The "D" day pool, best guess as to when Trump is out

In supporting Trump you are, you support everything he does and says, including treason. Many people have observed the uncritical cult like behavior of his supporters. He did say he could murder someone on 5th avenue and his supporters would be ok with it. They don't mind sexual assault, or strong evidence of treason. Many even buy into his "fake news" narrative for fuck sakes and believe or overlook the most transparent and ridiculous lies.

As for people being wrong about Trump being elected, were they? Clinton won 3 million more votes and Trump cheated with russian help. The electoral college failed in its duty to block Trump from the presidency, that is its constitutional purpose, Trump was and is clearly unfit for office. It's not supposed to be a majority state rubber stamp but a safeguard to eliminate Trump types.

Hillary cheated the democratic party out of a fair choice, Trump cheated America and got in bed with Putin to win.
Don't tell me what I support or don't support, you have no clue. You obviously can't comprehend gradiations, and that's cool. Few of the people on the left can. But hey man, you keep posting the memes, it shows your tenuous grasp on how to conduct an adult conversation, and damn it...they are hilarious. I can barely contain my laughter over all this winning!!
I don't presume to speak for any man that can speak for himself, why don't you ask him and do something constructive with all that anger and hate in your heart for someone you don't even know. I mean, it's pretty clear you are upset, perhaps volunteer at a crisis center or something. It might help, just a suggestion.
Don't tell me what I support or don't support, you have no clue. You obviously can't comprehend gradiations, and that's cool. Few of the people on the left can. But hey man, you keep posting the memes, it shows your tenuous grasp on how to conduct an adult conversation, and damn it...they are hilarious. I can barely contain my laughter over all this winning!!


a nazi pedophile.

I don't presume to speak for any man that can speak for himself, why don't you ask him and do something constructive with all that anger and hate in your heart for someone you don't even know. I mean, it's pretty clear you are upset, perhaps volunteer at a crisis center or something. It might help, just a suggestion.
Projecting? Avoiding the question and melting down won’t help, why do you like Nazi paedophiles so much you adopt them for an avatar? I doubt it’s irony
LIke I said, Trump is like a ventriloquist dummy with Putin's hand up his ass working his mouth. Looks like others had the same thought too, it is kinda obvious though.
Don't tell me what I support or don't support, you have no clue. You obviously can't comprehend gradiations, and that's cool. Few of the people on the left can. But hey man, you keep posting the memes, it shows your tenuous grasp on how to conduct an adult conversation, and damn it...they are hilarious. I can barely contain my laughter over all this winning!!
Glad you like it, I'm here to have fun too.

If you don't support Trump, then you are free to denounce him here, if you do support Trump you are also free to explain why. To argue you must use facts though and with Trump they are tenuous things that change from the beginning of a sentence to end, sometimes more than once. He contradicts himself with in the same sentence all the time.

Have you ever read a transcript of Trump speaking? Make any sense to you? When you do read one, the word you'll need to describe it is, "scatterbrained".
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Glad you like it, I'm here to have fun too.

If you don't support Trump, then you are free to denounce him here, if you do support Trump you are also free to explain why. To argue you must use facts though and with Trump they are tenuous things that change from the beginning of a sentence to end, sometimes more than once. He contradicts himself with in the same sentence all the time.

Have you ever read a transcript of Trump speaking? Make any sense to you? When you do read one, the word you'll need to describe it is, scatterbrained".
Speaking of fact, how about presenting some supporting your claim of Russian collusion. Are you unable to just admit you don't like our President Donald J. Trump instead of making ridiculous baseless claims of Russian collusion?
Projecting? Avoiding the question and melting down won’t help, why do you like Nazi paedophiles so much you adopt them for an avatar? I doubt it’s irony
I'm not avoiding anything, you just didn't get the answer you wanted. Happening to you a lot lately huh? And learn the definition of projecting before you claim someone is doing it. I know the left likes to throw baseless claims at everything they don't like. Next time to give your "argument" some weight with your pals, call me a Nazi too. Also an uneducated redneck, racist, mysoginist, and a transphobe. You'd get an auto win.
we might as well eliminate the electoral college. that shit has failed twice in recent years.
"Failed" looks like it worked well to me. I mean hell, get a 2/3 vote in the legislature and you can make it happen. Good luck with that sparky.
for orrin hatch 4th in line to the throne to give it up? trey 'rising star klanman' gowdy just announced he's not seeking? this is huge..they think they can distance by quitting?..ommission of the truth is equivalent to a lie.

they all know and/or are involved.
If Trey Gowdy of SC is not just giving up a plum chair job, but retiring from the house all together, it's gotta be bad, real bad. It don't get much redder or Trumpier than his district, figures the base will stay home cause they fucked Donald and the evidence of GOP colusion will be strong enough that a few GOP people might go to jail. Trey is an experienced prosecutor and knows which way the wind is gonna blow, I figure he watched what Sessions (another former prosecutor) did to protect the FBI and justice from Trump, then figured Mueller had him for perjury and owned him. The jig was up, time to get outta Dodge, cause the GOP is risking jail from here on out. Lot's of in the know committee chairmen aren't running again, Trey is not alone, I figure Paul Ryan won't run again either, but he can't say that yet.

Who knows how far the rot goes, that's Mueller and a future congresses job, the FBI and democrats will be intensely interested, as will the public and of course the press. No matter what has been found or comes of this the core of Donald's base will not buy it, yer in the territory of religion here. It would be like trying to convince a born yesterday christian that the Jesus myth was a myth or that Adam and Eve didn't really happen, or Santa Claus is not real...

Donald is gonna have his own church one day and I hope it's full of martyrs, they will be accepting donations for the perpetual legal defense fund, so why not fleece the suckers.
If Trey Gowdy of SC is not just giving up a plum chair job, but retiring from the house all together, it's gotta be bad, real bad. It don't get much redder or Trumpier than his district, figures the base will stay home cause they fucked Donald and the evidence of GOP colusion will be strong enough that a few GOP people might go to jail. Trey is an experienced prosecutor and knows which way the wind is gonna blow, I figure he watched what Sessions (another former prosecutor) did to protect the FBI and justice from Trump, then figured Mueller had him for perjury and owned him. The jig was up, time to get outta Dodge, cause the GOP is risking jail from here on out. Lot's of in the know committee chairmen aren't running again, Trey is not alone, I figure Paul Ryan won't run again either, but he can't say that yet.

Who knows how far the rot goes, that's Mueller and a future congresses job, the FBI and democrats will be intensely interested, as will the public and of course the press. No matter what has been found or comes of this the core of Donald's base will not buy it, yer in the territory of religion here. It would be like trying to convince a born yesterday christian that the Jesus myth was a myth or that Adam and Eve didn't really happen, or Santa Claus is not real...

Donald is gonna have his own church one day and I hope it's full of martyrs, they will be accepting donations for the perpetual legal defense fund, so why not fleece the suckers.
I'm sure you know exactly why Gowdy is retiring. Couldn't be that he just wants time away from DC. I don't know what you do for a living, but you should REALLY look into fiction writing. You ability to divine the "truth" without having any facts to back it up is amazing. It's almost as if you are driven by sheer hope that you are right. How does it feel being wrong all the time?
Speaking of fact, how about presenting some supporting your claim of Russian collusion. Are you unable to just admit you don't like our President Donald J. Trump instead of making ridiculous baseless claims of Russian collusion?
I guess ya gotta watch the "fake news" for the evidence of conspiracy. Don Jr and Kushner are rich enough that they aren't gonna go to the slammer for nothing. Flynn had his sentencing delayed the other day and the GOP is starting to fold. There is a ton of public evidence for conspiracy with the russians, Mueller knows more and soon so will we. Trump is obstructing justice in unprecedented ways, the time of decision rapidly approaches, the rule of Trump or the rule of law, which side are you on, cause there's no fence to sit on, it's all razor wire and only the stupid and ignorant sit on that.
I'm sure you know exactly why Gowdy is retiring. Couldn't be that he just wants time away from DC. I don't know what you do for a living, but you should REALLY look into fiction writing. You ability to divine the "truth" without having any facts to back it up is amazing. It's almost as if you are driven by sheer hope that you are right. How does it feel being wrong all the time?
I'm retired with a good corporate pension in Canada with free healthcare and responsible government. Treason against our multiple military and intelligence agreements and treaties concerns me most. I have very little interest in and little desire to participate in domestic issues, though I have opinions on gun control because we have an issue with smuggled American handguns.

I do like to write, that's one of the reasons I'm here, practice makes perfect and ya gotta stay in shape, use it or lose it. This is a great place to work out and do some good too, might even change a heart and mind along the way, help a few heathen to see the light. It's fun to speculate and try to figure out which way these weasels are gonna run. In fact it's the GREATEST SHOW ON EARTH, a three ring circus with Dumbo the GOP elephant on the high wire without a net, jumping through flaming hoops at the command of Donald the clown.

Dumbo is gonna scream, howl and dance, until he stomps on Trump.
I'm sure you know exactly why Gowdy is retiring. Couldn't be that he just wants time away from DC. I don't know what you do for a living, but you should REALLY look into fiction writing. You ability to divine the "truth" without having any facts to back it up is amazing. It's almost as if you are driven by sheer hope that you are right. How does it feel being wrong all the time?
Maybe trey is feeling some shame, don't figure he's in legal trouble and he could get reelected, but it will be a minority party for the rest of his political life. Ya figure he'd lead the new Hillary investigations Trump ordered, remember BENGHAZI! Seems even Trey had enough of that bullshit.
I'm not avoiding anything, you just didn't get the answer you wanted. Happening to you a lot lately huh? And learn the definition of projecting before you claim someone is doing it. I know the left likes to throw baseless claims at everything they don't like. Next time to give your "argument" some weight with your pals, call me a Nazi too. Also an uneducated redneck, racist, mysoginist, and a transphobe. You'd get an auto win.
I didn’t claim anything it was a question, and I have not called you a Nazi. Why do you have an avatar of a Paedo/Nazi ?
here it is

That in itself is enough to hang most mere mortals, there are plenty of people in prison right now on less evidence than these people will be confronted with. Who would have thought that they could be that stupid as to conduct this kind of conspiracy using email, arrogance, indolence, stupidity, ignorance? All of the above, Christ knows what else Mueller, the FBI, the CIA and especially the NSA have on these assholes.

Never in the field of human sleazery was so many stupid things done by so many idiots, fuck if Mueller has more than this they are all guilty as Hell of literal treason and it's on paper too! Maybe when they are all tucked away someone might wanna look at the treason law in light of the precedent set by FDR and ratified by the congress, "that a state of war has existed...". There are different kinds of war, conventional, nuclear, total, limited, cold, and cyber too. Look at it like this, who else has thousands of nuclear warheads pointed at ya?
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Is Trump creating a constitutional crisis worse than Watergate?
Trump is creating a constitutional crisis with his attacks on the FBI and the Department of Justice, say White House watchers. The CBC’s Wendy Mesley speaks to former Attorney General of New Jersey Anne Milgram who believes it may be worse than Watergate.