The Craziest Spliff You've Rolled?


Well-Known Member
dont have pics...but backstage at Cypress Hill's 2007 Halloween show B-Real tossed a zone into one blunt...20 people smoked it for half an hour and the roach was big enough to roll 5 standard swishers...craziest shit ive been apart of...

besides that, maybe not joints or blunts but on my 21st Bday my boys forced me to do a Decathlon which is basically a marathon of 10 overly packed bowls that must be snapped to count, with no break whatsoever in between soon as you exhale one, youre firing up the next...gets old and you realize it was a bad idea around number 6
I saw a CSI where a guy did that and he died haha ;)


Well-Known Member
I rolled a joint made with the feeder leaves and use earwax as the glue. Then I heated up honeyoil and dripped it on the outside then rolled it in kief. That was the highest I've ever been. I've rolled a windmill like three times I find the main joint gets too much fuckin resin it and starts to taste off.


Active Member
Step 1
Take 4 large rizlas and stick them together as per the picture below, so you have 2 wide rizlas.

Step 2
Now turn one of these 90 degrees clockwise and stick it along the edge of the other pair of rizlas. Make sure you leave the gum exposed on the right hand rizla.

Step 3
Fold the left set of rizla over to form a square, still leaving the gum exposed at the top

Step 4
Now lick the gum and fold it over to seal the top edge of the rizlas

Step 5
Now open it out to create a pouch

Step 6
Pack your favourite legal high mix into the pouch, you can put as much or as little as you want, but remember to leave some space at the top

Step 7
Roll a long roach the length of a king size rizla, this will form the stem of your tulip. Wrap and seal rizla around it as well

Step 8
Place the long roach into the middle of the pouch and pinch the rizla around it tightly

Step 9

Use a piece of thread and tie this around the neck of the tulip tightly. This will hold everything together and also create an air tight seal. I wrapped a piece of cotton thread around about 30 times for this.

Step 10

Now curl the leaves up and admire you work. Take a picture and let us see it in the comments below!

this was taken from another website...i didn't write it annnnnd thats not my hands.


Well-Known Member
Where are my pics ?

I have made some absolute crazy spliffs over the past years of smoking... i call myself a pro roller... ;)

anyways great pics guys... love it !