Trump is so much better than Oboomba ever was....the political left is a disgusting mess of corruption and clueless ignorant voters...
Who's going to pay for the soon to be 9 trillion dollars borrowed? Mexico...... No China......
The mentally ill are drawn like moths to tRUmps orange flame lol.
Choose Truth over Facts!
Trump will win just by sharing Biden cosplaying WORDZ.
I just spit iced tea all over my laptop.Tariff income!
I just spit iced tea all over my laptop.
China has got Donald by the balls he owes their bank a lot of cash and the bill is coming due. That's where some of Donald's bail out money is going and I'll bet he's getting lot's, its irresistible to him and he was on the verge of bankruptcy, it was kinda a God send to him in a way. Unfortunately China has got Uncle Sam firmly by the balls too with pharmaceutical and high tech global supply chains and trillions of dollars of recently acquired debt. Do you think it wise to piss of these people when they hold such tactical & strategic financial advantages over you? While there is an incompetent and inept moron running the country who is antagonising the dragon for his own narrow self interests? They own Donald a dozen different ways, just like the Russians, other than make noise he shouldn't do too much stupid shit with them, but because of his personal interests, not America's. It just as well America has enough problems right now and does not need it's pharmaceuticals and other vital medical supplies to be cut off, make it at home, but that takes time and above all else, leadership, it also takes someone who actually gives a fuck..Who's going to pay for the soon to be 9 trillion dollars borrowed? Mexico...... No China......
If Trump wins in November we will need a wall on the southern border! I figure we should bribe Trump to build a northern wall and give the contract to a Canadian company! How to build a wall and have Americans pay for it, let's show em how it's done the Canadian way. If Trump wins again we will need a wall alright and a minefieldI'm sorryOn the bright side, you should be receiving your tax rebate cheque from Mexico for your portion of the wall in the coming days, so you'll be able to buy a new laptop at that time.
It might end up something like this on our southern boarder wall with America after 4 more years of Trump...If Trump wins in November we will need a wall on the southern border! I figure we should bribe Trump to build a northern wall and give the contract to a Canadian company! How to build a wall and have Americans pay for it, let's show em how it's done the Canadian way. If Trump wins again we will need a wall alright and a minefieldtoo!
That seems to be what they are trying to confuse everyone with. Nobody is saying a regular mask is supposed to help them stay safe (outside of face touching), it is to help decrease the spread of what the person with the mask on is breathing out.Pig Pen...
“Remember Pig Pen, who had a cloud of dust around him at all times?” Ann Arbor resident Joe Miriani asked The Daily Beast. “That’s what the virus is like. A mask isn’t going to stop that.”
‘Bill Gates Wants Us to Get It’: The Deranged Scene at Trump’s Ford Factory Tour
After a slew of controversies with Michigan politicians, the president’s aversion to face masks was front and center in Ypsilanti, where his fans had plenty of thoughts on
China has got Donald by the balls he owes their bank a lot of cash and the bill is coming due. That's where some of Donald's bail out money is going and I'll bet he's getting lot's, its irresistible to him and he was on the verge of bankruptcy, it was kinda a God send to him in a way. Unfortunately China has got Uncle Sam firmly by the balls too with pharmaceutical and high tech global supply chains and trillions of dollars of recently acquired debt. Do you think it wise to piss of these people when they hold such tactical & strategic financial advantages over you? While there is an incompetent and inept moron running the country who is antagonising the dragon for his own narrow self interests? They own Donald a dozen different ways, just like the Russians, other than make noise he shouldn't do too much stupid shit with them, but because of his personal interests, not America's. It just as well America has enough problems right now and does not need it's pharmaceuticals and other vital medical supplies to be cut off, make it at home, but that takes time and above all else, leadership, it also takes someone who actually gives a fuck..
This is great. It’s all coming true.News story, The russians are back. Go and hide they are once again following Boris's plans for attacks against flying squirrels and moose. I saw this about sixty years ago on Saturday cartoons. Is anybody besides me finding this moment in history crazier than anything that has gone before? the crazy peasants are going to end up destroying all they have been handed. You know if you follow what is happening and the tone of it. There are a lot of mad frustrated people on both sides out there and if the split in this country continues on its present course we could end up with a civil war 10 or 20 years down the road. This is how they start . Consider our own civil war , it didn't just start one day, problems were left to fester many many years before it exploded.
Back in the day they didn't have all the time , tools, or education to slam each other 365 days a year. Just lucky I guess, I can see one day where crowds of people from both sides could come together for a day of protesting and sign carrying. They collide, some idiots pull out guns and away we go to reap the whirlwind. It took one assassination to start world war I A couple hundred of people killed in a clumsy battle between groups that dislike each other isn't that hard to believe.
No need to go out and purchase weapons now they would be obsolete by the time for action. you might want to go find a hole to hide in if it all goes bad. stocking up on antibiotics would be of help. those will be in short supply. a store of hidden food would be excellent no matter which side was hunting the other. This could be the way the left decides to remove us from this planet so all of the old species can recover. Then the forests and animals can all come out and play again with out the evil apes.
This scenario would please me if I lay dying. Because I have no doubt about the outcome of such a clash and the absolute stupidity of it all.