The Contributors Thread

and it isn't the first model they had one that didn't have heated plates they heated the in an oven
Just saying for what is actually there it is a lot of money. You might think it is worth it and have a market to get returns on your money so that is all that matters. Can't wait to see what you make with it though.
Did you press arrive yet?

They are being sent out on the 14th and 15th, I have talked with one other guy on Rosin Tech page on FB that has also ordered one and both of us called Rosin Technologies and the presses are sitting with peoples names on them ready to go.

I am getting the banner and new logos and shirts made up for the "hash fest" club Pot Hole is having.
Well I asked rollitup if I could get the Twitch handle and not the Twitch. with the period at the end
Purgy mcPurge. Banana OG nug run, initial purge(water bath), ended up vacuum purging it for too long and it turned to sugar, but tasty haha.
well the press came in and wouldn't you know my luck I get the faulty one, like fire hazard central, the unit was turned off and plugged in and heated up to 600 degrees while at my sons foot ball practice. the unit came pre set at 180 it blew past that. ever wonder what happens when you squish a nug at 500 degrees with that much press? it explodes....

What I believe determines a companies worth is not when the problem arises but how the company handles the problem...

to be continued....