The "D" day pool, best guess as to when Trump is out

I take offense at your premise of anyone "owning" me
That's the reality of the situation, many who did not support Hitler, ended fighting and dying in the frozen Hell of Stalin's USSR. He is your commander and chief and the way things are now, your owner, because your republic is broken and you are not free right now, you have a king (or should I say queen, as in drama), the GOP congress made him one. You have an absolute monarchy right now, I live in a constitutional monarchy and it feels much better.

You should resent Trump as your commander and chief a lot more than me saying your not truly free because of it, right now America is a prisoner of hate and fear, Donald is it's ugly face. Will you also take offense when he murders millions in your name with a nuclear war for a news cycle distraction? You and all Americans would have to own that, just like the people of Germany own Hitler.
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Trump merkel.jpg
"LISTEN YOU STUPID ASSHOLE", the adults in the room said... Donald is just following Vlad's orders at the G7, why he even invited him back in to the G7, even after he attacked America, WOW!
I agree with you, but Trump will still try, he's desperate and cunning, but not too bright and doesn't know how the constitution works. He will try to destroy the country before he is forcibly removed from power and will foment unrest after he is gone, until the judge takes away his Twitter. He is gonna try to do as much damage as possible. I don't think too many in the military leadership would follow Trump into a power grab, if you have seen the US army field manual criteria for leadership abilities, you'll know Trump has none, he couldn't lead a pack of dogs (morons are another matter).

The congress has let him get away with everything so far, most in the GOP wouldn't say a thing if he floated the idea of a power grab. Ya got lucky with Trump, if he had a brain and a plan the country would be toast and so would the rest of us.
Yer either a Trumper who just discovered RIU or a new pair of socks that smell kinda used... Or maybe some 14 year old kid who doesn't know any better.
pcause a billionaire president who
Yep, we're real impressed with this loser up here in Canada, I wonder what Putin ordered him to do about Korea... "Weak and dishonest" sounds like Trump, I think Donald is projecting again.
White House attacks Canada on eve of North Korea summit

President Trump flew to Singapore from Canada, where he participated in an especially contentious G7 summit that came after he triggered a trade dispute with several of the US' closest allies. The quick succession of combative G7 meetings and his arrival in Singapore for a summit with North Korea's dictator set up a striking contrast best captured by a pair of tweets Trump issued after leaving Canada in which he slammed Canadian Prime Minister Justin Trudeau as "very dishonest & weak" and reneged on US plans to sign a joint communique with the G7 leaders.
you don’t need to be impressed brotha, he’s our president and I know the silent majority of America sees the great things he’s doing and are happy. He def has a lot of faults but he’s also not stupid like some people say, he’s a billionaire. I know anyone can do it if their dad gives them start up but that’s not true. I don’t have the figures but I believe more rich people die poor then die rich. Just because the haters yell the loudest and are more rash in how they get their message out. And the Russia shit went no where which is why the investigation has gone out of control going after anyone around Trump for any offense. If the shoe was on the other foot their is no way Obama, Clinton or Clinton wouldn’t end up in prison at the conclusion of the investigation. Obviously I have a different point of view on things then you but please don’t listen to one side just because they’re people are yelling the loudest or getting the dirtiest.
No offense but which one is honest???

Probably none of them?? When it comes to politics...
Try the CBC or BBC for some perspective, honest news sources are not hard to find if yer honest with yourself and don't just believe what you want to believe, like Obama is a Muslim or some other screwball alternate fact. Reality isn't hard to find, though it's sometimes difficult to deal with.
pcause a billionaire president who

you don’t need to be impressed brotha, he’s our president and I know the silent majority of America sees the great things he’s doing and are happy. He def has a lot of faults but he’s also not stupid like some people say, he’s a billionaire. I know anyone can do it if their dad gives them start up but that’s not true. I don’t have the figures but I believe more rich people die poor then die rich. Just because the haters yell the loudest and are more rash in how they get their message out. And the Russia shit went no where which is why the investigation has gone out of control going after anyone around Trump for any offense. If the shoe was on the other foot their is no way Obama, Clinton or Clinton wouldn’t end up in prison at the conclusion of the investigation. Obviously I have a different point of view on things then you but please don’t listen to one side just because they’re people are yelling the loudest or getting the dirtiest.
Yer full of shit and I or anybody else on this thread can easily prove it, even the news part of fox news reports the truth about this criminal who weaseled his way into power with the help of a hostile power, that he now serves, that makes him a traitor and you either a fool or not much better. This ain't no left right argument here, liberal/conservative has nothing to do with it at all, it's about hate, fear, racism, tribalism and treason, right vs wrong, easy stuff for regular folks who are not socially and emotionally retarded.
And trump is gonna solve this imaginary issue, how exactly?
I don’t think I said he’d solve it and it’s not imaginary, it’s public information. Here’s a snippet of what I found with a 1 second google search, wonder if it goes deeper....


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No offense but which one is honest???

Probably none of them?? When it comes to politics...
Yer just what Putin wants, confused, that's why the russians are experts in disinformation and have a rich history of creating bullshit. They now have a conduit into the west with the help of the right wing media who's talking points mesh pretty closely with the kremlin's lately. Traditional news sources use and adhere to professional journalistic standards. Propaganda and serves the interests of those who create it, news serves your interests and it does it by telling the truth.
Yer just what Putin wants, confused, that's why the russians are experts in disinformation and have a rich history of creating bullshit. They now have a conduit into the west with the help of the right wing media who's talking points mesh pretty closely with the kremlin's lately. Traditional news sources use and adhere to professional journalistic standards. Propaganda and serves the interests of those who create it, news serves your interests and it does it by telling the truth.

are you starting to understand how stupid the people are on the fox news, rush, hannity, trump side?
I seriously can never get over how nasty lefties personalities are, just real angry people.
Like I said yer full of shit and not driven by common sense, but something else is jerking yer chain to the point where ya don't even feel the cock being driven up yer own arsehole, we call such people fools where I come from. Left or right has nothing to do with this issue, it's just a meaningless term in this context, right vs wrong is the issue here and you clearly don't know the difference.
Wouldnt be able to beat my ass the lefties around here weigh 120 lbs us rightys weight 170 - 400
Seriously they all have real bad envy and self worth issues turning them into whiny high school girls who can’t have a convo with someone that thinks differently without personally insulting even though they’re the side of acceptance and equality, though I believe the black slaves in our past sees the left a little differently....
Like I said yer full of shit and not driven by common sense, but something else is jerking yer chain to the point where ya don't even feel the cock being driven up yer own arsehole, we call such people fools where I come from. Left or right has nothing to do with this issue, it's just a meaningless term in this context, right vs wrong is the issue here and you clearly don't know the difference.
History disagree with you mister sheep...
Seriously they all have real bad envy and self worth issues turning them into whiny high school girls who can’t have a convo with someone that thinks differently without personally insulting even though they’re the side of acceptance and equality, though I believe the black slaves in our past sees the left a little differently....
Dude to be honest with all the hipsters around here I could probably take on a hundred at one time I weighh 230 most I see are twigs n could break in half I was raised working a farm these guys where raised on video games