The dream set up for a 1000watt light


Well-Known Member
not a problem.... can you get your hands on blackberries??
or the next batch I am thinking should be peach.... way harder to make..
not a good choice for a first attempt..
then its the apple wine. mmmmmmmmmmmm make a lot of apple wine.
brown sugar apple. rudishiner {excelent flavor}.. how ever ya spell it... sweet apple. con apple. an ya know what I found a recipe for cannabis wine... have been really studying it... well i beg to differ from there recipe so I may have to modify it.... but ya know that could be fun if anyone was ever stuck with a bunch of hermies or males. or just the excess thats cut off. there really is no need to waste anything when one gets creative. ooooooooooooooooo an I make a mean truffel candy for christmas. with grand marnier liq.......... ooooooo its good stuff. well .....
hummmmmmmmmmmm can you guess what I am thinking????


Well-Known Member
lol not exactly....?
silly make a thick batch of double rich cannabis cream longggggggggggggg and lowwwwwwwww in the crock pot an make truffel candy....
grand marnie Drk rich german choc. double rich cream an some of da babys.... mrsmcgreggor is wicked in da kitchen.

BUT what kind of wine do you want to make???
truly I have all kinds of recipies. tried an true..
if you recall way last winter... kind of mentioned it... well now ya can see I don't fib.
sounded silly even to me when I was writting 2 or 4 -5's a pop... but well thats life on the prarie.
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Well-Known Member
oh that could be dangerous!

talk about a vicious circle... i got lit last night and hit the box of truffles hard... with those around i would wind up in a heap on the kitchen floor :o


Well-Known Member
silly make a thick batch of double rich cannabis cream longggggggggggggg and lowwwwwwwww in the crock pot an make truffel candy....
grand marnie Drk rich german choc. double rich cream an some of da babys.... mrsmcgreggor is wicked in da kitchen.

BUT what kind of wine do you want to make???
truly I have all kinds of recipies. tried an true..
if you recall way last winter... kind of mentioned it... well now ya can see I don't fib.
sounded silly even to me when I was writting 2 or 4 -5's a pop... but well thats life on the prarie.
would i be greedy if i said everything?


Well-Known Member
perhaps it is time for me to tell the story of Mr. & MrsMcGreggor an da brownies here. have told it in another place on riu... but its a funny story, and TRUE....

long long time ago. Mrsmcgreggor went to her kitchen and prepared a pan of fresh home made brownies.. She ground her own flour, whipped the eggs to a lemon yellow.
added fancy chocolates from germany Then with a knife she carved a woven design of peanutbutter to meld into the chocolate goodness,
All the time telling Mr mcgreggor he had best stay out of the brownies,,,
MrMcgreggor would nod yes dear in compliance. As MrMcGreggor often will.....
OOOOO the aroma of warm slow baking brownies filled the air. AND again MrsMcGreggor said MrMcGreggor if you know whats good for you ... YOU best say out of the brownies, MrMcGreggor hiding behind his newspaper grunted ya ya ya again.
when the brownies were done MrsMcGreggor ever so carefully Cut one brownie from the pan. the chocolate ritchness melted in her mouth. she smiled at mrmcgreggor still hiding behind his paper. and said "Honey I love Ya..... I gotta to go Lay down...... STAY OUT OF THE BROWNIES IF YA KNOW WHATS GOOD FOR YOU!" MrMcGreggor again grunted in compliance and MrsMcGreggor stumbled off to her bed. and passed out cold.
Some time latter MrsMcGreggor woke in somewhat a cloud of stupor an went out to see if All was well with the world.
What she Found when she opened Her bedroom door was more funny that anything one could imagine. FOR there was MrMcGreggor
CRAWLING across the floor in his Underwear, A Brownie Cliched Tight in his little hand.
with the most Pathetic look on his face.
MrsMcGreggor sized up the situation real FAST when she saw even the crumbs in the pan were missing.. MrMcGreggor groaned....."Oh Honey I THINK I HAVE VIRTIGO!"
Laughing for thats all she Could really do. MrsMcGreggor helped his sorry underwear clad bottom from the floor and tucked him off to bed.
and told Em...." Honey You aint got Vertigo... you got a good case of eating ALL MY brownies..."


Well-Known Member
would i be greedy if i said everything?
You are My mentor.
you MrBlunts have been there on Happy days
an on the saddest of days.
there is NO way I could ever repay you for all that and more.
My garden would not be possible with out you for YOU were the Only one I could ever find that took the time to teach me the proper way.
from that much has been learned many friends made.
much courage gained.
nooooooooooooooooo if I could give you all I had it still
would not compair to all you have so grashiously offered me.


New Member
yeppers. Ive got that thread started in the other place mrsmcgreggor:)
Lb you should know where to find it if ya wanna get on it as well. I think you can figure that out anyways you know the other places I post @.
Actually you two are the main reason I even came back over here. As you see I aint posting much.

I think making wine is going to be fun. Already Ive almost gotten bit by a rattlesnake and scared the poo out of a deer.:)


Well-Known Member
yeppers. Ive got that thread started in the other place mrsmcgreggor:)
Lb you should know where to find it if ya wanna get on it as well. I think you can figure that out anyways you know the other places I post @.
Actually you two are the main reason I even came back over here. As you see I aint posting much.

I think making wine is going to be fun. Already Ive almost gotten bit by a rattlesnake and scared the poo out of a deer.:)
that aint da way I pick blackberres..
you gotta work on your technique


New Member
perhaps it is time for me to tell the story of Mr. & MrsMcGreggor an da brownies here. have told it in another place on riu... but its a funny story, and TRUE....

long long time ago. Mrsmcgreggor went to her kitchen and prepared a pan of fresh home made brownies.. She ground her own flour, whipped the eggs to a lemon yellow.
added fancy chocolates from germany Then with a knife she carved a woven design of peanutbutter to meld into the chocolate goodness,
All the time telling Mr mcgreggor he had best stay out of the brownies,,,
MrMcgreggor would nod yes dear in compliance. As MrMcGreggor often will.....
OOOOO the aroma of warm slow baking brownies filled the air. AND again MrsMcGreggor said MrMcGreggor if you know whats good for you ... YOU best say out of the brownies, MrMcGreggor hiding behind his newspaper grunted ya ya ya again.
when the brownies were done MrsMcGreggor ever so carefully Cut one brownie from the pan. the chocolate ritchness melted in her mouth. she smiled at mrmcgreggor still hiding behind his paper. and said "Honey I love Ya..... I gotta to go Lay down...... STAY OUT OF THE BROWNIES IF YA KNOW WHATS GOOD FOR YOU!" MrMcGreggor again grunted in compliance and MrsMcGreggor stumbled off to her bed. and passed out cold.
Some time latter MrsMcGreggor woke in somewhat a cloud of stupor an went out to see if All was well with the world.
What she Found when she opened Her bedroom door was more funny that anything one could imagine. FOR there was MrMcGreggor
CRAWLING across the floor in his Underwear, A Brownie Cliched Tight in his little hand.
with the most Pathetic look on his face.
MrsMcGreggor sized up the situation real FAST when she saw even the crumbs in the pan were missing.. MrMcGreggor groaned....."Oh Honey I THINK I HAVE VIRTIGO!"
Laughing for thats all she Could really do. MrsMcGreggor helped his sorry underwear clad bottom from the floor and tucked him off to bed.
and told Em...." Honey You aint got Vertigo... you got a good case of eating ALL MY brownies..."
Oh my goodness now that is an amusing story.:)
Did he not know what magical goodies lay within the brownies or did he just not expect them to be THAT magical?
I bet to this day he still tells company to stay out of the brownies if you know whats good for you. lol

actually that is my own problem with brownies, I make them strong anyways (as most people do) and the brownie taste so good that I have to eat more than one, but one is really all thats needed... I also use cupcake pans for mine, it makes them prettier as well as a better judgment of servings.


Well-Known Member
Star, I FUCKING KNEW THAT WAS YOU....just didnt say shit.

im trying to increase my posting at the other place.... im still trying to move in. yanno


Well-Known Member
Oh my goodness now that is an amusing story.:)
Did he not know what magical goodies lay within the brownies or did he just not expect them to be THAT magical?
I bet to this day he still tells company to stay out of the brownies if you know whats good for you. lol

actually that is my own problem with brownies, I make them strong anyways (as most people do) and the brownie taste so good that I have to eat more than one, but one is really all thats needed... I also use cupcake pans for mine, it makes them prettier as well as a better judgment of servings.
being a guy or being its a guy thing.... he pretends to listen...
BUT the best thing that came out of it is he learned when I say stay out of somthing he listens... BTW that was a STRONG batch even by MY standrds..


New Member
that aint da way I pick blackberres..
you gotta work on your technique
believe me, next year will be much better when I dont have so many things that need to be done. Ill be able to go pick daily(or every other day) and gradually build up alot.
You have any ideas for repelling massive swarms of junebugs outdoors? they pretty much kiled everything that I would have been able to use this year...


Well-Known Member
believe me, next year will be much better when I dont have so many things that need to be done. Ill be able to go pick daily(or every other day) and gradually build up alot.
You have any ideas for repelling massive swarms of junebugs outdoors? they pretty much kiled everything that I would have been able to use this year...
oooooooo yuck crunch chrunch crunch.. them is ickey nasty things.
I will look in my books. to be sure.
I have the plight of the lady bugs. when it turns fall the white house
turns to a moving orange eeeeeeeeee... but i found somthing that really works for that... can not even think it that was june bugs eeeeeeee
thats the stuff that bad dreams are made of.
I will find you some solution.


New Member
Star, I FUCKING KNEW THAT WAS YOU....just didnt say shit.

im trying to increase my posting at the other place.... im still trying to move in. yanno
Go ahead and set up a base in a thread bro. I was recentlly made mod there:mrgreen: got something near 1400 post already in 2 months as of the 27th....since I got out here I spend 9-% of my time on there.
How did you find out for sure who I am tho, i mean it aint that hard to see it by nature of post as well as both handles have to do with the same thing... did one of the peeps clue you in or did ya see my thread?

being a guy or being its a guy thing.... he pretends to listen...
BUT the best thing that came out of it is he learned when I say stay out of somthing he listens... BTW that was a STRONG batch even by MY standrds..
a mouse trap would have taught him that a lot easier, plus you woulda had another brownie when you got up.:twisted: lol

oooooooo yuck crunch chrunch crunch.. them is ickey nasty things.
I will look in my books. to be sure.
I have the plight of the lady bugs. when it turns fall the white house
turns to a moving orange eeeeeeeeee... but i found somthing that really works for that... can not even think it that was june bugs eeeeeeee
thats the stuff that bad dreams are made of.
I will find you some solution.
they suck the juice out of a couple portions of the berries and then in a week the berry pretty much either dies or then recovers. Ive gotten to where I whack a bush with my sword a few times to knock em off before I start raiding that bush for any that aint all dried up an stuff. But now its pretty much devastated the berry population out there down to about 1/4 of what was out there.