The "D" day pool, best guess as to when Trump is out

New Rule: Grass Warfare | Real Time with Bill Maher (HBO)
In a special "420" edition of New Rules, Bill argues that Democrats should use marijuana legalization as a wedge issue in the upcoming elections.
WAPO: Sessions Says If President Trump Fires Dep. AG Rosenstein He May Quit | The 11th Hour | MSNBC
The Washington Post reports that Attorney General Jeff Sessions told the White House he might quit, if Deputy Attorney General Rod Rosenstein gets fired by Donald Trump - something many have said would trigger a Constitutional crisis for Trump.
Looks like Jeff Sessions is acting as a pretty good sandbag for Rosenstein and Mueller. If he wasn't talking to Mueller he would have resigned and Rosenstein and Mueller would be fired by now. Mitch and Jeff are buddies and if Donald fired Jeff or Jeff resigned the senate would act by holding judiciary committee hearings.

Jeff is cockblocking Donald and he's going nuts! Remember though, Donald operates on impulse power quite a bit, especially when he's got a large hair up his ass and he's squirming bigly.
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WAPO: Sessions Says If President Trump Fires Dep. AG Rosenstein He May Quit | The 11th Hour | MSNBC
The Washington Post reports that Attorney General Jeff Sessions told the White House he might quit, if Deputy Attorney General Rod Rosenstein gets fired by Donald Trump - something many have said would trigger a Constitutional crisis for Trump.

i am beyond ready for him to trigger a constitutional crisis. then we can see who the patriots are and who the traitors are...
He won't be impeached. On the contrary, he will win a second term.
According to many a Trumper:
"He's a good christian man and he believes in Jesus too!
Super Donald, chieftain and father of the white tribe doesn't, lie, cheat or steal".

This thread is all about yer best guess, we spin the big wheel here daily.
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Well, nobody got fired from the DOJ this weekend Donald must have heeded the warnings, he was eager to fire folks at justice but sensed the danger. Donald never does the right thing unless someone is holding a knife to his throat so he must feel his freedom of action is constrained. The GOP won't do anything substantial until primary season is over, after that it depends on what Donald does, something will motivate him to massacre the DOJ, it's just a question of when. Mueller will keep on pulling on threads until it all comes unraveled and Donald will have to act.

Don Jr and Kushner have not been charged yet and along with Cohen, won't be until Donald is gone from office. NY law prevents double jeopardy and if they aren't charged, but federally pardoned, they can be charged under NY law. Mueller wants to save the Trump family until Donald is removed from office and if he issues pardons they can still be charged in NY, if Mueller does not charge them federally before. The feds must be confident about eventually nailing these assholes even if Donald gives them pardons for federal crimes.

I think some of Donald's family or co conspirator pardons will be challenged in the SCOTUS. Donald will be named as an unindicted co conspirator and charged when he leaves office with the same conspiracy as those he pardoned and the FEDs will try to strike them down. In any case they would be compelled to testify against Donald, and Donald might do the time while they walked (if no state charges applied), Donald would not be happy then, it would be so,"unfair".

I wonder what the new week holds in store, what will Mueller drop on Donald next, they got em on the run and ya don't wanna give him a chance to rest and catch his breath. I wonder if some in the house will be charged with obstruction of justice over threats to the DOJ, document leaks and abuse of their oversight role, something to look into next year I'm sure..
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It worked with Nixon, the GOP settled for millions on the day he resigned. They also kept the investigation alive with the lawsuit.

The Democratic leadership secretly love Donald, he's gonna give em the house and senate in the midterms if he's still around and as a bonus fuck the GOP for a generation. Looks like the GOP is gonna have to cut Trump's throat to survive, I figure they will impeach him before the midterms. How they deal with the morons who support Trump is their problem and one they deserve.
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It worked with Nixon, the GOP settled for millions on the day he resigned. They also kept the investigation alive with the lawsuit.

The Democratic leadership secretly love Donald, he's gonna give em the house and senate in the midterms if he's still around and as a bonus fuck the GOP for a generation. Looks like the GOP is gonna have to cut Trump's throat to survive, I figure they will impeach him before the midterms. How they deal with the morons who support Trump is their problem and one they deserve.
Yep, you are a true liberal for sure. Still as delusional as when Hillary had the election all wrapped up even before we voted. Then once Trump was elected you switched gerars too, he will be impeached before his first term is over. How did those speculations work out for you? I will tell you. Just the same as your above koolaid driven speculation.
yeah, not so much, but its nice to dream.....

Pulitzer-winning reporter David Cay Johnston: “The evidence suggests Trump is a traitor”
Investigative reporter who has covered Trump for 30 years dares to imagine impeachment — and President Nancy Pelosi

Lots of good discussion about boring shit, then...

As Malcolm Nance and others have warned, Russia's interference in the 2016 election and likely infiltration of Trump's inner circle could be one of the worst intelligence disasters in American history, a failure of Benedict Arnold or Rosenberg proportions.

Let me be very clear and quotable about this. At an absolute minimum, Donald Trump has divided loyalties, and the evidence we already have suggests that Donald Trump is a traitor. In fact, I would say that the evidence we already have, the public materials such as emails for example, strongly indicate that Donald Trump is a traitor. However, I don't even think he understands what he's done.

Yep, you are a true liberal for sure. Still as delusional as when Hillary had the election all wrapped up even before we voted. Then once Trump was elected you switched gerars too, he will be impeached before his first term is over. How did those speculations work out for you? I will tell you. Just the same as your above koolaid driven speculation.

You appear to be describing the "liberal straw man" of your imagination, I never commented in the politics section until I created this thread. You are not a conservative, so I don't know why liberals concern you, you are a Trumper and have no ideology except that which drops out of Donald's mouth on any given day. If Donald turned commie tomorrow you'd be sporting a hammer and sickle, if he kissed Vlad's ass, you'd be ok with that too. Just as long as he gets them "brown folks" and makes the "liberals" mad, I'll let ya in on a little secret, Trump makes true conservatives angier than liberals.

Donald is gonna fuck over the GOP so badly the next elected republican president will be an african American of uncertain sexual orientation. The republicans is a whistle'n Dixie past the graveyard.
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Yep, you are a true liberal for sure. Still as delusional as when Hillary had the election all wrapped up even before we voted. Then once Trump was elected you switched gerars too, he will be impeached before his first term is over. How did those speculations work out for you? I will tell you. Just the same as your above koolaid driven speculation.
Your vagina smells bad
Just the same as your above koolaid driven speculation.
BTW my speculations are driven by cannabis and I grow the very best. Cannabis is not a dangerous drug like the Kool Aid of racism/tribalism that the Trumpers slurp down daily, along with unhealthy meals of Donald's bullshit. Fox News provides an evening snack and hate radio takes care of those spare moments during the day when normal folks reflect and think.
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