The "D" day pool, best guess as to when Trump is out

House Judiciary Democrats Warn President Trump Not To Fire Mueller During Recess 3/22/18
Democrats on the House Judiciary Committee are nervous about actions President Trump might take during a scheduled two week congressional recess.

PS. Read some of the comments on Youtube! Yer country is full of wingnuts and/or russian trolls and bots.

Here's a sample!

4 hours ago
trump has these fools scattering like the roaches they are!

West Coast
4 hours ago
These people are sick!

5 hours ago
BLA BLA BLA. Truth will be known there is no crime. We know the real criminals are Mueller and Comey.

Sherry Felch
5 hours ago
This is all grand standing on the what if’s, or could be scenarios so again democrats are wrongly accusing the president

Chucks Grace
5 hours ago
Anti-Trump Avengers at it again

5 hours ago
Get out of office get bit touch my president and you will start a civil war you work for us bow the hell down now. Get rid of the people vote there ass out now remember this people when it is time to vote.
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All the ways Trump’s campaign was aided by Facebook, ranked by importance

In the wake of revelations that Cambridge Analytica used data vacuumed up from Facebook by a researcher in 2014, there has been a lot of finger-pointing at the firm suggesting that its misuse of that information was critical to Trump’s election. Cambridge hasn’t done itself any favors, given that its marketing plan for years was to position itself as the nebulous magicians who had cracked the code on victory. But there’s little evidence that what the firm did with that Facebook data was all that fruitful. Meanwhile, the campaign’s more direct use of Facebook in its efforts has been generally disregarded, given that it doesn’t involve Bond-villain-style antagonists, complete with British accents.

There are at least five ways in which Facebook’s network and data were used to bolster Trump’s campaign. We’ve done our best to rank them from least to most important in his victory. But even this analysis is hampered by the various parties claiming to have fathered Trump’s victory. More...
Report: Saudi prince said Kushner is 'in his pocket'
The Saudi crown prince said that Jared Kushner, President Trump's son-in-law and senior aide, was "in his pocket" according to a report by The Intercept.
Another one ya can't make up, no patriot can tolerate bullshit like this. When will the first American service person die for a Trump or Kushner property or to protect their personal interests?
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McMaster to Resign as National Security Adviser, and Will Be Replaced by John Bolton
WASHINGTON — Lt. Gen. H. R. McMaster, the battle-tested Army officer tapped as President Trump’s national security adviser last year to stabilize a turbulent foreign policy operation, will resign and be replaced by John R. Bolton, a hard-line former United States ambassador to the United Nations, White House officials said Thursday.

General McMaster will retire from the military, the officials said. He has been discussing his departure with President Trump for several weeks, they said, but decided to speed up his departure, in part because questions about his status were casting a shadow over his conversations with foreign officials.


Another casualty of the war on America
McMaster to Resign as National Security Adviser, and Will Be Replaced by John Bolton
WASHINGTON — Lt. Gen. H. R. McMaster, the battle-tested Army officer tapped as President Trump’s national security adviser last year to stabilize a turbulent foreign policy operation, will resign and be replaced by John R. Bolton, a hard-line former United States ambassador to the United Nations, White House officials said Thursday.

General McMaster will retire from the military, the officials said. He has been discussing his departure with President Trump for several weeks, they said, but decided to speed up his departure, in part because questions about his status were casting a shadow over his conversations with foreign officials.


Another casualty of the war on America

jesus christ, bolton is as big of fucking idiot as trump. expect us to start a war soon, or bomb the shit out of something in iran.

trump needs to pay for his sins against america.

crucifixion for chetto jesus anyone?
jesus christ, bolton is as big of fucking idiot as trump. expect us to start a war soon, or bomb the shit out of something in iran.

trump needs to pay for his sins against america.

crucifixion for chetto jesus anyone?
I'm betting Trump makes him shave off his stache! He looks like a chicken hawk to me, did he ever serve or see combat? Maybe if the dumb fuck had skin in the game he might feel different about throwing military might around, there are many costs, not just casualties and money. Sanctions on Iran are useless, not even Canada will go along and neither will anybody else, an empty threat. War with Korea or Iran is a good distraction for the press, keeps them away from the sex and russia stuff, who gives a fuck if it costs thousands of American military lives (they knew the job was dangerous), or risks millions of asians in nuclear war. The important thing is that Donald make it through another day, another moment, no matter how many corpses he's gotta step on to do it.

Like I said, if he suspends the constitution ya can crucify him on the top of the Washington monument and let the corpse rot there while ya re enact it. Don't forget to waterboard the fucker before ya string him up! Other than that, it's a supermax for life 23/7 with an hour of exercise time by his big fucking wall. I'm inclined to think he'll bolt for moscow if Vlad will have him and he does propaganda for him like Tokyo Rose. Vlad could have a lot of fun with Donald in moscow, aside from crowing about how he fucked over America.

Without the constitution he despises, Donald might end up a lot like Saddam Hussein, terrified with a big fucking rope around his neck in the middle of an angry vengeful mob. A mob you might be leading I might add.;)
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Ya know, I kinda figure folks are gonna miss Donald when he's gone, ya kinda get used to all the excitement and non stop breaking news! The adrenalin rush of living on the edge, like driving at high speed on a dangerous road in a jalopy with a madman at the wheel. Life is gonna slow down and seem boring, they'll have to come up with a Donald simulator app or something. There will be mass layoffs at the cable news companies and the newspapers will resume their slide. Face it America, yer hooked on Trump/meth, yer gonna go through Trump withdrawal!:lol:
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Yeah Let's all adopt liberal values and make every city illiberal utopia like this one

Why don't you spend a minute and define what a liberal is, they seen misguided or evil in your world view.

What do you think of Donald Trump? Are you a fan?
Live in Frisco?

Here is the liberal view on immigration, ya don't even need ICE.
Ya control immigration by busting employers and giving them mandatory minimums, not by bothering poor folks looking for a better life. If employers don't deduct SS, taxes and workers compensation they are committing an offense, they need social security numbers to hire and make deductions. The immigration issue is bullshit used to whip up morons who don't like brown folks, focus on the employers if ya wanna solve the problem.

All the rest including your link is just fear and hate mongering bullshit. If yer sucking the hind tit in yer country, focus on improving yer own life. Trump is owned by Putin and he has thousands of nukes pointed at you, when ya pull yer head outta of yer ass it's gonna make a loud popping sound!
Yeah Let's all adopt liberal values and make every city illiberal utopia like this one

It's pretty damn embarrassing when one has their head in the sand.

The result illustrates the long-standing conflict between drug investigators, who have taken an aggressive approach to a prescription opioid epidemic that killed nearly 200,000 people between 2000 and 2016, and the government attorneys who handle those cases at the DEA and the Justice Department.

A vacant Detention center is a terrible thing to waste.

One of the values you can adopt is to take care of your own Corp. sponsored drains on society.
It's shameful how some states treat their citizens.
i have seen a shitload, no, a fuck load of poor ass white people on welfare in rural america. half of which can work, but why work for a depressed $12 an hour in the shit hole environment of rural america, when you can suck on the govt's teet...

fuck ignorant, uneducated white retards...