The deception and diversion of 'legalization'..a betrayal to ourselves and our planet


Well-Known Member
What if 'higher edu' and 'experts' and our corporate 'masters' weren't as good at taking care of our basic needs as our gardens?
Could it make sense that the nature that we all come from and are inseparably dependent upon for life (with or without the corporate middle men), naturally provides everything we need?

What about cancer and other thought to be 'incurable' illnesses that have mostly come as a result of 'better living through chemicals', don't we need more corporate chemicals etc in attempt to let them cure us?
What if nature provided a plant that we could grow in our own gardens that would cure cancer and probably any other illness one may face?

What if there was a plant we could grow in our gardens that was a natural food source that seemed like it was nature made especially to perfectly meet the nutritional needs of humans in every way?

What if that same plant could provide clothes and shelter as well as a seemingly endless list of necessities from soap to supper high viscosity lubricants and even provide the raw materials to replace many steel parts in cars like transmission cases and even the body itself?

Now what if that plant is missing from your garden?
Well it most likely is.

In February of 1938 Popular Mechanics magazine published an article entitled "The New Billion Dollar Crop", my guess is that most folks haven't even yet still heard of it or read it so here's a link:
It was about a tradition longstanding staple crop in the history of human ag that was about to make a huge impact in the development of thousands of products by way of providing the fundamental raw material feedstock ingredients, but for some this posed a problem, the problem being that this crop was going to compete mainly with the development of the emerging petroleum based feedstocks and so some of the same corporate influences that still manipulate us and our laws today were also in large part responsible for the push to tax this crop right out of the American ag scene ( in 1937 with The Marijuana Tax Act:
Some input to the hearings for the Tax Act:

The petroleum feedstocks though were not yet fully developed enough at that time to fully satisfy the needs of national defense and as a result when WWII came about the USA was dependent on imports of cannabis based materials to meet the needs of the military as well as many public sector uses.
When the Japanese cut off our cannabis imports in a strategic war maneuver it put the USDA and the US military into a panic which then resulted in the "Hemp for Victory" campaign which exempted farmers and their sons from going to war if they contracted to grow cannabis for the war effort:


Hemp is still on the list of critical materials required for emergency preparedness for the USA and always has been ever since there has been a USA: (listed still as a critical food material )(,or.r_gc.r_pw.r_qf.&bvm=bv.42080656,d.cGE&fp=8b3ccabeaf5ce617&biw=1366&bih=610)
Cannabis is an ideal rotation crop in maintaining fertile soil every year without leaving plots fallow etc, as well as an ideal companion crop for natural 'pest' control:
Smoking cannabis was not an 'epidemic' by any measure in 1937 and in fact most Americans first knowledge of smoking the plant came from the gov campaign against the manufactured problem, before that its uses were mostly in medicinal extracts and industry and the plant was known to the American farmers who produced it as 'hemp'.
To this day gov does all it can to continue to say that cannabis has no medicinal value and purposely frames its disposition on the subject based on the 'smoking' of the plant. This has worked of course to create and sustain the current wide spread smoking use of the plant and worked to lull folks into being void of any knowledge of the true medicinal potential of the plant as well as the industrial uses.

What may be even more important to many at this time though is that you can turn to your garden for curing most anything that ails you and this plant should be a key component in your medical approach whether treating inflammation, diabetes or even cancer.

The cannabis plant if used properly is a curative.

Your gov doesn't want you to know that when you consume raw unheated cannabis you don't get 'high', you just get cured.

Extracting cannabis oil concentrates using high proof grain or grape seed alcohols is also a way to get the medicinal effects, but because a low heat (under 200 degrees) is used in that process there will be some psychoactive effects but not at levels comparable to higher heat delivery methods such as smoking which denigrates most of the curative medicinal properties.
Smoking cannabis can be useful though in treating acute symptoms such as head aches or nausea or menstrual cramps or stress etc, but for the most part smoking cannabis instead of eating it raw or in concentrated oils could maybe be compared to pushing your bike home instead of ridding it, but even that analogy falls short because smoking cannabis won't get you home/cured.

The Power of RAW Cannabis:

Cannabis For Infant's Brain Tumor, Doctor Calls Child "A Miracle Baby";_government_knew_in_'74

Pot Shrinks Tumors;
Government Knew in '74

In 1994 (before any state had a 'medical marijuana' law on the books) I and two other soldiers were involved in planting 20,000 cannabis seeds for all the purposes stated above and after planting the majority of the seeds we called the local Sheriff to come and witness the planting of the remainder.
After much 'to do' over our stand', we then faced a trial in one of the most 'zero tolerant' counties in our state and as the dealers would have it we got dealt the judge that was known in that county as the 'hanging judge' when it came to adjudicating cannabis 'crimes'.
Because this was before any 'medical cannabis laws' (such came later in 1996) the 'crime' was considered a 'general intent' crime as it still is to this day outside of the scope of any states 'exemption laws' which might allow for certain uses etc.
I represented myself in the case and found out right away that 'general intent' means it doesn't matter why you did what you did and the courts will not allow for any discussion of why you did what you did, the only question before the court is did you do it.
I allowed for the prosecution to pick whatever jurors he thought would convict, and I refused to discount any jurors by using my available automatic dismissal options.

The trail went on for five days and at least probably a hundred times I was gaveled into irrelevance and inadmissibility by the very angry judge who kept insisting the jury disregard my statements every time I would begin to tell them why I did what I did, usually I could get about a sentence or two out before the gavel would start furiously pounding.
I gave about a five minute closing argument and then after all else was said and done the judge instructed the jury that they had no choice but to find guilty because we had admitted to doing what we did (was even on video so there was no question of fact in that respect) and that any other consideration or verdict would be inappropriate.

As I waited the short hour or two it took the jury to deliberate I was at best hoping for a hung jury considering all the circumstances.
Upon the return of the verdict being read by the foreman, the first thing I heard was my name and the statement 'we find the defendant not guilty', my arm hairs still stand at attention even as I reflect back thinking and writing about that moment to this day.
Acquittals by a jury in a 'criminal' case does not change the law, it only allows one to walk free to fight on another day.
I learned the hard way from that experience that its better to be the plaintiff and to always avoid being a defendant if at all possible because of many reasons and the most relevant one being whats relevant and admissible in court.

In 2004 I basically walked into a federal district court and filed a case to protect me, my family and my 100,000+ seeds and my garden.I was arguing based on the 9th amen that we all have the inherent right and responsibility to posses and plant seeds of whatever kind in effort to provide for our own needs if that is how we choose to live instead of purchasing those needed materials from industry etc, and that gov has no constitutional authority to generally outlaw plants or human interaction with such as long as the activity is outside of 'commerce' and strictly for home manufacture and use. (I also made other corroborating constitutional arguments that in the final analysis were also dismissed)

The judge in that case had an extremely conflicted task to dispatch for his masters and it showed in every tortured word he said over the three year battle which finally ended up with his conclusion that we have no reach to the constitution for such an inherent right and that gov does have the authority to outlaw plants, any plant they choose.
The judge also told me that even he didn't necessarily agree with the law, but that he like me had to do as we are told.
I then walked out of the federal court with my 100,000+ seeds intact and went on about my gardening. (I did appeal the ruling but it was so clearly rubber stamped and with my lack of resources as a simple individual there was not much point to appealing to the Supreme Court especially when they simply pick and choose what cases to consider or not so no guaranty it would have even been heard etc)

Just to be clear about what could have happened in that case after that ruling, the US attorney sent special to do this 'first of its kind' case according to gov could have then charged me with violating federal possession laws which call for life in prison for possession of anything over 60,000 cannabis seeds, but they didn't because at the end of the day their cannabis laws are illegitimate.
I thought some folks might find some usefulness in some of my experiences with respect to being gardener's' who want to try and provide for themselves through partnerships with their gardens on this garden planet that we are all but the seed offspring of and who understand that 'there's no easy way to be free' as the who would say.

Please don't mistake this post for some kind of pathetic 'legalize it' post etc because I assure you the reverse is true if considering my intent.
No gov can give me the rights I was born with, nor can they take such away, and any law that is in direct conflict with natural law (reality, like gravity) and my natural rights within such is clearly illegitimate and should simply be responded to as such.
With that I hope I have made clear that this is not a 'debate' thread, this is a gardening thread for humans that still have a clue what it means to be human.
So if you are a pathetically confused 'legalize it' advocate or a pathetically confused 'anti' cannabis howler you need not post here, just please click into somewhere the grand illusion of diversion can continue to feed your disillusion, thanks.
If you are yet still less robotic in your views and responses to a world run by corporations that have 'everything you need', then planting a garden and doing for yourself in every way possible could be the most revolutionary act'ivity' you could spend your time doing.
You may not be able to grow enough raw materials to cloth and shelter yourself, but what if you could at least go a long way to feed yourself from your own garden and be more healthy than ever before?
What if you could turn to your garden and cure your cancer or your loved ones cancer etc regardless of the 'to big to fail' (= to u$eful to cure) cancer economy in America today?
If you are reaching to helping yourself and your species by simply being responsible, this post is for you, thanks.
Undoubtedly my writing skills leave much to be desired and I have tried my best to make my points as brief as possible so I hope at least something worth your time is coming through.

ps...all those who are pro 'legalization' or anti 'legalization' are simply serving as necessary theater for that which is most likely to come about in the near future on the federal level in regards to the cannabis plant etc.
Gov and their corps masters are not likely to admit to 70+ years of deceiving everyone on the subject by suddenly 'legalizing' and taxing after all these years of war on people and plants and instigating world treaties which require other countries to do the same.
Instead the more likely and best case scenario for our corpsgov is to keep all naturally occurring varieties of cannabis just as they are = schedule 1 and illegal while allowing for genetically engineered patented varieties from Monsanto et al to be approved by the FDA and with new fed laws hand in hand that will require states who choose to use 'cannabis' for any purposes to use gov approved varieties that will be certified etc.
Imagine being a biotech company like Monsanto who's business model with crops is to monoculture and monopolize and the notion of your patented varieties being the only legal varieties has just been a dream to work towards until the cannabis opportunity.
Here is an example of a test law they used temporarily in the occupation of Iraq:

To say 'legalize' and tax and think that your thinking on this subject is thorough or sufficient is a drastic miscalculation and flawed evaluation of the moment we face in this issue and others that are directly relative.

Monsanto et al's continuing efforts to et al:
New farm bill gives Monsanto carte blanche - Massive public outcry necessary to stop the legislation from passing into law

so, i should sit idly by while the lucky receive special dispensation? my friend had a garden, was sentenced to life, was found hanging by his neck. i want all non harmful activities to be legal in a free society.
so, i should sit idly by while the lucky receive special dispensation? my friend had a garden, was sentenced to life, was found hanging by his neck. i want all non harmful activities to be legal in a free society.

I have fought most of my life to keep such a thing from happening and I am very sorry about your friend, but the hard truth is that your post justifies every word I wrote.
If you really want freedom and truth then fight for it, don't surrender like all the 'legalization' groups would have us all do.
The memory of your friend is enough to cause me to keep fighting and I didnt even know him, why not you?
I also know people who's lives ended tragically because of this war, but to settle for what NORML, MPP, DPA etc are lobbying for imo is a betrayal to all the folks who have been destroyed in this war as well as all the people who will come after us that can only hope we do the right thing in these pivotal times.
Stand up and be human...fight for human rights...fight also for the rights of the plant...
If someone told you they were going to control gravity would you just surrender to some compromise or would you fight for the natural law of gravity to be unmolested?
Plants and our use of them to live is simply a natural right of all humans and if you go along with surrendering such then you are simply part of the problem not the solution.
i think that everything needs some regulation whether it is my thorny berry vines or a nuclear bomb. either one could give someone a bad time if not kept in check. therefore legalization, in my mind, is just a step toward not beating innocent people down. perhaps one day all laws will be abolished because people can have unmolested freedoms, but as a planet, we are not there yet.
i think that everything needs some regulation whether it is my thorny berry vines or a nuclear bomb. either one could give someone a bad time if not kept in check. therefore legalization, in my mind, is just a step toward not beating innocent people down. perhaps one day all laws will be abolished because people can have unmolested freedoms, but as a planet, we are not there yet.

Understood and I agree, its just that it might be a good place to start from by establishing that we all have certain rights before we start to regulate where and when and how those rights are regulated.
perhaps the issue is not fully seen from all angles. what happens when my right to get stoned effects the rights of others to do surgery in the same room? there are lines that need to be drawn just a bit. congress may move pot from schedule 1 to the category of intoxicating beverages. but, we know that pot is not exactly like alcohol. i want everyone to draw up the legal rules in the right way so that logic does not go unheard. no limiting and counting meager numbers of plants or product. individuals will have the right to safely live as always. cannabis businesses will have normal rights as a company whether they grow 500 plants or 500,000 acres. like when somewhere we cross a line between brewing some beer to share with friends and neighbors and selling bottles to a gang who moves them across borders - the line should become apparent - where you are given leeway - "i had 200 bottles, but i only sold 50 to friends" is a lot different than having 1000 bottles and selling them all to a convict without any license involved.
perhaps the issue is not fully seen from all angles. what happens when my right to get stoned effects the rights of others to do surgery in the same room? there are lines that need to be drawn just a bit. congress may move pot from schedule 1 to the category of intoxicating beverages. but, we know that pot is not exactly like alcohol. i want everyone to draw up the legal rules in the right way so that logic does not go unheard. no limiting and counting meager numbers of plants or product. individuals will have the right to safely live as always. cannabis businesses will have normal rights as a company whether they grow 500 plants or 500,000 acres. like when somewhere we cross a line between brewing some beer to share with friends and neighbors and selling bottles to a gang who moves them across borders - the line should become apparent - where you are given leeway - "i had 200 bottles, but i only sold 50 to friends" is a lot different than having 1000 bottles and selling them all to a convict without any license involved.

Understood, but if we haven't even secure the base right of whatever activity how can we expect any kind of fairly written regulations?
It seems to me its a bad place to start a negotiation...that is to say that when one side has all the leverage its hard to expect much give and take in the resulting outcome.
:leaf:For anyone who is trying to stay human...

This is an excerpt from a recent California judges ruling in a case challenging a local ordinance to restrict the number of outdoor plants a legally qualified patient can grow:

“Additionally, I want to address the analogy of growing tomatoes. Obviously an ordinance which declares growing more than X number of tomato plants outdoors in plain view to be a nuisance would be unconstitutional, That’s certain.
But I’ve never heard of a tomato gardener growing tomatoes for his or her own consumption being killed during a tomato robbery. Or of a tomato robber being killed in the act of stealing tomatoes.
Cultivation of marijuana is a crime, to begin with, just like cultivating cocoa plants or opium poppies.
However, unlike those offenses, and unlike growing tomatoes, or like growing tomatoes, rather, the people of this state have decided that there needs to be an exemption to this criminal statute to protect legitimate medical marijuana users.”

This judge has been on the bench for 18 years (now just retired, this was one of his last cases) and he is well aware of the Wickard and Raich cases, so how does the judge reach this constitutional conclusion about tomato growing?

Why wouldn't the same consideration apply to growing cannabis or any other plant?

Just something to think about...

The logical response to the judge, and I don't see why any lawyer wouldn't make it, is that cows and horses raised on private outdoor property used to be regularly stolen, but we don't make cattle or horses illegal. We make the act of stealing them illegal, because that's called LOGIC and reason.
The logical response to the judge, and I don't see why any lawyer wouldn't make it, is that cows and horses raised on private outdoor property used to be regularly stolen, but we don't make cattle or horses illegal. We make the act of stealing them illegal, because that's called LOGIC and reason.

Your logic is sound imo, and such logic was put before the judge in pleadings etc during the coarse of the case, but at the point of the quote it was during his oral ruling and rebuttal is not allowed.
In his disconnected logic he makes statements that lead me to believe that he would respond directly to your rebuttal by saying that cattle and horses aren't illegal. :wall:
But you said: "This is an excerpt from a recent California judges ruling in a case challenging a local ordinance to restrict the number of outdoor plants a legally qualified patient can grow" -- in that case it's not illegal.. at least by state law. Unless it's a federal court shouldn't matter. But it sounds more like this judge had just made up his/her mind and the rest of their logic was just justification for their predetermined position.
But you said: "This is an excerpt from a recent California judges ruling in a case challenging a local ordinance to restrict the number of outdoor plants a legally qualified patient can grow" -- in that case it's not illegal.. at least by state law. Unless it's a federal court shouldn't matter. But it sounds more like this judge had just made up his/her mind and the rest of their logic was just justification for their predetermined position.

Having done the case myself, imo you are spot on. He actually went on for 20 minutes or so presenting his reasoning for the record, yet all the while his statements were so in conflict with basic logic that it became apparent he was more trying to convince himself that he was correct. Everyone from the bailiff to the court clerk and even the lawyer for the county/defendants had a clear look of 'wtf did he just say?' when the judge was through ruling.
It'd be laughable if it weren't so sad...

I hear ya bro...I've done 2 other cases challenging with fundamental logic govs authority to deny our fundamental rights in this area and each time, just as this time, the judge was like a spider on a hot plate. It has all told me that if more such cases were filed across the country something would give way to our in common logic even if only re-framing the national discussion etc.
The one fed case I did was the only time they've ever had to fend off such a challenge on the federal level, hard to believe that after 70 plus years no one else has gone to court with the claim that humans have the self evident inherent right to posses and cultivate seeds into plants to then be used for ones own needs be they food, meds, cloths or shelter etc.
No need for a corporate gov to acknowledge such obvious human rights if no one claims to have such rights...sad indeed.
I have a feeling the state is going to say their right to maintain an orderly society outweighs the individual right. That's what the whole argument comes down to when you get to it. That argument kind of falls apart when you look at alcohol being legal though.
I have a feeling the state is going to say their right to maintain an orderly society outweighs the individual right. That's what the whole argument comes down to when you get to it. That argument kind of falls apart when you look at alcohol being legal though.

Sad to say the question will probably never see the light of day to even be adjudicated due to the issue of 'standing' to even pose the question/base a claim etc.
Once the feds pass some kind of 'legalization' laws it will give what any judge will see as 'reasonable' access to the plant and thereby precluding anyone's reach to pose the fundamental question in a civil suit.
Maybe folks are to clouded in 'smoke' to see beyond into how this issue goes to the roots of human freedom to do for ourselves in the ways we can if we so choose to etc...control the food and you control the people...if gov has authority to outlaw a plant (or your access to it) then they have the authority to outlaw any plant and if corporations are genetically engineering plants and patenting such as 'intellectual property' its not such a far reach to making such GE plants the only legal plants, especially if you could start with one like cannabis that is already 'illegal' etc...imagine how biotech will influence coming fed cannabis laws if they have the chance.
We should have had hundreds if not thousands of cases in the fed civil courts over this years ago if there was any chance to avoid the now all but set in stone future of gardening/farming and or the ability under the law to do for ourselves etc.
Certain rights are held by the people (9th) and the constitution is there to protect those preexisting rights not to be used to destroy such and the white male slave owners who wrote it were trying to make sure of that in effort to cover their inherently all created equal self evident white male asses. ;)