The Daily Bread


Well-Known Member
Just out of the oven. Sourdough. Flour, water, salt.

Any other bread fanatics out there?

I had a sourdough starter for 7 years, but let it die out when I moved 2 years ago. I had the best recipe for a sourdough no-knead pizza crust, literally the best crust I ever had anywhere-cast iron pizza pan really helped though. Beautiful loaves man! Makes me want to get back into it.
Bread is just amazing. Every civilization has its own form. In one form or another it's been a staple food for every culture. Sourdough goes back thousands of years. I find it fascinating.

And who doesn't like a nice warm piece of bread fresh from the oven?
I wish this thread had not kicked off with sourdough. I love bread but not that stuff.
Can you set aside your disappointment long enough to post bread you do like? :)

We are trying to perfect home made pitas like the ones at local middle eastern places but can’t get them quite right. Thinking our oven just doesn’t get hot enough even with a stone to get them crispy on the outside and fluffy inside.
Just out of the oven. Sourdough. Flour, water, salt.

Any other bread fanatics out there?


When my wife got pregnant I baked a lot of breads. I was pretty deep into the Amish Friendship Bread. I baked and gave out many loaves. Some medicated, most not. Haven't had a starter for some years now. May get back to it now that the season is wrapping up. I'll see if I can find any of my threads.