room for cop/nazi dicks, as well, or?
you could, of course try to use facts and evidence to support your wrong opinions, but you would fail of course. because the facts and evidence are counter to your wrong opinions.
Only if you make room or have past experience
What do you want?
I would rather be played by Trump than disgraced by Hillary, even if it costs me $$$. That`s called taking your chances.
i already said. facts and evidence that support your absurd claims.
Mildly curious: Drumpf's pecker being so small and all, when he's in your asshole is there still plenty of room for cop/nazi dicks, as well, or?