The Dankest (Marijuana Girl) 2010 outdoor grow!

the dankest

Hi all-- I've been so slow in getting this up, but it is finally here! These plants are growing outdoors in my woods out back and doing quite lovely so far. From left to right, the first two are THC Bomb, and the remaining plants are Northern Lights. They will be 5 weeks old this Tuesday and I'm pretty sure I am beginning to see pre-flowers. Let me know what you all think! I have been fertilizing at 1/2 strength once a week with Miracle Grow 20-20-20, but am thinking of switching over to Bloom Boost by next week in hopes of getting them to start flowering. Also, if anyone can tell me what might be chowing down on plant number four, that would be helpful also. :-(



Well-Known Member
lookin nice, id say grasshoppers ate that but it could of been a lil rabbit or deer i dunno. i dont really know about miracle grow nutes ive never used them i think you should check on getting somthing different if you can.

the dankest

Yeah I wasn't sure about the nutes. I've heard many people tell me not to pay extra for expensive nutes when Miracle Gro works just fine. In fact, I think it helped a lot-- my plants are almost over a foot tall now in the fifth week. Thanks for for the reply!
I've heard that miracle grow contains some hormones that may turn ur plants male or hermi.... can anyone confirm this? Also bloom boost won't trigger flowering as far as I know only photoperiod will, unless your strain(s) autoflower

the dankest

Alright, so we're 6 weeks in and 2 or 3 of my plants have begun to flower! They're almost all 2 feet tall and I moved them to a sunnier patch. I am now starting them on their bloom nutrients once a week with feeding. Let me know what you think!
July2 012.jpgJuly2 028.jpgJuly2 029.jpgJuly2 010.jpgJuly2 024.jpgJuly2 001.jpgJuly2 054.jpgJuly2 027.jpgJuly2 020.jpg


New Member
wow ! nice jog on growing your plant i wish i could be sure if i posted pictures on hear no body will steal my pictures ! Im useing Stuff called " Better gro " miracle grow doesn not produce males thats BS im useing something stronger than MG im useing " better grow " 25/14/13 i have monsters ! i will be switching over to better gro Bloom its 11-35-15 when its time to flower ! i cant wait


Well-Known Member
Most people here hate miracle gro..and i think the problem is its really strong..i use it at quarter strength and have no problems at least so far...plants are looking rep
I don't think MG's ferts are consistant package to package and I only have two plants and one did turn hermie I chopped today (I am using mg at half strength) but it was bagseed and not a stable strain.
Those are some nice plants ya got going!! Good luck :joint:

the dankest

I haven't updated in forever, but it turns out that I got three females and four males. The males I have already killed and the females are moving into their third week of flowering. I force flowered them for the first two weeks of August, and now that I have stopped bagging them, they are continuing to flower, so good news. They look awesome except for all the bugs that keep nibbling on the leaves. Oh well. I'll post some pics in the next couple days. And as for the MG ferts, I've cut down and am now only using a quarter strength, which seems to do the plants a lot better these days.

the dankest

These are almost four weeks into flowering and I'm really impressed with the buds, although I must ask-- are they already supposed to be turning a little brown? I haven't touched them or anything and I believe they've had plenty of uninterrupted darkness. All in all though, I'm pretty pumped. Can't wait until they finish though! Ah, patience.
August2 2010 022.jpgAugust2 2010 015.jpgAugust2 2010 012.jpgAugust2 2010 016.jpgAugust2 2010 020.jpg

the dankest

Parallel is ~41. Thanks for all the feedback. No clue what they'll yield-- happy already with the bud I've seen halfway through flowering. :)


Active Member
This is my first time posting/growing and could use some help. I have had these plants since clones and they have been in the ground outside for about 11 weeks. The medium is Foxfarm ocean forest but only in 18" x 1' hole, the surrounding soil is just that, dirt! I`m guessig they are in 3rd week flowering? Hard to say. I have just begun( past week) some super light nutes ( molasses/ koolbloom 1/4 strength). I have some severe yellowing but only on the WW.....I have some moderate yellowing on the Hawaiian haze and very little if any on the Hindu Skunk. I did not nute the plants at all since they were put in the ground 11 weeks ago. Is it possible Nitrogen deficiency? Or is it normal flowering, but this early? The plants are watered daily as the temps here are over 100 daily I`m in NorCal. Underwatering? Overwatering? Any and all help is greatly appreciated! Thanks in advance...