The curing process


Active Member
I have cut a branch off here and there from one plant the buds looking real good , since it’s a small amount of bud cut, it is drying little quicker, I am using the glass jar method and never used jars for curing, just hung from the frames in the garage in the past let the heat do the rest seemed to work fine!

I know it takes a while, and you open the jar every 12 hours and all that extra manual labor, but what are the smells you should be getting as it cures, what if there is a slight ammonia smell, not actually that exactly,, though, does that mean they need to dry more.

Seems some factors in the jar curing method! could completely ruin the weed if you don’t get it right! No?

So what I would like to ask? what is your experience's with the different smell’s your weed gives off during the curing progress with the jar curing method!

Asking the more experience what do we look for or what do we watch out for both answers would be good! iHelp us Obi Wan's in this endeavor of a more scientific way of cultivating and curing marijuana.



Well-Known Member
The whole concept of curing is to slow down the drying to a crawl. You cannot really wreck your weed curing it. It does have to be dry enough to be cured.

I smoke out of a jar of weed. Its curing the whole time i have it. Every time i open it and take out a bud its getting cured.


Active Member
Can't really say it's an ammonina smell, I am dealing with 3 unknown strain, so I'm a bit confused on what I am dealing with!! a friend said he though that thought 2 0f the 3 are a Diesel strain which I never dealt with before.


New Member
Okay, ammonia smell is quite distinct. if it is mold and ammonia is what ur smelling.... it will increase as you cure. U'll know. If it smokes like lemon pledge and makes the back of ur mouth feel rough.... mold.


Active Member
Okay, now if it is mold! is it from the jar curing or the planets buds before picking, what do you look for if the buds are on planets in the ground, planets look great smell good but!!! what to look? for and if smoked what is it's effect? I know not good but what else?


New Member
Mold can be trouble for someone with immunity problems.

Mold makes the buds turn gray or brown. It is usually found towards the center stem, where the moisture gets in and can create a favorable environment for the mold. Look inside where any dead leaves have been.


Active Member
Still would the mold be developing while growing, is there a smell or look the planet may have that may be an indicator? and if planet does have mold 86 it Ya!


New Member
planet? :lol: It's just plant.

Wet curing involves almost the same thing as air curing, but instead of burping the air out of the jar, you replace the water inside the jar. Water breaks everything down quick, but leaves something to be desired in taste and appearance.

I suggest you open ur jars up, pull the buds out and go through them one by one. Sniff each bud.... that will tell you.

If you are rife with mold.... ISO HASH.


would it still smell like weed when i water cure?
so once i water cure it, do i just hang them and let it dry?
cus usually i cut the branches off take all the big fan leaves off and hang them in a closet upside down at this point it still smells like weed but once it drys (7days) it dont smell like weed nemore. am i doing something wrong?


Active Member
Okay, now if it is mold! is it from the jar curing or the planets buds before picking, what do you look for if the buds are on planets in the ground, planets look great smell good but!!! what to look? for and if smoked what is it's effect? I know not good but what else?
Well you get moldy buds from putting them in the jars when the buds are still wet. They shuld be really dry when you put them in.


Well-Known Member
When I get impatient and cut some a little too early that's when mine does not smell as good unless it has been skunky from a baby. I just air dry mine. I might try that water cure and see if I like.