The DEA is 30 seconds away from your home.


Well-Known Member
Lets be serious here,

The DEA is 30 seconds away from your home ready to bust down the doors of where you live. What do you do?


Active Member
Eat my stash and let them in. I have no contraband or an indoor grow space right now. It's fucking winter and I do all of my growing out of doors.

Can't wait for spring.


Well-Known Member
silly americans. what you do is you roll a j. Light it up. Stand at the door. Wait for the knock. Open up. Say " hey man whats goin' on bra, bless toke - my honors " he tokes from ur amazing weed and gets so couch locked that he knocks out ( if u grow sativa unlucky) then you do innapropriate things to him and post pictures on the internet.

thats what you should do.


EDIT: If anyone ever does this.... we can do that rollitup forum internet thing that we all call " + rep " to the person who does it and yeh u fucking rule.


Well-Known Member
Tell them the house is rigged with explosives which would lead into negotiation, which would then give me enough time to burn my crop and make something to eat. hehe!


Well-Known Member
but to be honest if they have enough evidence to bust down your door you are already 10 kinds of fucked it dosn't matter what you do. best bet don't do anything else to get you in trouble don't talk to any cops AT ALL get a good lawyer and hope to christ they fucked somthing up


Well-Known Member
Prepare to defend your Life, Liberty and Pursuit of Happiness from the Oppressive Collective, AKA Babylon.


Well-Known Member
I would run to the door and open it ... Who wants a broken door .. All they would find here is a little head weed . I wonder if they fix your door after breaking it ...


Well-Known Member
Tell them the house is rigged with explosives which would lead into negotiation, which would then give me enough time to burn my crop and make something to eat. hehe!
Im not a smart man but im pretty sure you would end up with much worse a sentence with this method. But like I said im not that smart!


Well-Known Member
Ive posted this before.

With only 30 seconds it aint much time,from past personal experiences with police i'd grab a big warm ass sweater & warm clothing & throw it on real quick,if it gets too hot in jail i could use the sweater as a pillow but more likely than not its a meat locker.

If i had extra time maybe scarf down a quick doughnut before they got there.


Well-Known Member
While you guys are inside getting ready to go to jail, they are outside killing your dog...

And about to come in the back and kill your wife too !

Happens more then you think.


Well-Known Member
I would run to the door and open it ... Who wants a broken door .. All they would find here is a little head weed . I wonder if they fix your door after breaking it ...
LMAO! funny shit... your worried more about your door then getting busted xD

Your the one on cops yelling "MOTHER FUCKERS!!! YOU BROKE MY DOOR!!!"


Well-Known Member
the DEA isnt going to bust small grows of a few plants
the state police will

stop spreading paranoia because your not tony montana and the governmeent dosent care about your 10 plant grow your just not that important


Well-Known Member
haha agreed not important butif it were me i would do one of two things eat my stash if i could but be sure to have some pepto chronic give you quite the stomach ache! then if i had plants i would shove them down my eroter i toss them in my furnace which serves one purpose to keep my ass outa jail orrrrr id grab a 1 pund bag of grass cloths money and run go to some other places sell my pot take the 5k and leave the country and start growing in another country


Well-Known Member
haha agreed not important butif it were me i would do one of two things eat my stash if i could but be sure to have some pepto chronic give you quite the stomach ache! then if i had plants i would shove them down my eroter i toss them in my furnace which serves one purpose to keep my ass outa jail orrrrr id grab a 1 pund bag of grass cloths money and run go to some other places sell my pot take the 5k and leave the country and start growing in another country

1 pound costs 5 grand where you live? I feel sorry for you... costs about 1-1.5grand in arizona...