The Dispensary in Glendale


Active Member
The Dispensary in Glendale asked for an extension before it opens its doors for business.
Until that happens, ADHS will continue to issue cards that authorize patients and caregivers to grow. Once a dispensary begins operating, ADHS will check the patient address to make sure they don't live within 25 miles of the dispensary before allowing them to cultivate marijuana.


Well-Known Member
Any other news from a week ago you wanna share with us? Who won the election? Did those mj props pass?


Well-Known Member
If everything goes according to schedule...Tucson will get the dubious distinction of having AZ's first open dispensary.
What I'm most curious about, is they are planning on selling [initially] "generously donated excess meds" from patients and caregivers. What??????? and why would a grower give their excess to a place that will cancel their grow rights and sell them back the same meds they donated?


Active Member
They probably all ready had their own caregivers lined up with 72 plants ready to donate. The state is not going to wonder where the first meds came from imo. Not any more than asking them where the seed and clones came from at all. It is all donated then "documented" I'm sure as it will be required. All they have to say is these people averaged 10lbs per plant with no veg and only 2 weeks flower.

How is the state going to argue? First question I would ask is so.... HOW LONG HAVE YOU BEEN GROWING WEED that your such an expert on avg production? What are they going to say?


Well-Known Member
Hope the letters the feds have been sending are just to scare them. Otherwise they will not be open for very long, they will get 10 years and all their property and assets forfeited and seized.


Active Member
They probably all ready had their own caregivers lined up with 72 plants ready to donate. The state is not going to wonder where the first meds came from imo. Not any more than asking them where the seed and clones came from at all. It is all donated then "documented" I'm sure as it will be required. All they have to say is these people averaged 10lbs per plant with no veg and only 2 weeks flower.

How is the state going to argue? First question I would ask is so.... HOW LONG HAVE YOU BEEN GROWING WEED that your such an expert on avg production? What are they going to say?
Exact reason I will not support Fucks breaking the rules and taking patients grow rights and laughing at them...

Null & Void


New Member
They probably all ready had their own caregivers lined up with 72 plants ready to donate. The state is not going to wonder where the first meds came from imo. Not any more than asking them where the seed and clones came from at all. It is all donated then "documented" I'm sure as it will be required. All they have to say is these people averaged 10lbs per plant with no veg and only 2 weeks flower.

How is the state going to argue? First question I would ask is so.... HOW LONG HAVE YOU BEEN GROWING WEED that your such an expert on avg production? What are they going to say?
The state won't have to wonder because it will be documented in depth, any donations are going to require a serious paper trail. Included in that stack of evidence will be signatures of patients and caregivers certifying their donation, basically admitting to the guilt of cultivating. When the shit hits the fan NO dispensary will stand up for these individuals and if the Feds get involved, these donators will have no protection. The best part is that donating to a dispensary would all be for nothing, patients and caregivers do not bennefit monetarily in anyway according to the laws. I would rather hand out free meds in front of a dispensary then donate it to an outfit who will use those assets purely for profit and then throw the gardener under the bus. If non-profit owners really want to help patients they would not have a problem with this scenario, yeah right. It's all about the $$, I imagine free/donated meds that did not cost a dispensary one red cent will still cost $50-$60 an 1/8, retarded. Not to mention the dispensary would take all the credit for those meds even though they had no hand in the production. There is no ethical/moral justification for these tactics, it only suggests taking advantage or growers and patients. Welcome to Arizona MMJ


Active Member
I understand all of ya'lls point why would we do something for free unless we can feel the warm fuzzy feeling ourselves. While you all know I am for the patient growing we must understand that they do serve a purpose. Not everyone is able to grow nor as many have pointed advidly not capbable. In addition I even at 47 am tired of back room deals it should not be that way. I AM A STONER AND I AM NOT ASHAMED!!! HIGH BUT NOT ASHAMED!!! :)
I also agree with everyones point about pricing however look at my numbers again. You will see that a non-profit corp has to be heavy and not effecient with lots of staff not only for management but to distribute funds in an equitable manner. If not only a couple people making all the money is not a non-profit it is called inurment. Which will cause you to lose your non-profit status which again was by design to dis-courage opening.

Remeber the conversation about the value/salaray of growers? With that said notice the cost per gram to cover just overhead is $14 while the profit I projected was based on only a $15 retail price. It is not like they are taking advantage of anyone some are still paying $20+ on the street. Yes they may be suckas but not everyone is in the click as I have mentioned before. Hell I am not in the click any more it is only my street knowledge that saves me. However, not everyone grew up on the streets and the really sick patients may not feel up to the hustle.

Also lest ye forget...We are trying to become legitimate which we know starts with generating revenue for the state so that they are dependant on our "DRUGS". So obviously there is a nich for them.

Lastley when was the last time you tried to find some herb Now think about this carefully when you were dealing with that "drug dealer" was quality and control a top priority? Did you get your weed right aways or did you have to wait until he can get back at cha'? Were you ever in a position that was sketchy at best?

I can tell you that I have grown weiry of it in my old age and the reason I started stealth growing back when. Saftey for the patient was one of the selling points. Remeber? While I do not like it it is what it is and there is a need for it.


New Member
If a dispensary is growing their own medicine and not opening shop based on donations, they should charge whatever they want. In the end, it ill be their non-profit which is either flourishing or struggling. I will say that employing a grower who has been around the block in both growing and purchasing will highly benefit any outfit more than relying on outside donations with the current laws/ state mentality. Payment/ Employee contracts/ Proving ones worth will be the divide in the beginning it seems.

Everyone needs to try and be fair /ethical to one another, the success will follow.
A day for the history books as Tucson's first medical marijuana dispensary now is open. The opening comes two years after Arizona voters legalized medical marijuana.
The dispensary is located on the southwest corner of Broadway and Kolb on Tucson's east side. Our cameras captured patients and caregivers going inside to pre-register.
An armed security guard checked everyone before they could step through the door.
Southern Arizona Integrated Therapies is pre-registering people for the first couple of weeks... there will be no marijuana dispensed until December 11th at the earliest.
We were not allowed to film inside but we're told it looks like an average doctors office.
No one wanted to talk with us today - but yesterday, we did speak to one patient who said, "Hoping to gain weight from marijuana laced in my brownie. The doctor in town suggested I try it. He said I'd get the munchies, whatever that means."
It has been 16 years since Arizona voters first passed medical marijuana. The first time in 1996 and again in 1998. But, this sis the first time a voter passed initiative has come this far.
Another dispensary in Glendale is opening on Monday. THey were supposed to open two weeks ago but the owner decided to wait to make sure things ran more smoothly.


Active Member
They are already spamming local boards offering gardeners donations for meds.
Well I can tell you if they are looking local for anything decent. GOOD LUCK!! All the "clubs" had crap before with the exception of two deliveries I knew and the reason I drive to phx.

I hope they do I may have to go look with my monocle and give a report on strains, buds, edibles, and pricing. I am not overlly optomistic unless they are bringing it in for Cali of Col


New Member
I posted my two cents regarding this matter in one of the threads.

Paper trails with signatures, no bueno.
I rather give it away free to patients without the evidence, essentially the same concept. I'm hoping some outfits find a way for donations to semi discrete while remaining within the law.

Are donations required to list Chems/pesticides/frets used to produce the meds? If I'm not mistaken this info is required to some extent in the product labeling section of AMMA.
Please correct me if I am wrong.