The DEA is Afraid For You


Well-Known Member
I recently read in this month's High Times that Mark Trouville, Chief of the DEA's Miami office made this statement to local law enforcement agents, "The days of mom and pop growing a couple of pots of grass in their house is gone. THis ain't your grandfather's or your father's marijuana. This will hurt you. THis will addict you. This will kill you."
My grandfather should be pretty pissed that I'm still smoking "his Marijuana", because no weed never done hurt me, and I get some pretty top-o-the-line buds. Agent Trouville, you succeed in frightening me, but I'm not scared of marijuana; I'm scared of how eager the governing agencies are to lie, and how easily they get away with it.
Show me one body. Just one, and I'll toss my bong right now. (alright, but I'll never give up my vaporizer) Perhaps there is marijuana out there laced with things that will kill you, but making statements such as this is the same misteps in logic that state if it is possible for an immigrant to mug someone, therefore all immigrants are criminals and we should slam our borders shut. It is the same reasoning and fear tactics that allowed the German people to turn their heads during the holocaust, and white people to allow the segregation of blacks to happen right under our noses.
But this guy says these things and gets away with it. I wonder if someone made the absolute statement that "...the law abiding Government agents of the past are gone. These are evil cyborgs from the plantet Kryluc. They will sodomize you. They will eat your children. They will screw your dog." Don't you think that they could sue for Slander?
There's about as much truth to my statement as Mark Trouville's. Take that however you'd like.


Well-Known Member
Its just their propaganda machine going into overdrive because they are losing their war and they are bad losers to say the least:blsmoke:


Well-Known Member
just wait til they start blameing heroin overdoeses on weed " a man was found with no vital signs after an aparent overdose of marijuana"

i can jus see it now


Well-Known Member
thanks for the Youtube link. I get it now. See, it's the plant that has 24 hours of light on it at all times throughout it's growth that makes monster death refer that wil grip our nation's youth in a web of addiction and death. Weird, when I leave the light on for 24 hours a day, buds are so powerful that they are invisible to the naked eye, and I get so high, I'm sober.

I mean, for those of you that didn't watch the Youtube of MSNBC saying that Modern marijuana is deadly because it recieves light on a 24 hour cycle...I'm, I'm sorry. Aren't we supposed to be the stoned goofballs that have no idea what we are talking about? Isn't the news and government supposed to at least have a knowledge of what they are locking people up over?!?

Alright, well, Canada is way too cold; maybe Mexico? I don't have the words to say it. It's just, this country is so up it's own ass...I just wish I didn't love this place so much; it really would be easier to just walk away. I mean, what am I fighting for when the opposition doesn't even understand the issue, but is controlling the gameanyhow?
I'm not naive. I know this is the way of things. It's just sometimes it upsets me more than others. I mean, fuck,man...


Well-Known Member
I moved out of the US for other reasons, but its things like this that make me glad im not there right now and am actually in a place that wouldnt lock me up for doing what i do. (i still love the US though, just not the laws)


Well-Known Member
Let's not worry about it
Anyone who would actually believe that garbage isn't worth my time, or my breath in argument.


Well-Known Member
Let's not worry about it
Anyone who would actually believe that garbage isn't worth my time, or my breath in argument.
Thats why marijuana is still illegal in the United States of America, people just don't care that they waste, and i mean waste, our tax dollars spreading all these lies not just to the general public, but to our kids at school! If more people would take offense, if it only would cause more of an uproar with people like releasing pedophiles and rapists early off parole, etc., then changes might be made. As long as people keep thinking its a waste of breath to educate the disinformed, then we will keep on feeding mexican kingpins who kill innocent people for crossing the street. its cool.


New Member
In like...elementary school, I read a book about Jews and the Holocaust. Said something about them being turned into soap and candles. I didn't mind the soap, but I find the candle very disrespectful as I don't think someone should be burned twice.

The Cryptkeeper

Well-Known Member
In like...elementary school, I read a book about Jews and the Holocaust. Said something about them being turned into soap and candles. I didn't mind the soap, but I find the candle very disrespectful as I don't think someone should be burned twice.
I have to disagree on this one. They're just taking the 'cleansing the superior race' thing to a wholly redundant level with the soap thing. Wash away the impure with the blood of Jews, come on, now you're going to wash away the filth with your ridiculous frugality in the form of, quite literally, Kosher soap bars. :rolleyes:


Well-Known Member
Thats why marijuana is still illegal in the United States of America, people just don't care that they waste, and i mean waste, our tax dollars spreading all these lies not just to the general public, but to our kids at school! If more people would take offense, if it only would cause more of an uproar with people like releasing pedophiles and rapists early off parole, etc., then changes might be made. As long as people keep thinking its a waste of breath to educate the disinformed, then we will keep on feeding mexican kingpins who kill innocent people for crossing the street. its cool.
i dont feel that people are just too lazy to inform others, i think it has more to do with most people simply not having the resources to wage a war on an organization that can make them disappear. they let us have our small fights, but nothing has ever come close to a real change higher up in the chain. it seems to me that simple growing of ones plants if not medical will never be legal here. i believe that if it does one day, it will mre be a situation where the united states is no longer a leader in the united nations and is looked at like a third world country. i mean that is where we have been headed. just let us keep getting in more debt and eventually over time we wont be america anymore. its not the first time a country owed so much debt that they were taken over.


Well-Known Member
People will continue to have their rights taken away until they take them back. I wish it was as simple as voting, but that has been rigged long ago, at least on the national level. There is plenty of contrary evidence as to an actual holocaust (and from jews no less) to at the very least call 'it' into question. But the same liars have been pulling the wool over our collective sheeple eyes for centuries. In the case of drugs, they make too much money funding their black ops to settle for the minuscule portion they would wind up with were it legal and taxed. Let's all stay focused on moving/becoming the light. That's the one place the dark cannot exist in