The Contributors Thread

I produced 7 ounces of this from a trim with high bud ratio (GOO), 120f 5 days at 29.5 in/hg. cascade oven. taste great smells even better and with an e-nail well fucks me up.
the second pic is at 160f 5 days and made with GDP trimGoo 001.JPGGoo 001.JPG 4115 548.JPG
Ummmm my bad. I forgot you asked. Probably terribly late but i dont know how if we can pm besides post on people's thing idk.
So im replying here


Yea take your decarbed hash oil or whatever and dissolve that into the oil like you were making an edible. Personally i like to use unrefined sunflower oil as its high in what i feel are the most desired types of fats. But there are other oils close in composition

You can add like 10% ethanol or pg to enchance permeation.

Ive found dmso to be great as well.

I would do this and make your own vs adding to a product on the market. Just because youd have to go and look into the ingredients see what may limit or compete etc but that may be the best option if just trying to try or have a limited budget

Aaand what up man. Really late here. Yea i made the transition running organic in all my spots, about a year ago.
Ive heard good things about those. I use a different product, basically the same concept except mine seems more complicated and was a pain to hook up and get going properly. I was growing in a few different houses 1 in taylor, 1 in cedar park, 2 in elgin. I dont k ow why i listed the cities, my point being i cant do all i need to do. Pretry much everything there is automated.. They have one where you can set the parameters and it reads the moisture of the soil. It gets below and it waters...then stops when over the set number. For plants that dont like too much or some that dont want too little. You get the idea.
I dont know much about blumat if its a quality professional company but they have a digital one thats basically same deal, or seems that way

Especially if your in mexico and can get some dAnk (where you at? i got back from the guerrero region recently) you can get some great oil. But when processing brick just take time to make sure all is ground up fairly finely. Dont be afraid of it, ive shown people oil made from brick and they didnt even know
As to extraction processes or rather solvents, my favorite will prolly always be iso.. but that is just me
@Guzias1 @anzohaze @MANUEL GARCIA

Aaaand everyone else can go somewhere with all them questions
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I mean rosin is cool I do like it, but I still love my wax. I have been looking into the rosin for a couple of the dispensaries up here. setup cost is low and you dont have to jump through all the crazy loops like for a solvent setup, and the price tag that some of these places are putting on ice wax and this rosin is pretty high.
When people ask if I like wax or shatter it is really neither this is the consistence I like
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you got it bro.. that nice sugary waxy sap.. made from terpene rich material. usually not cured.. can get this with chop freeze and run. or fresh dried frozen ran.. love this consistency too.. has the best flavor and taste.. and the high is better the most because your experiencing the entourage effect also.!!!!..
Just got home from work and one of my dogs left a similar present by the front door
Is it a clone of that plant or just a cheese, whats orange bud? Literally orange flavored bud or a strain? Ive never heard cheese being synonymous with orange bud
Just got home from work and one of my dogs left a similar present by the front door
Is it a clone of that plant or just a cheese, whats orange bud? Literally orange flavored bud or a strain? Ive never heard cheese being synonymous with orange bud
At the time my pops went to a cup and was collecting genetics. Ten odd years later most have died off but we still have one going. When we first got the clone it was called California Orange bud. We always called it Orange bud. The pistols are thick and orange like cheetos. When doing the research, one of the parents turned out to be Uk cheese. It smells like cheddar cheese. So my guess is they called it orange based on looks n not flavor. We do have an Orange flavor tho as well, in Tga's agent orange. Peace.
Just got home from work and one of my dogs left a similar present by the front door
Is it a clone of that plant or just a cheese, whats orange bud? Literally orange flavored bud or a strain? Ive never heard cheese being synonymous with orange bud
also if ur dog is shitting golden trich's bring the bitch over. lol