The Corporate States of America


New Member
If you don't think the US is run by corporations via politicians, you've got to be blind. Corporations are why weed is still illegal, pharmacy, paper, textile, alcohol, petrochemical, they are all threatened by marijuana.

Corporations are right now begging for the spoils of your labor. The government takes our money through taxes and gives it to them, then they take some of it and shove it in the pockets of the politicians that helped them or voted in their favor.

We live in a CAPITOLIST society under the disguise of democracy.

Leilani Garden

Well-Known Member
Well, I do my best to buy local when I can. I'm into the buy local food "movement," although I've kinda messed up as of late . . . it entails going to the farmers mkt, rather than the much easier trip the local grocery store; still, some of my local stores do buy local.

Try buying locally produced clothing, though. Can't do it. Even if you make your own clothing, the fabric is still produced elsewhere.

It's darn near impossible to buy local for most products. It bothers me, but I can't lose sleep over it. I would like for things to be different, and I'll support all efforts to do it; I just can't do it on my own.

Anyway, the link that I posted to Daryl Hunt's story does not have much in the way of details.

Here's an eight-part series about the whole sordid affair.

I encourage everyone interested in our justice system to read this story. Then consider the fact that it was a journalist who wanted to get to the bottom of the story who finally exposed the Hunt story for what it was. Even the Supreme Court turned its back on this guy. A journalist gave justice back to this man.

This was an HBO documentary last spring. If you ever get a chance to watch it, do that. You'll see the actual court footage, the prosecutors (who have never shown much remorse, even though they knew they had railroaded this guy).

How do you give someone back their life? And how many more are there? Plenty.


Well-Known Member
The federal reserve and irs are also private,taxes go to the government? Hahahaha give me a break that goes in david rockefellers pocket


Well-Known Member
#1 I unfortunately have no choice but to work with corporations, however I do this as an independent contractor on my terms at my price. Which I am able to provide at a most reasonable rate for all parties involved. I am not ripping off an employee of mine to make a buck, and my clients get gracious service at lower cost than my competitors can provide. I will not get rich.

#2 I am very conscious about where and how I spend my money. I do not have a bank account and no credit cards. I would not dream of buying nike products. I shop at thrift stores. I am particularly pretty picky when it comes to my feet, so I ask for as close to all cotton socks for Christmas and birthday presents. I try very hard to buy shoes on clearance not made in China, nearly impossible.

#3 ... is the charmer. "THEY" are only still around because "THEY" can convince some of us that some of us are them. You don't think your a wage slave like the rest of us? "THEY" got us BUY the FOOD dude!!! I am lucky here I have a limited number of local spots to get fruits and veggies, family owned butcher shops are still around here. Water forget about it, the water would be illegal in 30 other states, and it's worse from draught.

I try not to support corporations, but it is getting harder and harder not to give them our money. Not to mention taxes. Yeah right, secure in my Property, Person and effects, try not paying your property tax and see who comes to collect the MONEY and YOUR LIFE... with an all expense paid trip to a privately owned prison, with all the other "CRIMINALS". Fun fun fun.

No, I have said it before on RIU I never joined the military, because I do not want to KILL PEOPLE. Especially for money, or the whim of someone else. I am prepared to defend my self, and those around me should someone come a lookin'. I have said it before, you either love people or hate people, choose one and act accordingly.