The end of carbon filters...?

High everybody,Let me start out by saying I'm new to this site, but I very much like and respect what our community has done here. I'm a big supporter of national legalization and being in Michigan, I have a (state) legal medical marijuana card due to chronic knee pain. But, I have a problem. My problem is not that i haven't read almost every post on almost every page of almost every website about who, what, where, when, why and how to produce, cultivate, and create this, amazing living organism. My problem is that I do not, and have never, grown. So, needless to say, I'm personally inexperienced with the whole process and evolution of this/our/everyone's beautiful god given creation, with the exception of occasionally being around a few grow closets/rooms/houses, with my first observation always being, of course, the smell. I own an HVAC company here in MI and I specialize in Indoor Air Quality. So I've learned almost everything there is to know about IAQ over the past 16 years and have access to MANY indoor air quality products/contacts, with some only being available to very limited clients. As I search around the Internet (this site included) I don't seem to find anything on what people are (effectively) doing for the odors and contamination in their grow environments (odors, mold, bacteria, spores, VOCs). With the exceptions being, VERY dangerous ozone generators, stuff you rub on the floor?, and, of course, the expensively maintained and very large carbon filter setup. Which, non of, can I imagine, work all that well. Again, with my personal in-experience, I'm not 100% sure that they dont, but I do know of some houses that you can smell it from the driveway. So, with this being my specialty, I'd love to ask some of you wonderful, marijuana professional, growing experts for your opinions, comments, concerns about your main issues with IAQ, odors and complications you encounter with the growing process. Then, hopefully, I'll have access to a much more efficient solution to one of your/mine/our/horticulturists/marijuana consumers (apparently everywhere?) problems. I'm about 90% sure I have at least one product that will work better, be more efficient, probably cheaper, and much smaller then the carbon filter setup and the others. From what I've seen (after weeks of searching for a better solution for the collective, us) I believe I can produce something that could benefit everyone. With this being a "sensitive" subject (laugh) for larger IAQ corporations, I do not believe our demographic has been properly educated with all of the adequate options in IAQ in this age of technology. As most horticulturalist (and their neighbors) know, every person in their general area is effected (including my daughter, who is unknowingly (for now) exposed to it everyday from her step-fathers basement) are probably suffering undue stress from lack of knowledge and proper education of indoor air quality. So please, whether you warehouse/home/closet/cab/drawer/mico/etc. growing feel free to complain about your problems, I'm just trying to make it a more pleasant, and accepted, experience for EVERYONE!
can you make my buddy stop growing weed that taste like his basement no matter how great the strain itself is??? great post ...rep .... I already know the answer to the q i asked. He was using no filters or proper airflow system (not to mention growing in a moldy basement) .... it only makes me wonder how many on this site are using the same practices and coming out with basement flavored medicine.needless to say ..... i never smoked anything from his garden.
Carbon filtration is very effective (and cheap) by the way. Not sure what you are referring to as something you rub on the floor... perhaps onagel. Most people do not use ozone generators for safety reasons obviously.
i never ever ever had any smell issues with my caron filter setup. i belive people who do get problems dont swap their carbon filters regualarly (every 1-2 years) or just leave areas 100% open when watering etc. ive seen A LOT of grows and i have never seen anyone that used a carbon filter have smell all the way out to his driveway... that dont sound right to me. something that does bother me with carbon filters is the weight. i have a 200mm filter and well... its not the easiest thing to hang to the roof of my tent :D. i am always interessted in better /new equipment, but i dont really know how it will get much better than this since i have 0 problems with smell.

Now, what machine do you recommend/think is better for this area?
High everybody,Let me start out by saying I'm new to this site, but I very much like and respect what our community has done here. I'm a big supporter of national legalization and being in Michigan, I have a (state) legal medical marijuana card due to chronic knee pain. But, I have a problem. My problem is not that i haven't read almost every post on almost every page of almost every website about who, what, where, when, why and how to produce, cultivate, and create this, amazing living organism. My problem is that I do not, and have never, grown. So, needless to say, I'm personally inexperienced with the whole process and evolution of this/our/everyone's beautiful god given creation, with the exception of occasionally being around a few grow closets/rooms/houses, with my first observation always being, of course, the smell. I own an HVAC company here in MI and I specialize in Indoor Air Quality. So I've learned almost everything there is to know about IAQ over the past 16 years and have access to MANY indoor air quality products/contacts, with some only being available to very limited clients. As I search around the Internet (this site included) I don't seem to find anything on what people are (effectively) doing for the odors and contamination in their grow environments (odors, mold, bacteria, spores, VOCs). With the exceptions being, VERY dangerous ozone generators, stuff you rub on the floor?, and, of course, the expensively maintained and very large carbon filter setup. Which, non of, can I imagine, work all that well. Again, with my personal in-experience, I'm not 100% sure that they dont, but I do know of some houses that you can smell it from the driveway. So, with this being my specialty, I'd love to ask some of you wonderful, marijuana professional, growing experts for your opinions, comments, concerns about your main issues with IAQ, odors and complications you encounter with the growing process. Then, hopefully, I'll have access to a much more efficient solution to one of your/mine/our/horticulturists/marijuana consumers (apparently everywhere?) problems. I'm about 90% sure I have at least one product that will work better, be more efficient, probably cheaper, and much smaller then the carbon filter setup and the others. From what I've seen (after weeks of searching for a better solution for the collective, us) I believe I can produce something that could benefit everyone. With this being a "sensitive" subject (laugh) for larger IAQ corporations, I do not believe our demographic has been properly educated with all of the adequate options in IAQ in this age of technology. As most horticulturalist (and their neighbors) know, every person in their general area is effected (including my daughter, who is unknowingly (for now) exposed to it everyday from her step-fathers basement) are probably suffering undue stress from lack of knowledge and proper education of indoor air quality. So please, whether you warehouse/home/closet/cab/drawer/mico/etc. growing feel free to complain about your problems, I'm just trying to make it a more pleasant, and accepted, experience for EVERYONE!
Suffering undue stress from lack of knowledge and proper education; Are you sure you have been in HVAC for 16 years, I am intimately familiar with HVAC and NEVER have seen people suffering due to air quality from a properly set up grow, you have never grown and it sounds like you have only seen a few closet grows where no thought has been put into air quality? Carbon filters work surprisingly well, so tell us what your product is called that will make the carbon filters dinosaurs? regards,
OP, some of us older stoners don't see so well. try breaking up your rant into paragraphs.
Ok ok wait a minute. I didn't say I knew of an exact product that will cure all woes, I have a ton of products that are available to me. That is why I'm asking you, the experts, what the major problems are so hopefully I can hone in on one that works the best for most. So...Ataxia - I def can cure that problem. I have something that will make it impossible to grow mold/mildew anywhere the air can touch.D3monic - yes I was referring to onagelru4r34l - lol yes I'm positive I've been doing HVAC for 16 years and own my own company. Your right, i have never grown and have very limited experience around a large operation. As i stated in the initial post, i have been around a FEW grow houses/closets/rooms. I'm referring to the undue stress of the people that are around (not by choice) and involved in a grow operation. I'm sure you could find many people who's neighbors/apartments/mailmen/visitors/wives/gfs/children that can/might/are affected by it (undue stress). And I can almost guarantee the grower in this scenario is suffering (undue stress) worrying about the aforementioned people and if they might/can/could/will smell it. Assuming those people are not a user, I bet they do not want it in their vicinity (undue stress).That is correct that I have not grown and that I am inexperienced and that I do not know for sure if there even is a problem. I just haven't seen anything that anyone is using that would produce better results then the things I mentioned. I do KNOW the carbon filters are very cumbersome and from what I've read you have to replace it every 12-18 months.Like I said, I would like to hear what the complaints are so I can narrow down which one will work best for the majority of applications. I am the first to say I do not have experience around this type of operation, that is why I'm asking for your help to help me help you!
So what then? An ionizer? I've ran my scrubber for two years straight never shuts off and never had a problem. Not that I'm not for something that will work better but simplicity I have found to be key. Scrubber and fan runs bout 300 or so an ionizer scrubber runs 500 plus both work well and are easy to acquire. Share your knowledge as it looks like everyone is curious but reinventing the wheel is a long process may want to stick with what works.
I live on a diet of cabbage and beans and fart in my room every day. Totally gets rid of the smell. And the wife left me. 2 birds with one stone.
Carbon filters when used correctly are nearly 100% effective. They are not expensive.I have yet to find a better, safer, cheaper method than carbon filters.If you have a better option, post it. You do not seem to know what you are talking about at all and are causing some people some undue stress as a result.
I'm not really sure why what I'm saying/asking is confusing for some, but, let me reiterate. No this is DEF NOT spam and I'm not re-inventing anything! I love marijuana, I smoke it every night, I have a state legal medical marijuana card, most of my friends are hardcore smokers, MJ in involved in a very large part of my life. Now, my daughter (who currently lives, part time, with her mom and step dad) is contained in a house where marijuana is currently being grown in that basement. The entire house, including the porch and sometimes driveway, has a VERY strong odor. She is too young to know what it is at the moment (9) but I will not be long before she does (9 1/2 - 10 lol, hopefully much longer but I doubt it this day and age). I personally want to fix it for her sake. I have a few other friends, one that closet grows and two that own 4-5 houses that are used for cultivating alone. AGAIN, I am not experienced with the entire process, but I do have access to many products that, I believe, will make a major improvement, in said living conditions. But with my LIMITED experience I do not know which would be best for the job. I was REALLY hoping this wonderful and extremely knowledgable group of individuals would be willing to help me figure out which one will be the most effective. And if I'm encountering this problem (mostly with smell, as all her clothes and other belongings, including school backpack/clothes/supplies, smell of marijuana) then I'm sure others are too! Actually I know they are, by reading all of the threads and posts that are available across the web. Now, I may be mistaken, I was under the impression we were all on the same team in this forum. There seem to be a lot of very gracious and very experienced horticulturalist in here that offer a lot of help to a lot of other people. I assumed I would be no different. Besides, if I can find something that REALLY works, I'm sure many of you could benefit from it as well. I am new to this forum, so if I'm mistaken by what is happening here, PLEASE let me know. I am in no way, shape or form trying to deliberately mislead, misguide, spam, rip off, phish, steal or do ANYTHING unethical, to ANYONE! I really did not expect to be suspiciously questioned about my intentions, but that is completely fine if it helps to understand I'm not doing this for only selfish/spam/profitable/scamming/etc. reasons. I am going to thoroughly test whatever it is, hopefully you, help me decide on and will be keeping anyone interested up to date on the progress (pics, results, setup, capabilities, effectiveness, specifications) and if everything works out, will be able to offer it to anyone else who thinks they may be able to benefit. So I apologize if I came across as having ulterior motives, I just want my daughter (and anyone else in any similar situation) to not be unwillingly subjected to the side effects of cultivating such an amazing living organism. So if ANYONE is willing to share with me ANY concerns/problems/issues they are encountering (mostly with IAQ), your input will be EXTREMELY appreciated!!! Even If you believe that I am the only one with this issue, please help me find an adequate solution so my beautiful daughter does not have to keep attending elementary school wreaking of, always very good I might add, marijuana. Any other questions, including about my intentions, I will be happy to answer from anyone. :-)
I grow on a farm the very few complaint about smell I received up to now were from city peoples that recently moved nearby & they were about shit odors never had any complaint about weed smell it's well covered....