The Correct Temps For Indoor Growing ???

Hey There

This is my 4th grow. iv had success with my last two but my first didn't do as well .
the reason for this was "ventilation and air circulation" the temps where far to high and my babies wernt getting enuff oxygen/carbon dioxide so i fitted an exhaust fan a and a fan for pulling fresh air in.i also bought a 15" osculating fan blowing slightly above the plants since iv completed these steps i noticed a vast improvement in the way my babies grew over the past 2 grows. The Thing is my temp still seems to be sitting at 33oc wen the temp is at its highest i believe this to be around the 92 degrees mark I'm no expert or nothing but is that not far to high ??? it doesn't seem to be affecting the growth of the plants just now and i was quite happy with the results of my last 2 grows should i be looking at lowering the temps in my room or is it okay the way it is . the grow is in a walk in cupboard that is sealed up pritty tight if this helps any i am also only 3 days after planting and all of my little ones are cumming up lovely probly bigger and quicker than i expected. also do i have to have my extraction fans on all the time wen the light is on & does the hight of my light affect the temps in the room???:confused:

Im using a 400w hps light

Any information on this matter will be very appreciated asap please !

pics available if needed!

Note: the youngsters look very healthy at this point

33oc = 92 degrees 0 oc = 3.5 degrees <------ is this correct

:joint:please feel free to correct me on anything u think is wrong :joint:

:blsmoke:LEGALIZE :blsmoke:


Well-Known Member
Anything over 88 dramatically slows vegg growth and is also too hot to flower because then it needs to be cooler. 75 at night and 85 day is optimum.


Well-Known Member
If you're not already, make sure you vent that HPS light with a cooltube or something similar. I have the same probs with my 400W even with ventilation so i had to break down and buy a portable air conditioner and dedicate it to my grow space. You may want to look into the same. with the warmer months of the year coming to an end, you can probably find some good clearance deals if you spend a little time diggin around. Temp issues suck, good luck man.

Forest G.

Does it get above 92 out side? I wouldn't worry to much about temps as long as they aren't to bad. Everyone has an OPINION but whatever works best FOR YOU and your babies.


Well-Known Member
If you don't have a cool tube run your lights at night and a dark period during the hottest portion of the day. I live in the desert and right now I'm vegging 5 pm to 1 pm. When I flower I'll go to 11 PM to 11 AM and go dark during the hottest part of the day. I like 78-82F for the lights on and 60-70F during dark.


Well-Known Member
You can only cool your growspace as low as your ambient temps outside your growspace are, without additional air conditioning. A common mistake made is where the intake is located. Make sure your intake is as close to the floor as possible, as this is where the coolest air will be, obviously. This can make a huge difference with your temps if you feel you need them lowered.

Heads Up

Well-Known Member
You are in the danger range for sure with those temps. Weed likes pretty much the same temperature we feel comfortable, seventy six to seventy eight degrees. In the high eighties your plants are suffering even though you may not think so. At eighty degree their stomata start to close, it's like your pores closing and you not being able to sweat, it slows down the whole plant and it's ability to take up nutrients.

The advice of what ever works best for you and your babies, ninety two degrees indoors is not good advice. The best tool you can have against a statement like that is to educate yourself about your hobby. Asking questions is a good start, you can learn an amazing amount if you care to.
i found that the temps jump up to 33oc when i add the obsaclting fan into my cupboard when i take it away and just have my 2 extraction fans runnin the temp in the room jumps down to around 27oc - 29oc depending on the time off day i also took some advive off a m8 and added 2 big basins of really cold water into the cupboard one sittin on the floor and another high up on a self this seems to of dun the trick as for the "cooltubes" i havnt even seen one of them before and iv seen a good few grows how much are they and is it really worth my while buying one im thinking of just changing my 400hps for a metal hailde just for veggie then go bak to the hps... ANY THOUGHTS ON THIS??

cheers for all the feedbak appreciated

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