The Drug Testing FAQ (v. 4.11)


Well-Known Member
I found this great website that has a TON of information on it about drug screening information and drug testing, if you worry about drug tests at anytime there is some awesome information on this website.

This particular website is for cocaine but there are lots of things on this website that are general to any kind of drug test.

Give a bump if you Read this and it helps you in some way!! Keep this thread open so people that worry about this sort of shit will have this as a RESOURCE! Cheers :joint:

Also the Federal cutoff limit for marijuana is 50 NANOGRAMS Per milliliter. Which most companies that do drug testing have to test up to the federal cut off limit


Well-Known Member
22 views, and not 1 person has anything to say? I have done alot of research on drug testing as i get randoms where i work or if i get hurt i have to know how to Pass. This information will save your career!! Please post somthing if you find this thread informative. Cheers.