The Doctor asks,When did you do the coke?I look at my dad


Well-Known Member
Alright let me start off by saying this happened to me a little while ago,thought I'd share it....FUCKIN BUSTED.

So I went to the local dealer for some weed and he told me all he had was shrooms.I USED to be an avid shroom fan,but havnt done em in a couple years.So me being hungover already, I didn't eat much that day...popped some shrooms,tripped for a while with a couple friends,evuntually went to bed.all was good.Did pretty much the same thing the next night and seemed like everything was fine.I woke up puking and dry heaving like I NEVER was bad....I did it for like 4-5 hours then my dad took me to i was still right fucked up puking and whatnot in the hospital bed with an IV and everything,the doctor finally comes back after like an hour and a half.Asks me if i mind my dad hearing this(not thinking cause I was so fucked I just said yea sure) THEN HE ASKS when did you do the COKE?? I was like FUCK...cause the weekend before I did some blow with a buddy.told him about a week ago,he said ok,and left.My dad looks at me like hes gonna kick the shit outta me but I can't really tell him that it was shrooms not coke....ahh fuck it was shitty...still thinks i was fucked up cause of the was an awkward ride home to say the least.


Well-Known Member
Alright let me start off by saying this happened to me a little while ago,thought I'd share it....FUCKIN BUSTED.

So I went to the local dealer for some weed and he told me all he had was shrooms.I USED to be an avid shroom fan,but havnt done em in a couple years.So me being hungover already, I didn't eat much that day...popped some shrooms,tripped for a while with a couple friends,evuntually went to bed.all was good.Did pretty much the same thing the next night and seemed like everything was fine.I woke up puking and dry heaving like I NEVER was bad....I did it for like 4-5 hours then my dad took me to i was still right fucked up puking and whatnot in the hospital bed with an IV and everything,the doctor finally comes back after like an hour and a half.Asks me if i mind my dad hearing this(not thinking cause I was so fucked I just said yea sure) THEN HE ASKS when did you do the COKE?? I was like FUCK...cause the weekend before I did some blow with a buddy.told him about a week ago,he said ok,and left.My dad looks at me like hes gonna kick the shit outta me but I can't really tell him that it was shrooms not coke....ahh fuck it was shitty...still thinks i was fucked up cause of the was an awkward ride home to say the least.

id rather have my father know about the shrooms, then him thinking i was a cokeaddict :-|



Well-Known Member
Alright let me start off by saying this happened to me a little while ago,thought I'd share it....FUCKIN BUSTED.

So I went to the local dealer for some weed and he told me all he had was shrooms.I USED to be an avid shroom fan,but havnt done em in a couple years.So me being hungover already, I didn't eat much that day...popped some shrooms,tripped for a while with a couple friends,evuntually went to bed.all was good.Did pretty much the same thing the next night and seemed like everything was fine.I woke up puking and dry heaving like I NEVER was bad....I did it for like 4-5 hours then my dad took me to i was still right fucked up puking and whatnot in the hospital bed with an IV and everything,the doctor finally comes back after like an hour and a half.Asks me if i mind my dad hearing this(not thinking cause I was so fucked I just said yea sure) THEN HE ASKS when did you do the COKE?? I was like FUCK...cause the weekend before I did some blow with a buddy.told him about a week ago,he said ok,and left.My dad looks at me like hes gonna kick the shit outta me but I can't really tell him that it was shrooms not coke....ahh fuck it was shitty...still thinks i was fucked up cause of the was an awkward ride home to say the least.
Do you really think your Dad didn't know something was up? He knew. Probably not what, but he knew you were fecked up on some shit before you went to the hospital.


Well-Known Member
yea i played it like it wasn't from any drinking or anything of the sort..i do coke once in a while,this time it came back to bite me...he doesn't think i'm a coke addict or anything just knows I like my weed and i thought WTF might as well not tell em bout the shrooms too,woulda be worse lol.


Well-Known Member
Its all good now, my old mans gettin weed off me and shit was just shitty..and he knew somethin was up cause he came downstairs and was like WTF?

BUT funny thing I was workin with him framing up an addition and I got major heat stroke(not eating well again) and I was doing the exact same dry heaving and shit,just didn't go to the hospital just popped a bunch of Gravol...this was not too long after all this happened...SOOOO I was like SEE! it wasn't that shit and he half believed me I think, so,meh,its all good i guess