the first degree i have ever earned.....


Well-Known Member
i fucked up high school and high school fucked me in so many ways. im a smart guy who if i would have graduated from high school would have had a transcript showing that i was a real stupid sob. when i went to take my GED a week after dropping out i finished all of the tests in under 2 1/2 hours and scored over 93% on every one(dont think thats the percent i got right, i think its graded like the standard exams we took in grade school).
after that i took a year off to figure shit out and just make some money working. got bored and tried trade school because failing out of high school actually made me think that i wasnt smart. that was in my opinion a load of bullshit(maybe its because i went to wyotech) and i soon moved back home.
after some more time went by i decided why the hell not, at least give college a try. so once again, this time with my girlfriend at my side, i moved off and put my best effort towards making something of my life. for the last two years i have lived here and gone to school full time. as a matter of fact i have learned more in an academic setting in the last two years than i did in the last eight years i attended school in the public school system. here i am now, getting ready to recieve the first degree that i actually worked for, though it is only an AA degree from a state university, it is still the best damn university in my state and after my final grades are added in my gpa will be sitting at exactly 3.5 and i have found that i have a knack for computer programming in the process. the next two plus years will be a grueling gauntlet of math and computer science until the next degree (bachelors of science in computer science) but goddamnit right now im happy as shit and im proud of myself too.
four years ago i really wasnt much, almost all my friends turned their backs on me because i was "a fuckin dropout" blah blah, but now, years later, here i stand, going to the same college as about 3/4 of the people i went to high school with, have a gpa thats better than most if not all of them, and i am pursuing a hard ass major that requires way too much math. so to all the haters out there who talk shit on people who take a different route in life i say GO FUCK YOURSELF:finger: you shit talking assholes. you learn in life that ya maybe socially speaking high school is somewhat important, but academically speaking it doesnt mean jack fucking shit and i consider myself living proof.


Well-Known Member
Props to ya! Education is the most important weapon anyone can arm themselves with. Keep it up.


Seconded living proof. If I would have gotten a 4.0 in high school I would be in the same spot I'm in now. Community college getting my generals out of the way to then move to a university. But I got a 1.16 GPA and a total of 287 unexcused absences. Lol same place I would of been.


Well-Known Member
I had a shit GPA in high school, graduated 130ish out of 158 students, and a damn lot of absences, but I've got a 2.8 GPA in college. Not a great GPA, but not bad either.


Just the thought of high school makes my stomach turn. Useless waste of 4 valuable years. Pretty much a repeat of middle school.

I love college, you actually mean something there and not treated like a damn inmate lol. I control my schooling in college, besides the actual teaching.

For the love of college, hit it.


Well-Known Member
good job bro, I hated high school also because my parents moved a lot and every year I lost all my friends so at one point I said fuck it thats when I started being homeschooled which saved me from being a dropout...


Well-Known Member
Just the thought of high school makes my stomach turn. Useless waste of 4 valuable years. Pretty much a repeat of middle school.

I love college, you actually mean something there and not treated like a damn inmate lol. I control my schooling in college, besides the actual teaching.

For the love of college, hit it.
your right, also the learning you do is so much more valuable than half the stuff they try to teach you in high school. its funny how a college class like a math class can teach in one semester what two years of high school math class fails to teach and actually teaches much more. you know even though i really only had 11 out of 20 credits required to graduate high school i still started college at the same level and same year as pretty much everyone i went to high school with