The economy is booming!


Well-Known Member
i'm not trying to justify it.
alot of things our country does sucks balls. but it's still the best in the world with all it's flaws.
Many countries score higher in the happiness index. Many countries have better healthcare, education, employment and recreational opportunities.

We can fix this, but right now America is only the greatest country on Earth if you're one of the top 10%. Even the UN rapporteur on poverty agrees America is not taking care of its citizens very well.

Let me guess; you're going to tell me to leave now, right? Why not work together to make America a better place for everyone and not just the overly privileged few.


Well-Known Member
Many countries score higher in the happiness index. Many countries have better healthcare, education, employment and recreational opportunities.

We can fix this, but right now America is only the greatest country on Earth if you're one of the top 10%. Even the UN rapporteur on poverty agrees America is not taking care of its citizens very well.

Let me guess; you're going to tell me to leave now, right? Why not work together to make America a better place for everyone and not just the overly privileged few.
like i told zeddd, i'm very well traveled. no matter where i've been, the US was still where i wanted to call home.

and no, i'm not going to tell you to leave. stick around, it will get better. one more generation of the old guard to get rid of and we'll start moving in the right direction


Well-Known Member
it's seems fishy to me.
what do you think is going on?
if russia and china support maduro, i'll choose the other guy. even if that means i'm a fool for listening to MSM.
I'll support the choice of the Venezuelan people, some 40% of whom are proud Chavistas and many more still support the current president.

If this guy wants to be president, maybe his party shouldn't boycott elections.


Well-Known Member
it's seems fishy to me.
what do you think is going on?
if russia and china support maduro, i'll choose the other guy. even if that means i'm a fool for listening to MSM.
What else do you suggest he use for payment? We aren't paying him the dollars we owe him, the currency has been rendered worthless due to sanctions so is he supposed to pay with a kiss and a promise?


Well-Known Member
like i told zeddd, i'm very well traveled. no matter where i've been, the US was still where i wanted to call home.

and no, i'm not going to tell you to leave. stick around, it will get better. one more generation of the old guard to get rid of and we'll start moving in the right direction
Fair enough.

Thanks, I'm working to help the change along.

The reason I have such a long running disagreement with the establishmentarians here boils down to the fact that doing the same old thing- voting for 'the least bad' is exactly how we got in the mess we're currently in.

I'm advocating for a more radical change. Millions of American voters agree with me, in spite of the veil of silence from the MSM.
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Well-Known Member
and many more still support the current president.
many supported stalin and pol pot and hitler too.

i'm not sure what's going on but i trust the US and the UK and the other Nato countries that seem to think this is a power grab by maduro.


Well-Known Member
I'm advocating for a more radical change
radical change won't work.

baby steps. baby steps. read Dr Leo Marvin's book. lol.

you still have 40% of the US that thinks socialism is the anti christ yet they send their kids to public school and support their fire and police dept


Well-Known Member
many supported stalin and pol pot and hitler too.

i'm not sure what's going on but i trust the US and the UK and the other Nato countries that seem to think this is a power grab by maduro.
He was elected.

America has a lot of trouble with free and fair elections too, so I'm not sure we have any right to call ourselves an authority on the topic.


Well-Known Member
radical change won't work.

baby steps. baby steps. read Dr Leo Marvin's book. lol.

you still have 40% of the US that thinks socialism is the anti christ yet they send their kids to public school and support their fire and police dept
I disagree; working for 'baby steps' while the right wing has made giant strides has gotten America into the jam we're in today.

It is definitely time for radical change, the alternative has already been tried and the results are obvious.
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Well-Known Member
I disagree; wrong for 'baby steps' while the right wing has made giant strides has gotten America into the jam we're in today.

It is definitely time for radical change, the alternative has already been tried and the results are obvious.
So do it.

I'll wait here while you do something more than post garbage on a site where you aren't respected. You have had nine likes in your last 100 posts in politics.


Well-Known Member
It's a country, fool. So is Australia.

Once you start complaining about apples to apples comparisons, you can be sure you've lost the argument.

What is the justification for not paying workers a living wage? You still haven't come up with one.
My goodness, we have comparisons right here in the US to show. Why throw in Denmark? It is pointless for this argument.


Well-Known Member
Aren't you in Great Britain?

You guys aren't exactly a smooth running operation over there the last few years either, just sayin'.
It’s a fucking shit storm of stupidity over here, I have lived in this racist Cracker Barrel of a country all my life, I have to put up with Jeremy Clarkson and Nigel Farage daily, just so you know I’m not not in a pissing contest called my country’s the greatest.