The Closets Adventure


Well-Known Member
I would like to ask if its ok to grow seedlings in a propogater tank with a 400watt hps light?
I am germinating the seeds at the moment and they will be in the pots in a few days.
i just built a growroom yesterdy in a shed in my garden. it is a closet about 1.5meter by 0.5meter. i am intending to flower them quite early due to the size of the closet with a 400watt HPS lamp which im going to use the whole time. i have used the light before and i think it should be fine. i have a computer fan at the top end of the growroom close to the light that is sucking the hot air out of the room. There is also another computer fan at the bottom of the room taking air in. i hope this is enough!
i am growing two different types of weed strains, out of what i know when i got the bud the seeds were in, the strains are jamaican weed, and thai stick, of which i am growing three of each, i know there is not enough space for six plants; unfortunately expecting males.
the question i want to ask is about the light. will it be ok for the seedlings? i am starting them with jiffy pots.
Thanks for any help

my nutrients:
>Organic Maxicrop seaweed extract
>Organic Tomatoe Feed
>Epsom Salts at a later stage

>bonsai (brand)