The Death Of The Great American White Way?


Well-Known Member
Make no bones about it that the Republican Convention was the Party of the Whites-Rights.

So with the demise of the Rush Limbaugh Generation is American Fascism going to take lessons from the American Nazi Party types and go way way way underground?

Will The Sore Ass Rich Whites of America now wage economic war against supporting the Country that made them?

I'm guessing they are going to be Whiny Bitches.

It will be all about the White Wealthy American Family when Homeliness and lack of jobs and healthcare for all is just fine for these ass holes of White power.

Good Riddance Mittens! May we always remember Democracy was and is still a threat!


Well-Known Member
Make no bones about it that the Republican Convention was the Party of the Whites-Rights.

So with the demise of the Rush Limbaugh Generation is American Fascism going to take lessons from the American Nazi Party types and go way way way underground?

Will The Sore Ass Rich Whites of America now wage economic war against supporting the Country that made them?

I'm guessing they are going to be Whiny Bitches.

It will be all about the White Wealthy American Family when Homeliness and lack of jobs and healthcare for all is just fine for these ass holes of White power.

It wasnt Convention of white rights
The Republicans needed every vote they could muster and thru their surrogates appealed to the racist elements in their party. This was the last election they could do this on a national scale.

Demographics are changing. They can only do the race baiting thing now in the states that are solidly red and majority white. And even then it is risky. Not all of us white people grew up in ignorance and hate


Well-Known Member
Something is wrong with the youth of America when they are no longer proud of what and who they are.
I wish I was a minority so I could be politically correct.....
If I were a green tree frog, there is nothing in the world I would rather be.

Fungus Gnat

Well-Known Member
Something is wrong with the youth of America when they are no longer proud of what and who they are.
I wish I was a minority so I could be politically correct.....
If I were a green tree frog, there is nothing in the world I would rather be.
You still have no clue why you lost. lol

Canna Sylvan

Well-Known Member
I've been convinced, this diversity has merit. I want to see other races make,"I'm sorry," threads. It's unfair Ernst has to bear this cross alone. I'd volunteer, but unfortunately I'm white too. Ernst is doing a bang up job better than I could ever do.

Prisoner #56802

New Member
It's too bad that the Republican Party and the Tea Party are racist, gay haterz in many ways....b-cuz Romney isn't/wasn't as pro-white and/or 'kill them fags' as the other Republicans seemed to be

So, Props to Mitt! Fuck racist, fag-bashing, Rebublican Tea Partying mother-fuckers!

Diversity and tolerance, is what I would like to see

Carne Seca

Well-Known Member
It's too bad that the Republican Party and the Tea Party are racist, gay haterz in many ways....b-cuz Romney isn't/wasn't as pro-white and/or 'kill them fags' as the other Republicans seemed to be

So, Props to Mitt! Fuck racist, fag-bashing, Rebublican Tea Partying mother-fuckers!

Diversity and tolerance, is what I would like to see
I had to point this out because it tickled my funny bone. :p

It's not a dig just a humorous observation.

"Fuck you motherfuckers!! Oh and peace on earth, good will towards men."

Prisoner #56802

New Member
^^^ Yet ANOTHER fucking person challenging my posts! get away from them if U don't like them!

Aren't U openly gay? I just expressed support for YOUR fucking cause and you just criticize me?

I can handle it! People have been doing this to me my whole life


Well-Known Member
^^^ Yet ANOTHER fucking person challenging my posts! get away from them if U don't like them!

Aren't U openly gay? I just expressed support for YOUR fucking cause and you just criticize me?

I can handle it! People have been doing this to me my whole life
Now you're attacking a gay person too?

You need to take your meds bro.

Winter Woman

Well-Known Member
Make no bones about it that the Republican Convention was the Party of the Whites-Rights.

So with the demise of the Rush Limbaugh Generation is American Fascism going to take lessons from the American Nazi Party types and go way way way underground?

Will The Sore Ass Rich Whites of America now wage economic war against supporting the Country that made them?

I'm guessing they are going to be Whiny Bitches.

It will be all about the White Wealthy American Family when Homeliness and lack of jobs and healthcare for all is just fine for these ass holes of White power.

Good Riddance Mittens! May we always remember Democracy was and is still a threat!
Wow, a real fool.


Well-Known Member
Race-baiting? Are you guys going to put up only minority candidates from now on? No more white men, ever?
Ha. Watch Governor Susana Martinez (R-NM) be on the very short list (if not the outright nominee) for the GOP in 16 with Hillary for the Dems. Us white guys? We had our chances (note the plural) and see where we are? Not saying we should step aside but we are being pushed aside and will have to vote every time just to keep that. Uh, figure it out, whites aren't the majority anymore.

With Martinez they get it all - a Hispanic female.

Omgwtfbbq Indicaman

Well-Known Member
dissent is a powerful weapon. dont get mad fellow white fleshed pigment males, we can still vote, just get used to not being the majority. eventually we are all going to be some mix down the line.