The "D" day pool, best guess as to when Trump is out

I don't blame ya for being pessimistic, but Trump and the republicans have lost the middle of the country and all of the true patriots. I figure the GOP brand has been damaged beyond repair, at least until demographic changes start to bite. There are a lot of smart patriotic people who are determined to see justice done and the threat to the country removed. The last "America First" movement collapsed in the wake of Pearl Harbor and this one will too in the wake of Trump's impeachment and the release of overwhelming evidence.

I don't think you could consider those who would still support Trump as patriots in the aftermath of an impeachment trial and overwhelming evidence of literal treason. They have clearly put their cult leader above the law and before the welfare and safety of the country, they have demonstrated allegiance to something that is an enemy of the constitution and therefore the country. " To protect and defend against all enemies foreign and domestic", is I believe how it reads...
i don't know about the whole country. i live in eastern Tn., close to Knoxville. there are still a lot of old school rednecks here who will vote for trump because he's a republican, even though he really isn't a republican. he's changed his party affiliation 5 times since 1987.
they'll vote for him because anything progressive scares them. they'll vote for trump because he supports the fear they feel when they see anyone they don't understand...and i'm willing to bet there are people like them in every state, even california...
i don't know about the whole country. i live in eastern Tn., close to Knoxville. there are still a lot of old school rednecks here who will vote for trump because he's a republican, even though he really isn't a republican. he's changed his party affiliation 5 times since 1987.
they'll vote for him because anything progressive scares them. they'll vote for trump because he supports the fear they feel when they see anyone they don't understand...and i'm willing to bet there are people like them in every state, even california...
About 30 to 35% when averaged nationally, it's the same ratio in almost every country on earth, history and entrenched racism make the number higher in some states. In America the citizens of some rural states have much more power through the senate than others in say California and that is a major issue and impediment to the will of the majority being exercised. I think Trump is gonna blow up the red/blue political map right down to the gerrymandered districts and you'll see drastic change in 2020 if Trump is not removed before the election. I don't think Mitch is gonna like what will happen to his senate majority if the GOP give an obviously guilty Trump a pass on impeachment. The GOP is gonna be in one Helluva pickle anyway and they are heading into a no win situation with Trump. He who sups with the Devil tends to get burned.
Donald's head is still rolling around the oval office from their last meeting over the shutdown where Chuck and Nancy tag teamed Donald into taking responsibility for the shut down and fucking his own negotiating position. Some great negotiator eh?

This is what Donald has to look forward to in the new year and he's too stupid to have even a clue as to what is coming his way, Mueller will be the least of his worries...

Pelosi's daughter: 'She'll cut your head off'

Before her mother is set to meet with President Trump and other congressional leaders at the White House over border security, Alexandra Pelosi offers insight into how likely incoming House Speaker Nancy Pelosi approaches meetings with the President.
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Donald's head is still rolling around the oval office from their last meeting over the shutdown where Chuck and Nancy tag teamed Donald into taking responsibility for the shut down and fucking his own negotiating position. Some great negotiator eh?

This is what Donald has to look forward to in the new year and he's too stupid to have even a clue as to what is coming his way, Mueller will be the least of his worries...

Pelosi's daughter: 'She'll cut your head off'

Before her mother is set to meet with President Trump and other congressional leaders at the White House over border security, Alexandra Pelosi offers insight into how likely incoming House Speaker Nancy Pelosi approaches meetings with the President.
Thanks I'll send this info to my handler. She says that and I google "severed heads in San Francisco" Seems that there are a couple cases of that happening there in the last few months. I'm getting a BONUS!!!
Watch Anchor Shred Trumpian Claim That 'Nothing Matters' | The Beat With Ari Melber | MSNBC

In the Trump era, everyone from comedians to pundits have claimed that “nothing matters”. MSNBC anchor Ari Melber runs through an exhaustive list of times when Trump has been defeated or stopped by facts and reporting. Melber also notes that many of the same pundits who were wrong in their predictions about the 2016 election were also wrong in 2018. Melber argues that the evidence shows that “in a Democracy, things matter when we make them matter”.
Facts matter to Manafort and Cohen, they'll be doing time because of facts and facts will get the undivided attention of a lot of other people who are gonna do time too. The fact is, the retribution has not even begun yet and many others are going to be ground up by the wheels of justice before this is over. There are a lot of crimes yet to be dealt with and a lot of people are involved, just in the NRA alone dozens might be ensnared by laundering Russian money into the election.
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Thanks I'll send this info to my handler. She says that and I google "severed heads in San Francisco" Seems that there are a couple cases of that happening there in the last few months. I'm getting a BONUS!!!

"Handler"? If someone is paying you for this bullshit they are sure getting ripped off, like Trump yer not competent enough to do the job. It might be helpful to your "cause" if you had a point to make and if what you write makes sense. I'm all for humor and use it quite a bit, but if this is an attempt at it, well, that's a failure too...
So, if Trump is impeached and imprisoned in 2019, will he run for president in 2020? If he's impeached and found innocent by the republicans in spite of overwhelming evidence of guilt, how will that look in 2020 with all the damning evidence made public?

He'll have the nomination of the GOP base in his pocket, even from jail. FREE DONALD will be the rallying cry of the republicans in 2020! Even though he will be continuously in court and convicted for a host of other crimes too numerous to mention, Free Donald...

Mitt Romney challenging Donald for control of 60 million republican morons is a joke, he doesn't have a snowballs chance in Hell. Shit, even now 90% of these idiots still support and approve of Trump, most think he's doing a great job and that incompetence, treason and corruption don't matter and can be ignored.
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a lot of them don't care...they're getting what they want, and they know it can't last forever, so they're riding it like a redheaded rented government mule....and they'll get off of it when it wheezes out it's last lie and falls over, releasing it's bowels on the American people for the last time.
Why Fox News just can't quit Donald Trump
Fox News and Donald Trump are having a public love affair, but their relationship is less of a romance and more of a hostage situation.
After eight years of attacking President Obama, Fox has happily adapted to its new role as a guard dog for the Trump administration. But the relationship between Fox and Trump is less of a romance and more of a hostage situation. Rupert Murdoch, Executive Chairman of News Corp (which owns Fox News), was a vocal critic of Trump during the 2016 campaign. He criticized Trump’s position on immigration, accused Trump of “embarrassing” the country, and was once described as “the billionaire Donald Trump can’t win over.” So what explains Murdoch’s change of heart? Why is one of Trump’s most influential critics allowing his network to turn into a Trump PR channel?
What's the best guess as to when Donald Trump will leave office, either by resignation or impeachment? Bonus points if ya guess either obstruction of justice or conspiracy with the russians and get it right too.

I'll go with March 15th, figure things should come to a head about then. In spite of the best efforts of the republican congress to obstruct justice, coddle and protect him.

The first or second day of the new congress after the midterm elections, might be a good choice too, provided the country survives and the republicans are half as stupid as I think they are.

"D" is for Donald and Downfall, "D" day traditionally marks a turning point in the fight against fascism.
The Trump-Fox & Friends feedback loop, explained

How the ‘dumbest news show’ on TV influences the White House

Fox & Friends has spent years being a fever swamp of conspiracy theories, right-wing propaganda, smear campaigns, and general absurdity. Now, it's President Trump's favorite show, with the power to hijack the news cycle for days at a time.
So what do you like about Trump the most?
i don’t care for his personality.. but i respect his policies of America first.. and he bypasses the media and goes strait to twitter, to the american people... and i’ve been following politics a LONG time, and traditionally, that’s political suicide.. UNLESS you have nothing to hide, regardless how many people hate you. it’s refreshing actually to see a president fight for MY rights, not every other countries rights.. remember, the Govt have ZERO money, they just manage our hard earned money.and, he just sighed off on legalizing Hemp, which no traditional republican would EVER do.. bc it helps the farmers. hope that helps
i don’t care for his personality.. but i respect his policies of America first.. and he bypasses the media and goes strait to twitter, to the american people... and i’ve been following politics a LONG time, and traditionally, that’s political suicide.. UNLESS you have nothing to hide, regardless how many people hate you. it’s refreshing actually to see a president fight for MY rights, not every other countries rights.. remember, the Govt have ZERO money, they just manage our hard earned money.and, he just sighed off on legalizing Hemp, which no traditional republican would EVER do.. bc it helps the farmers. hope that helps
His policies benefit Russia first
Why 60% of Americans don't believe Trump's Russia lies | With Chris Cillizza
As the Mueller probe ramps up, President Trump has taken to Twitter to slam the investigation. But according to a recent Wall Street Journal/NBC poll, less than 34 percent of people believe Trump is “honest and truthful” about the Russia investigation.
i don’t care for his personality.. but i respect his policies of America first.. and he bypasses the media and goes strait to twitter, to the american people... and i’ve been following politics a LONG time, and traditionally, that’s political suicide.. UNLESS you have nothing to hide, regardless how many people hate you. it’s refreshing actually to see a president fight for MY rights, not every other countries rights.. remember, the Govt have ZERO money, they just manage our hard earned money.and, he just sighed off on legalizing Hemp, which no traditional republican would EVER do.. bc it helps the farmers. hope that helps

First, his "policies" change from the beginning of a sentence to the end, even the wall" has become steel slats now. Wasn't Mexico suppose to pay for the "wall", not American taxpayers like you? Why do you figure the government is shut down?

Trumps twitter feed is a disaster of lies and stupidity and he demonstrates this daily, people hate Donald for a very good reason, he's a bad person and the worst president in American history. Most patriots hate traitors and there's nothing wrong with that.

If Donald is fighting for "your rights", how does that relate to US policy and international affairs? Donald has been a disaster for American foreign policy selling out America to Russia, Saudi Arabia and Turkey, why do you think all of those good people resigned in protest? Do you think Trump is a better man than Mattis? How about the fact he's a draft dodger and tax cheat?

The government has zero money because Trump and the GOP gave a trillion dollar tax break for the super rich and the shaft for guys like you. Doesn't yer asshole feel sore or is it just gone numb?

Trudeau a literal liberal just legalized pot in Canada, not some bullshit hemp law, pot is being legalized anyway, it's time has come. Pot will be legal in the US too just as soon as Trump and the GOP are gone from power.

You have pretty low moral, ethical and performance standards, Trump is lazy and indolent, he watches TV most of the day instead of working the job and it's widely reported that he is unfit and incompetent.

I don't believe any of your so called" reasons" for liking Trump because they are not in accordance with reality. I believe your just another fear driven racist who's gone tribal and off the deep end. Don't feel too bad though, you've go lot's of company, but there are not enough of you to destroy your own country with stupidity. At least you had better hope there isn't, cause you won't like what would happen then.

Get used to a lot of brown folks in yer future, most are better people than you and probably more worthy of citizenship.

BTW Trump's shutdown has caused DHS to release thousands of migrants into the USA. All "caravans" coming north will be catch and release into the USA, gracias senior Trump! Deportations are suspended too!

Are ya tired of winning yet?

Trump’s shutdown has paralyzed immigration courts. Oh, the irony.

IN THE name of securing the border and keeping out illegal immigrants, President Trump has opted for a partial government shutdown. Irony of ironies, that shutdown has paralyzed the nation’s immigration courts, shuttering many of them and allowing several hundred undocumented immigrants to dodge deportation orders each day the shutdown continues. They are among many hundreds of others whose cases will be postponed for years — or, in effect, indefinitely — for every day the closure lasts.
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