The end of suffering

@Bugeye , the power of the quiet mind is what my post was about. Thank you for your reply.

@New Age United , we maybe on the same page. (I like your story.) The cow is me and I am the cow. I will drink the milk that will not sour as I need, until I am aware that the cow and I do not exist.
I am grateful for both Bugeye and you, NAU for sharing, and I will appreciate it if you continue to share.
I look forward to your sharing your wisdom of Presence!
Thank you.
@Bugeye , the power of the quiet mind is what my post was about. Thank you for your reply.

@New Age United , we maybe on the same page. (I like your story.) The cow is me and I am the cow. I will drink the milk that will not sour as I need, until I am aware that the cow and I do not exist.
I am grateful for both Bugeye and you, NAU for sharing, and I will appreciate it if you continue to share.
I look forward to your sharing your wisdom of Presence!
Thank you.
There will never be a moment where you do not exist, you are literally Immortal
You are the Awarness itself, the Light, you do not move, you do not perish as all things do
Thank you, I am Awareness the Light.
I must apologize as I have repented for using the words "sour milk", a cup of swamp water would have been a much choice.
A lucid dream brought this Awareness. In this dream I could not drink using a glass the water was as ice, as I looked for for a source to quinch my growing thirst beingings watched. I jumped into a river, but could only drink when I put my head below the water and pushed the water in with my hand. Then I was told to wake up and drink. I drank more than five cups of water. I was awesome, beautiful and tasted great!
All I can say is you were probably taking in the life that permeates the body, feeling the energy that is entering the body (the water)

Life is abundant, we are not a part of this world but not apart from this world, simply a witness, yet we are intrinsically one with form and no form all at once, we are one with everything but don't identify with form, just be aware, aware of now, be right here right now.

Don't think about what I'm saying, rather try to feel the truth of my words, they are only pointers to a much deeper truth.
I read about the 5 precepts. Led me to the 10 Grand Precepts. Which led me to the 3 Pure Precepts which led me to the 3 Refuges: the 16 Bodhisattva Precepts.
As I thought about what I read I went to sleep and I was mouth breathing as I dreamed. Which caused the body to thirst, but even with my head under water I could not drink until I pushed the water into my mouth. I was told to wake up and drink. I sure did that.
Perhaps the Energy and my awareness showed me that reading is not enough, I must also take action.
Thank you!
I don't live in fear at all. People that know me personally would characterize me as a spiritual person
I don't live in fear at all. People that know me personally would characterize me as a spiritual person
I think there are quite a few participants in this thread, myself included, that would describe themselves as spiritual but not religious. I've had some ill will toward religion in the past but have released it. It does not serve any purpose on my spiritual journey. Have a great day and please share some of your spiritual journey with us. Love to you.
Ok, what is Enlightenment? How can I achieve this for myself? Why would I want to?

Presence: The past and future do not exist, they are literally figments of your imagination, everything that happens, has happened or ever will happen takes place now, in the Present, Eternity, there is not time, it literally does not exist, time is a measurement of the motion of Enegry through Space(space-time). Time exists only in the mind, and the mind is absolutely obsessed with time, if you take a close look at the activity of your own mind you will find that it is always thinking about the past and future, it ignores the present, it looks to the past for its sence of self and to the future for its fulfillment, the Ego. The human being is possessed by the mind, due to this constant thinking about past and future the person is never able to just Be, be Present and enjoy the Present for what it is, the mind is constantly looking back and anticipating. With an inability to let go of the past and the inability to control the future, depression and anxiety form, an endless cycle of fear and sadness takes over the mind and the human experience becomes dark and difficult.

Presence is the end of all suffering, sadness, fear, anxiety, boredom, anger, all forms of suffering come to an end. Enlightenment is not a goal to achieve in the future, it is either now or never, by becoming Present you achieve the state of Enlightenment, at first it will be difficult to maintain Presence, it's kinda like walking on water, but with practice it will become a concrete road, and will be like walking on solid ground, you will know the path, even tho you've never traveled this road before, the wat will be clear, no more regretting the past or fearing an uncertain future, you live here and now, and that is where your true power will be realized, the power to control your life.

So let's become Present, how? Three portals into the now.
The breath: follow the breath in and out of the body, feel the life from within, the breath of life, breathe deep through the nose and feel your anxiety burning up, with each breath more and more of the anxious energy inside you gets evaporated and a sense of calm and peace overtakes you. As often as you can remember become aware of your breath and this will be more powerfully transformative than anything anyone could ever tell you.

The silence: Whether you are in the middle of a bustling city or out in the middle of the woods, can you sense the stillness that pervades it all, can you sense the silence out of which all noise comes from and goes back to. By becoming aware 9f silence we bring an inner stillness, the thoughts of our minds make noise as well, just observe, watch everything come, make its noise, then leave. Everything is becoming insignificant.

Space: Can you become directly aware of all the empty space around you? Become aware of all the emptiness around you. That Space is Eternity, it has always been, always is, and always will be, it exists, it just does, it is the constant that contains the temporary, all things are temporary, they are fleeting, but Space does not change, you are one with that Space, you are Space, the emptiness, nothingness, you are not touched by time, Eternal, Immortal, the Light. When you are aware of space you are aware of everything.

What do these all have in common? They are formless, the absence of form, the breath, silence, and space, they are not things, they have no form, they literal do not exist. There is lost in humanity a sacred balance, the balance between form and no form, form and formless, things and no-thing, between the world and you. If you can regain this balance, I promise you endless treasures in Heaven.
Ok, what is Enlightenment? How can I achieve this for myself? Why would I want to?

Presence: The past and future do not exist, they are literally figments of your imagination, everything that happens, has happened or ever will happen takes place now, in the Present, Eternity, there is not time, it literally does not exist, time is a measurement of the motion of Enegry through Space(space-time). Time exists only in the mind, and the mind is absolutely obsessed with time, if you take a close look at the activity of your own mind you will find that it is always thinking about the past and future, it ignores the present, it looks to the past for its sence of self and to the future for its fulfillment, the Ego. The human being is possessed by the mind, due to this constant thinking about past and future the person is never able to just Be, be Present and enjoy the Present for what it is, the mind is constantly looking back and anticipating. With an inability to let go of the past and the inability to control the future, depression and anxiety form, an endless cycle of fear and sadness takes over the mind and the human experience becomes dark and difficult.

Presence is the end of all suffering, sadness, fear, anxiety, boredom, anger, all forms of suffering come to an end. Enlightenment is not a goal to achieve in the future, it is either now or never, by becoming Present you achieve the state of Enlightenment, at first it will be difficult to maintain Presence, it's kinda like walking on water, but with practice it will become a concrete road, and will be like walking on solid ground, you will know the path, even tho you've never traveled this road before, the wat will be clear, no more regretting the past or fearing an uncertain future, you live here and now, and that is where your true power will be realized, the power to control your life.

So let's become Present, how? Three portals into the now.
The breath: follow the breath in and out of the body, feel the life from within, the breath of life, breathe deep through the nose and feel your anxiety burning up, with each breath more and more of the anxious energy inside you gets evaporated and a sense of calm and peace overtakes you. As often as you can remember become aware of your breath and this will be more powerfully transformative than anything anyone could ever tell you.

The silence: Whether you are in the middle of a bustling city or out in the middle of the woods, can you sense the stillness that pervades it all, can you sense the silence out of which all noise comes from and goes back to. By becoming aware 9f silence we bring an inner stillness, the thoughts of our minds make noise as well, just observe, watch everything come, make its noise, then leave. Everything is becoming insignificant.

Space: Can you become directly aware of all the empty space around you? Become aware of all the emptiness around you. That Space is Eternity, it has always been, always is, and always will be, it exists, it just does, it is the constant that contains the temporary, all things are temporary, they are fleeting, but Space does not change, you are one with that Space, you are Space, the emptiness, nothingness, you are not touched by time, Eternal, Immortal, the Light. When you are aware of space you are aware of everything.

What do these all have in common? They are formless, the absence of form, the breath, silence, and space, they are not things, they have no form, they literal do not exist. There is lost in humanity a sacred balance, the balance between form and no form, form and formless, things and no-thing, between the world and you. If you can regain this balance, I promise you endless treasures in Heaven.
That is good stuff! Thank you! May we all light up our souls together in the precious now.
I could never give credence to a culture, that let's dead humans fester and rot on the street Cows getting more respect..

Not saying people are better than cows but. Complete bunk to be so selfish and self centered treated other humans as subhuman.

Quacks like a duck...
Walks like a duck..
Must be a duck.
(Same sales pitch as all religions)

But to each their own. I remember, rocks,meditation and insense, or shrooms or LSD in those just under 20 years of age. ( not the place for fragile eggshell minds..hehe)

Anyway the idea of taking way pain and suffering is a panacea. Look around you. Open your eyes it's in ..nature everywhere. No big deal. Been in constant agony with stage 4 reoccurring cancer for years now.

Personally, each individual can do what works for themselves,
I could never give credence to a culture, that let's dead humans fester and rot on the street Cows getting more respect..

Not saying people are better than cows but. Complete bunk to be so selfish and self centered treated other humans as subhuman.

Quacks like a duck...
Walks like a duck..
Must be a duck.
(Same sales pitch as all religions)

But to each their own. I remember, rocks,meditation and insense, or shrooms or LSD in those just under 20 years of age. ( not the place for fragile eggshell minds..hehe)

Anyway the idea of taking way pain and suffering is a panacea. Look around you. Open your eyes it's in ..nature everywhere. No big deal. Been in constant agony with stage 4 reoccurring cancer for years now.

Personally, each individual can do what works for themselves,
There is truth and there is illusion