Weed makes my dreams extremely vivid, but uncontrollable

I love to lucid dream, I mean obviously I can't do it anyways every night, but on weed it literally is impossible, they are so weird and just ridiculous.
One time, I tried to use the WILD technique to lucid dream while I was SUPER BAKED. One of the most high times I have been. I woke up in the middle of the night, tried WILD, and then I really didn't know if I was dreaming or not even WILD. I knew, but I didn't.. Like I opened my eyes (I was dreaming but didn't know it, I thought I was still awake, but I was aware if you know what I mean..) and then I looked at my arms, because it was like I was in the middle of a tornado. There was dark colored dust and tornado whipping all around me super fast.. I could only see my arms and they kept turning into bedsheets, and there was all of these annoying extremely loud noises, and I couldn't even take it, I forced myself awake.. It was the most intense thing that has ever happened to me, but it was like riding a bull dude.. It was insane! I couldn't control that at all..