The feds and RIU.


Well-Known Member
Sure they watch, but it has to be worth it... A guy with a few plants here just isn't worth the paperwork... What usually get people popped here is that they start a fire then the firemen find their grows...Or the case 2 weeks ago...... funny shit...This guy has an home invasion at his place, so the putz calls the police...meanwhile upstairs at his place is a grow the cops smell it and pop goes the putz... Gee I wonder what those invaders were looking for ??? what a jackass to call the cops when they're growing...dumb as the dirt they're growing in......... but for a few plants....... please..


New Member
I think the feds are too busy spending our tax dollars on internet porn to be bothered with what's going on here. I just don't see them visiting a site with no naked titties.

soaked in sweat

Well-Known Member
would the contract that you agree to when you sign up for this site really make the the info gathered here be inadmissible in court?


Well-Known Member
Use an unsecured wireless access point and *don't* hide your IP. That's what I do. If they wanna bear down with an army of techs, they'll trace the IP to an older woman's home. I think she's a lawyer, maybe a teacher, kinda snotty.

And think of the risk for them. Unsecured wireless access points aren't exactly uncommon; they surely know about them too. So they know before going in that it's quite possible they have entirely the wrong person/building. And if they're wrong, and they hurt someone or cause a heart attack, they can kiss their department budget goodbye for a few years after the lawsuits hit. Pretty big risk for anything small-time.


Well-Known Member
I downlod my pics from a site, no harm in that. i am a loser and use this site to entertain myself. wait a minut i guess the feds will come kick my door down and snag my cpu....oh and even if you think your hiding your IP the feds can get it anyways. but they wont bother, to many larg worldly issues


Well-Known Member
For one, I think the federal government has better things to do with it's time then to read through every post on here, log everyone's names and trace their ip addresses. After sorting out those that arnt in the US, then using their addresses, open investigations on the local level. If they gather enough information to get a search warrent, putting it together and busting a person. Three months worth of investigation, paperwork, and red tape to stop a 43 year old man from growing 4 plants in his closet. Hardly seems worth it. Especially when several kilos of cocaine are being smuggled into the us as we speak. At least, I hope the government has better things to do with it's time.

On the other hand I don't think they would have even a second's worth of hesitation to bust you for those plants if the proper information presented itself. And it's fairly easy for that information to present itself. All it would take is one garbage man that notices something weird in your trash can, one phone call from a senior citizen neighbor that has nothing better to do with her time than to watch the neighbors and convict everyone of being a drug smuggler, or a random visit from the home owners association president that smells something funny. My concern is less with the federal people than it is with the local cops. Those of you that live in small towns know that their police have nothing to do most of the time than just drive around and give people a hard time. That's what I'm personally concerned about.

So I think the odds of getting caught from these posts are fairly small. However, I think the odds of me getting caught from my carbon scrubber breaking, and a neighbor smelling something funny before I notice much higher. But maybe I have it all wrong, who knows.


Active Member
1st i dont think they would bother with small personal grows, 2nd hideing ur i.p will not work, just as an example each p.c/laptop has what is called a mac address, this address is individual to each machine it is also made visable and tracable when ever you use the net. No matter when where or whos internet u are using. Just 1 of the many ways they can trace you IF the really wanted to. If you are to worried as mentioned before dont use the site or dont even grow.


Well-Known Member
If u have something that serious that u need to hide, u wouldnt be here on this site asking that question. makes no sense.


Well-Known Member
i`d bee more concerned of a grow rip off. thats when people get hurt and i`d do jail any day again for it instaed of that