The Divided States of America


Well-Known Member
Ok boy's & girls, all the results are almost in deciding the future of this Nation/World, and it looks bleak, at the best.
This country is almost exactly split in half, with one half supporting Trump, an incompetent/arrogant/liar/adulterer/misogynist/racist/murderer, while the other half is pleading/crying out for change.
Nice place too be, right?
One way or the other, no matter who wins, we are in for a World of Shit in 2021 with just the effects of COVID-19 & the imminent, yea imminent, economic disaster it has caused & will continue to cause, nevermind racial issues/police violence/income disparity/climate change.
The only historical reference that I can think of is when this Nation actually did divide in 1860 & went actually to war with each other over slavery.
This is reminiscent.
So all I can say/wish for you is too stay safe/wear a mask.
Peace out & fuck Trump :)
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New Jersey, Montana, Arizona, South Dakota, all legalized recreational and Mississippi legalized medical! Great year for the herb!! Montana may have voted for Trump, a Republican Senator and Governor, but at least 56% of the people voted for recreational cannabis, so I haven't lost all hope in the state.
Holy fuck!!!!
I'm moving :)


Finally, Oregon is going to act to make addiction a medical problem and not a criminal one. We are going to fund additional treatment programs and at the same time make it safe for people get it. The literature on this measure estimates that drug related arrests are going to drop from thousands per year to 300. Thousands who aren't sucked into the criminal justice cycle, thousands who can access medical help, thousands who won't go to prison, or even get parole. It's both a blow to the militarized police state and a way out of addiction for those who want it. We will no longer treat addiction as a crime.

I love this state.
Yeah I've kicked it up to concentrates and edibles to survive this madness it's the only way to keep your sanity.
Interesting how people cope in different ways. Last night, when early returns came in and Trump seemed to be winning, I had zero interest in getting high or even a beer. I do not find that cannabis does much for my anxiety, reading does. If Trump had won last night, I would have needed time to get over the worst of my feelings before I could even crack open a beer. That's what happened in 2016.

Edibles fuck up my sleep. I like the high but I don't get good REM sleep when I take it in the evening. It took me a while to understand that my response isn't the same that others describe.