The Face of the Future


Well-Known Member
National Geographic in its attempt to piss off white supremacists everywhere is designing its 125th anniversary issue with a collection of photos of real people whom it says will be the face of the average american by the year 2050.
Mixed races are trending up. White people aren't the majority anymore in this country.
But you already knew that. But does it matter? Hell no and why should it?
Anyway here's a couple pix of what NG's photographers think the face of the average american will look like in less than a generation. No more black and white. No more yellow and brown. Just a beautiful
mix of all of the above. Thouhts?
Average female

Average child

More Average Faces

Average middle aged gay guy.

Gary Goodson

Well-Known Member
Um ok....

Don't know who "Joe MacClennen" is so I googled it and found this...
I guess I'm him now, should I make this pic my avataro_O