The Confederacy of Dunces - Trump Troll Permanent Record

Monoclonal antibody therapy is the next big thing... But basic public health measures, responsible government and a non lunatic president will save more lives. :D

You should stick to pseudo religion like meditation.

Tell us more about what that Seventh Day Adventist doctor says about hydroxychloroquine. Tell us more about how "we have to do stupid and potentially harmful medicine" because the medical experts say that the only safe and effective measures we can take right now are social distancing and washing hands.
Unfotuntnalty your posts are hidden, and this is the same lie that you leveled at me when I called you out for your bullshit pushing of Trump's snake oil salesman.
You can read all my messages and search too, if you want to make some kind of court case, but I don't see why you should if you have a working memory and honest intentions. Focus on the issues before you now, 2016 was a unique circumstance and that Russian push helped Trump get over the top, just barely. The fact that the republicans have protected him and betrayed the country is the biggest problem right now and why your democracy and the rule of law have failed. The people entrusted failed, not the constitution.

The Russians have a price on the heads of all coalition forces in Afghanistan, Brits and Canadians too, I want to see my government do more to punish Russia for this shit and more, as soon as you get your government back, I will be pressuring my government and party to do so, but I suspect I won't need to.

You should stick to pseudo religion like meditation.

Tell us more about what that Seventh Day Adventist doctor says about hydroxychloroquine. Tell us more about how "we have to do stupid and potentially harmful medicine" because the medical experts say that the only safe and effective measures we can take right now are social distancing and washing hands.
Gaslighting like Donald and attempting to setup a false narrative, again like Donald. I can see why Canuck took a dislike to you.
Gaslighting like Donald and attempting to setup a false narrative, again like Donald. I can see why Canuck took a dislike to you.
Where am I gaslighting anything? I'm directly accusing you of pushing hope as if that were a solution. That's exactly what Trump is doing. Just saying, I'm listening. I hear you citing right wing propaganda that is packaged to sow confusion and dissent, not anything useful.

You should stick to fringe religious stuff like meditation. It helps some people and is mostly harmless.
You can read all my messages and search too, if you want to make some kind of court case, but I don't see why you should if you have a working memory and honest intentions. Focus on the issues before you now, 2016 was a unique circumstance and that Russian push helped Trump get over the top, just barely. The fact that the republicans have protected him and betrayed the country is the biggest problem right now and why your democracy and the rule of law have failed. The people entrusted failed, not the constitution.

The Russians have a price on the heads of all coalition forces in Afghanistan, Brits and Canadians too, I want to see my government do more to punish Russia for this shit and more, as soon as you get your government back, I will be pressuring my government and party to do so, but I suspect I won't need to.
The troll of 'our democracy has failed' is bullshit.

We still have our nation, and that fact is why I think the FBI and Obama didn't want to leak it that Trump was working with the Russians before having enough evidence to prove it in court, because we do have laws and it is important for our politicians and government officials to follow them.

Is Trump corrupt, yes. And Mueller has said that once he is not president he is screwed. It sucks that we can't do more about it now, but the SCOTUS did say that the investigation into him can continue.

And you are still here trying to throw smoke for Russia's attack on us. You would think that all of the major catastrophes that are 'trending' in this forum being something that they have been attacking nonstop, and the way they are impacting us all right now would wake you up to it, but nope. Here you are just sticking to your bullshit.
The troll of 'our democracy has failed' is bullshit.
It's not a troll but a fact of life, a temporary one we hope, though I can see why that POV pisses off some Americans, just as many would agree with it though. The Russians had a wonderful constitution under Stalin, like the American constitution it is a scrap of toilet paper for Trump to wipe his ass with, unless those who are sworn to defend and uphold it do so. For as long as a near majority of Americans support those who repeatedly violated their oaths of office publicly and betrayed the country and constitution, this problem will persist, racism is it's root and almost singular cause, it now has become a national security issue.

There was a compromise between the parties in America that marginalised blacks by a silent agreement, now the parties are polarized along basically the same lines as 1860, the issue is the human rights of african Americans, the political parties have switched sides however.
It's not a troll but a fact of life, a temporary one we hope, though I can see why that POV pisses off some Americans, just as many would agree with it though. The Russians had a wonderful constitution under Stalin, like the American constitution it is a scrap of toilet paper for Trump to wipe his ass with, unless those who are sworn to defend and uphold it do so. For as long as a near majority of Americans support those who repeatedly violated their oaths of office publicly and betrayed the country and constitution, this problem will persist, racism is it's root and almost singular cause, it now has become a national security issue.

There was a compromise between the parties in America that marginalised blacks by a silent agreement, now the parties are polarized along basically the same lines as 1860, the issue is the human rights of african Americans, the political parties have switched sides however.
It is not a 'fact of life'. It is bullshit being spun by you because it sounds good (maybe).

Trump is POTUS and he is getting away with everything, so far. The legal system here takes time for Wealthy White Heterosexual Males, because they set it up to be that way. Luckily it can be changed, because it is worth a lot more than the toilet paper that Trump, Putin, and whatever foreign dictator also attacking our nation would like everyone to think it is.

If by 'silent agreement' you mean being white, and legislating for themselves and the world they understood mostly, sure, maybe. And yeah the Democrats today have a much better understanding of how the government has impacted every community and not just one group.
It is bullshit being spun by you because it sounds good (maybe).
It hopefully motivates patriots to action and a genuine effort to correct the problems without regard to anybodies "privilege", be it racial or financial, equality under the law is a founding principle and when you fail in that you fail not just the constitution but the very spirit of democracy. America is sick of spirit, to have a good country people must form and have a sense of community, toleration is not enough, not by a long shot. Neighbors in Serbia tolerated each other (off and on) for centuries, yet ethnic cleansing took place over night, the thin veneer of civilization was easily swept way. Civilization and culture are a mile wide and an inch deep, in America too.
Democrats today have a much better understanding of how the government has impacted every community and not just one group.
That's why I defend and support them and Joe here, not into domestic American political affairs too much other than than removing Trump and the republicans, they are a national security threat to my country and a danger to the planet as a whole. You don't see me commenting too much about VP picks etc, I'm here for the big show and I'm here as a friend of America and an ally. I wouldn't want Americans involved too much in Canadian politics unless they had just cause to do so and we elected a loonie who could betray, threaten them and bring down their economy.
It's not a troll but a fact of life, a temporary one we hope, though I can see why that POV pisses off some Americans, just as many would agree with it though. The Russians had a wonderful constitution under Stalin, like the American constitution it is a scrap of toilet paper for Trump to wipe his ass with, unless those who are sworn to defend and uphold it do so. For as long as a near majority of Americans support those who repeatedly violated their oaths of office publicly and betrayed the country and constitution, this problem will persist, racism is it's root and almost singular cause, it now has become a national security issue.

There was a compromise between the parties in America that marginalised blacks by a silent agreement, now the parties are polarized along basically the same lines as 1860, the issue is the human rights of african Americans, the political parties have switched sides however.
Nah, democratic values rise and fall.

We'll get through this shit.

It's not to late... to whip it. Whip it good.

That's why I defend and support them and Joe here, not into domestic American political affairs too much other than than removing Trump and the republicans, they are a national security threat to my country and a danger to the planet as a whole. You don't see me commenting too much about VP picks etc, I'm here for the big show and I'm here as a friend of America and an ally. I wouldn't want Americans involved too much in Canadian politics unless they had just cause to do so and we elected a loonie who could betray, threaten them and bring down their economy.
what a pile of crap. the same pile you keep dishing out here every day.

You are just repeating propaganda intended to divide this country in order to sneak another four years of right wing government in the US.

What does your Seventh Day Adventist doctor say about that and hydroxychloroquine?
Nah, democratic values rise and fall.

We'll get through this shit.

It's not to late... to whip it. Whip it good.

I'm from Nova Scotia and for generations maritimers have moved to New England for economic opportunity, we also have a very high number of American tourists and cottage owners who live here in summer, the bonds of friendship and caring go deep. Many Canadians have family in America and I have friends and relatives too, we are a bit more than friends and allies in many ways, our economies and even professional sports teams are integrated. There are twice the number of Dual US Canadian citizens than the number who gave Donald the election the last time and they are almost all democratic votes

I have faith in America and Americans to uphold your constitution and correct the loopholes in the law that allowed a psychopath to kill and betray so many. Too much dependence on the character of the president and the traditions that arose around the institution, there need to be laws, not mere expectations of good behavior. I'm sure you folks will figure it out when you get your government back and thanks to Donald and the failed covid response, it looks like you might in the end. When you do, the democrats will make sure this particular shit never happens again, the republicans will go down at a convenient time in many states, next year is redistricting and a chance to fix many gerrymandered congressional districts. H.R-1 will remove many of the unfair republican advantages too and the unfolding trials and scandals should pretty well finish the fuckers.

America will come out of this better and stronger, what don't kill ya makes ya stronger, you'll have a "more perfect union" where the flourishing of citizens and pursuit of happiness can happen more easily.

What will your kids learn of these times in 20 years? Assuming they never grew up in the "Trump Youth movement". ;)
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I'm from Nova Scotia and for generations maritimers have moved to New England for economic opportunity, we also have a very high number of American tourists and cottage owners who live here in summer, the bonds of friendship and caring go deep. Many Canadians have family in America and I have friends and relatives too, we are a bit more than friends and allies in many ways, are economies and even professional sports teams are integrated. There are twice the number of Dual US Canadian citizens than the number who gave Donald the election the last time and they are almost all democratic votes

I have faith in America and Americans to uphold your constitution and correct the loopholes in the law that allowed a psychopath to kill and betray so many. Too much dependence on the character of the president and the traditions that arose around the institution, there need to be laws, not mere expectations of good behavior. I'm sure you folks will figure it out when you get your government back and thanks to Donald and the failed covid response, it looks like you might in the end. When you do, the democrats will make sure this particular shit never happens again, the republicans will go down at a convenient time in many states, next year is redistricting and a chance to fix many gerrymandered congressional districts. H.R-1 will remove many of the unfair republican advantages too and the unfolding trials and scandals should pretty well finish the fuckers.

America will come out of this better and stronger, what don't kill ya makes ya stronger, you'll have a "more perfect union" where the flourishing of citizens and pursuit of happiness can happen more easily.

What will your kid learn of these times in 20 years? Assuming they never grew up in the "Trump Youth movement". ;)
You ain't got much foggy, except malice
You are just full of shit. I don't like being lied to. I'm glad you are offended.
i've seen him since 2012, and he used to be cool; i loved talking to him (he was one of my favorites along with lonndonfog) something happened and it was well before 2016.
I'm trying to stay focused on Trump and Trumpers and have little interest in flame wars, I post on science and technology and have started a thread on FPV in the gamers section. We are a bit like missionaries and gamers are easy prey! :D

I'm not posting too much on medical topics cause there is not much to post that will affect public policy and above all else attitudes. They have made strides in supportive care and cut the serous case fatality rate by a third using anti clotting and steroids to combat inflammation, but nothing of note on the antiviral side yet. We are still awaiting some studies on convalescent plasma and the delay is starting to become a concern. The news media has health topics well covered these days, not like back in the beginning of all this shit.