The constant factor!


Well-Known Member
In growing you will find that constants are better not only for your plants, but your yields and overall success. Im not a teacher, or a writer. This is just some personal experience I have gathered in my endeavors. Today I want to talk about being consistent.

When you first start growing you might think, wow this is a large financial load. Its common that people partner up to put up the funds for a grow. Its understandable you might also need help along the way. However by doing this you are adding more variables to your grow. These can also make or break your grow. For consistency, It is a lot easier for a single individual to grow. This way nothing changes, feeding, watering, training, without your oversight. Best advice has been on here for years, TELL NO ONE!

Put up the money for the whole shindig. This will more than likely make you want to buy half of the equipment and "get through" a first grow. By doing that all your doing is adding headache. You want all the equipment in the room, closet, so on, to be installed and tested to make sure you achieve the right temperature, humidity, light distribution. This is going to help agianst the worst factor IMO, PESTS!

I have had everything from powdery mildew to spider mites, and 9 times out of 10 it comes from a variable, like my girlfriend or room mate and something they bring in the house. Pets shouldn't be in your grow room ever and it should be shielded from the outer environment. Its as simple as:

A ten or room/closet completely sealed
intake fan with a carbon filter
Daily cleaning of plants and room
Take a shower and have clean clothes on before entering room
No clutter in the room.
Preventative sprays for pests untill week 2 of flower, I suggest azamax or a neem oil soap blend( found on Rollitup)
These are all preventative things that when applied really make things easier then defeating a problem.

I just want all of you to have successful grows, So do yourself a favor. Keep the factors down, keep it consistant, and read as much as possible before getting your grow on. Once you start, the plant waits on you to provide for it, and vise versa. This site has so many good articles posted by awesome people who learned by experiences, trial and error. Learn from them, and apply because your first grow/ next grow has the potential to be big, beautiful, and with all the rewards of growing, minus the headache.

Peace and good growing, im gonna go defeat the pest my factors brought in!


Well-Known Member
Nice post. But don't forget to mention arguing with your parters over who gets what in the end / plain getting ripped out.
Thats the harsh truth. Hell I know people that act entitled to what growing in a house, that they dont help/fund any of it. Or they want to split it but they fucked the crop up.