the dudes cup of coffee


New Member
no not nute lock, root bound; i cut big ass holes in the container it was in and added another one half filled up so the roots had more room and this was clearly the problem cuz the bottom of the container was lined with roots. they have a massive root system and i think i'm gonna add a little more space before i flower so i don't have to do this after the stretch.( cuz i had to take the container out and set on chairs to cut the holes in it.thats what i get for putting four plants in a 7 gal container. oh well live and learn i guess.


New Member
no not nute lock, root lock i cut big ass holes in the container it was in and added another one half filled up so the roots had more room and this was clearly the problem cuz the bottom of the container was lined with roots. they have a massive root system and i think i'm gonna add a little more space before i flower so i don't have to do this after the stretch.( cuz i had to take the container out and set on chairs to cut the holes in it.thats what i get for putting four plants in a 7 gal container. oh well live and learn i guess.

ohhh yea the roots were starvin at the bottom of it. I did that one time because I transplanted but didn't want to uproot the plant so I put smaller pot in a bigger one and it definitely stunted the root system.


New Member
my bad i meant root bound u probably got mixed up when i said lock. i've been gettin too high lately.
yeah I suppose "root bound" but really that doesn't exist in the sense that having a small root structure won't limit the plant, but it becomes really tricky to water properly if it is a 3 ft plant in a keg cup.


New Member
i don't kno i gotta disagree that the root system doesn't limit growth especially since those pics were the one droopy then after adding more dirt the next morning they are back to looking healthy as usual. so i don't know plus i've read elsewhere that u need at least one gallon of soil per foot of plant height, so obviously i'm not the only one to have cum to this conclusion that u should give adequate space for the roots to develop fully.


New Member
also show me a three foot plant in a keg cup that will have a nice thick meristem and will actually produce buds and i'll name u god of a new unfound universe because in the universe that i and the rest of mankind are apart of, the root system and the factors that u place upon it greatly affect plant structure and yield.


New Member
also show me a three foot plant in a keg cup that will have a nice thick meristem and will actually produce buds and i'll name u god of a new unfound universe because in the universe that i and the rest of mankind are apart of, the root system and the factors that u place upon it greatly affect plant structure and yield.
I have seen some beasts in keg cups - they had very thick trunks. They would have produced much better but the dude could only water them like 4 times a day by hand.... wat a fool hahaha.

Having a large root system is no doubt very beneficial. But plants don't stress because their roots aren't able to get big enough, its because they can't breathe or because they don't get watered often enough (or too often).


New Member
well without pics i'd say we should agree to disagree how things on ur end?
Righto man, well I don't wanna spend time re surfacing old pics from old threads but if you look into it a little more you will find arguments presenting my side as well. I would say both sides of the argument make perfect sense, and really depending on how you look at it neither is wrong. Stuff heres goin allright I'm doing some H2O2 soak and getting ready to do a little root rot cut away surgery and transplant into new reservoirs over the next hour for both my girls.

getting more excited for the lower-maintenance soil grow that is coming up... I pretty much knew this would happen but was too lazy to prevent it. Go figure.


New Member

growth rates to this point seem almost comparable in the sizes of the largest fan leaves. The hydro looks lusher and broader could be strain related but hydro is definitely meant to give bigger yields. you'll have some nice big colas all over are you going to lollipop soon?


New Member
oh yea - you better flower very soon or top them all wait a wk then flower; they are gonna get tall. I made that mistake and they weren't much bigger I think you have 2 extra vertical feet in your tent but your hood isn't air cooled so you will have to compensate for the heat aspect. x.x


New Member
yeah i'm gonna make the flip today; but is there a certain time to start it like should i cut it off early in it's light cycle today,or start tomorrow after a 12 hour dark period tonight.


New Member
my tent is seven feet so at that rate everything could triple and i'll be alright. it's winter so the outside air combined with the homemade exaust fan on the roof i think should be fine i'm able to keep it at a steady 74. if not i'll just have to invest more money it's all good.

Lt Shiny Sides

Well-Known Member
You can change the light cycle any way want. What I did is gave them 24 hours of total dark and then started 12/12. I read that many growers believe this speeds up flowering but I couldn't tell you if it's true or not.


New Member
indeed... i think its such a short amount of time it doesn't make much of a difference, just don't leave them off for too long or you'll get stretching. the theory goes during the night time the plant will produce the chemical it needs in order to begin flowering. that is how short day plants work, long nights signal them to begin producing.