The closet zen garden of perpetual enlightenment


Never have I ever grown this well, this easily!


I am 32 days into flower and These are the healthiest plants I've ever had. Everything is amazing and some big beautiful buds are popping!


I was away in Barcelona for a week and though I have been back for a few days I waited to change the solution until today to just push/test the plants. They absorbed a 2-3 gallons in that weeks time but I feel confident I can leave this system running unsupervised for 2 weeks easily. Especially at this age although I'm sure in a few more weeks they'll need water daily.3.jpg

As you can see all 5 of the plants from the underside of the scrog. #2 is shrowded by its bigger sisters, I tried to scrog them in a way to open some space for #2 but it is just not meant to be it seems. All of the others are doing spectacularly, it'll be hard to shoose which to clone.

For this week though I upped the PPM to 1000 with lots of chaching and +size I'd like to see how frosty everything gets and want to make sure theres plenty of nuits to do that. That being said I've seen no tip burn whatso ever with this strain and the leaves are so healthy they're sharp!4.jpg

The clone room is doing just fine too

flower day day 35, I almost can't believe its only been about a month 2 months total since starting this system.from first reading stinkbuds thread to where I am now I feel like a masterful-savant. These plants are growing the best I've ever, and I feel I haven't done that much from when I first built the system. It's so trashy/elegant I almost feel like a space man.


It's no wonder I think I haven't done anything since I haven't since I last change the water. I just look at them grow.theyve sucked down 2-3 fallons of water and today I did check the PPM and it rose to 1331. This week I'm focusing on pushing these girls to the limit to see where they like to be most. So far I'm not noticing tip burn but I do see at least 3 leaflets starting to curve (2 seen above) I also did a pH check and it was looking a lil orange so I also added 1/2 cap of ph down... Leaf canoe curling is a pH thing right?


I love seeing the difference in phenotypes on this grow. Every other grow I've done I would have one plant or maybe two but different strains, but seeing a range of the same plant make. Above is plant #5 and it is a bushier plant and has whispier hairs with a few gold strands. The smell is exactly strawberry, so much so it almost smell like your hands were deluged into strawberry nesquick powder every-time I adjust the scrog. Looks like they're starting to put in their frost too so I am excited to see how they progress into the next month when I think I'm looking at a late January harvest.
Fantastic work OP! Next time, you should consider pruning away all of the vegetation below the scrog screen so you don't end up with a bunch of larfy wispy buds that dry out to weigh almost nothing. I bet you dont get more than 3 grams between all of those plants lower foliage combined. Sure does look like you're gonna hit good numbers on the weight produced above the screen though. Way to keep em healthy! :)
yeah I trimmed some of it off revently as I like to juice it, but I hear you get some impressive terapins in those whispier buds (maybe thats just in outdoor though) which'll be great in a budder


Well today marks the 53rd day in these wonderful girls flowering cycle and they are about 20 days out from finishing. So today I did a water change in what will probably be the last nuits I add. Thus far (the entirety of this grow) the stink bud system has over preformed. I was able to go away for multiple weeks with no care taker and come back to plants not only not sick but thriving! So today's nuit regimen consisted almost entirely of a finishing nuit "ChaChing" (NPK index 9-50-10) with a lil bit of "+size" (0-11-11)


There is a bit of uneven growing but thats because I have a CFL and HPS (guess which is where) never the less though these girls are growing amazingly. Sorry I was away from the site for a bit so here for your viewing pleasure are a few macros.

(plant specimen: 4)
(plant specimen: 5 aka queen sugar leaf)
(plant specimen: 5 aka queen sugar leaf)
(plant specimen: 4)
7.jpg (plant specimen: 4)
8.jpg (plant specimen: 3)

This has also been the first grow I used hydroponic research's veg+bloom, again I'm very happy with the results it was an easy 1part concoction that doesn't really alter the pH after an initial pH adjustment and I was also using their "+size" during flowering, which was a sample that they gave me free and I've plenty left over! To say the leat I'll be sticking with them for the next few grows.

Now I kinda rushed the veg phase when there strawberry hazes were being grown from seed so the size is small which is what I was going for because I'm growing in a partitioned closet. But the clones I made prior to flowering have been growing to a pretty decent size. Not huge but currently they're bigger than when I flowered the original ones.9.jpg10.jpg
Some are bigger than others as I cloned at different times. Now my original plan was to clone these, kill them off via juice press, and grow the new clones. So these plants are also 53 days old. Since they're smaller than I thought they were going to be I'm going to continue to grow them until I harvest and transplant them in the flower room. So I should get some real bigguns on the next grow. Also throughout the 53 days I've been practicing my fimming on the veg plants so they are pretty top crazy. I'm expecting them to be a lot bigger than my current flowers since this strawberry haze stretches like crazy in flower mode.

Anyway I;m rushing through this update but I'm touched that you all care about whats happening in my closet and when harvest time comes I'll treat you all to wonderful high times quality photos!


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Looking good my man. Makes me want to get my stinkbud system out. Better yet I m are make a modified stink system for a sog...
you have inspired me sir. i will deff try this when i get around to being in a medical state. Hope all is still well with your system and love the updates + photos (good quality too)!
Problem!!!!!!! I think my ppm went to high for a night as the plants sucked up close to 5gallobs in a day or so but now I've girt this:image.jpgimage.jpg

Am I right in assuming its extreme nuit tip burn? I'm going to redo the res later today Andretti it ready for final flush by bringing it to 300ppm and not giving it anymore nuits...

Am I sound in my thinking? Please help!
What where the ppm's when you checked them this morning? What where they supposed to be at? Did you forget to top off? Why the sudden increase in drinking?
I did forget to top off so imthink the ppms just went up to around 1500 they're at around 900-1000 now that I've topped off... Had such a dilemma this morning because then my veg units pump died... Rains it pours... I think everything is in check now, fingers crossed
I did forget to top off so imthink the ppms just went up to around 1500 they're at around 900-1000 now that I've topped off... Had such a dilemma this morning because then my veg units pump died... Rains it pours... I think everything is in check now, fingers crossed

Shitty, that sounds like that was your issue. Hope everything turns around and finishes nicely.
Yeah me thinks so, I think I caught both problems just in the nick of time. I just changed the water out in both of them the flower is around 200ppm and I'm just going to let that taper off into nothing while the plants finish/flush but making sure to keep the water level at 10gal this time :P

As for the veg unit I've got the ppm at around 600ppm good thing I had that spare 800gph pump or else my whole day would've been ruined not to mention those plants would've died. I guess I'll never buy the cheapest priced pumps at the grow shop again, lesson learned. The veggies are bouncing back though. I just have to make sure to get a few back up pumps for the future just incase, because that 800 is going to create too much heat and I had to use a piece Of copper coupling from my sink to get it to fit in the system(thinking swiftly on my toes) but I know the copper will probably poison them if I don't remedy that ASAP.

But these plants have been vegging so far for 60 days, I expect they go until 70+ days, whenever the flowers finish and I transfer them. Then I'll have a whole new set of problems...too many big buds!!!
Here is just a quick update.
(specimen #1)

Everything has leveled out from the scare a few days ago and I'm getting everything ready for harvest. Right now in the flower room The PPMs are around 360-370 I'm contemplating doing another reservoir change at an even lower PPM what do you guys think about that? For those of you who do hydro how low do you let the PPM go the final few weeks?


the trics are just starting to het cloudy so I figure I'm in the home stretch.

(specimen #4)

I've really been enjoying this grow, with the exception of the hiccup I had lass week, everything has been easy, breezy, and of course beautiful...covergirl

(specimen #5)

watching and documenting the different phenos has been a blast, and for my next grow I've already eliminated one of the phenotypes (plant#2) as it was a really small and if I may say, a shitty pheno.Not one I would like to proliferate. But 1,3,4,and 5 have been great. 1,3,4 are all very similar with small differences, mostly in size & hair. it goes smallest to biggest 1-3-4, and I think that is mostly because of the CFL I have on that side of the closet. I want to invest in an LED to replace it and hopefully even out the light spread.

plant#5 though is really intersting. It's under the HPS side but grows with really tight inter-nodes and has a much more indica look to it. It also is a frosty lil girl. Unfortunetly it was hit hardest by the high PPM last week but this grow was really more of a test of the system than anything else so I learned A LOT!

The nest grow I will be honing in on what Phenotype I like the most and the plants have been in veg for just about 70 days so I am expecting a jungle in the closet.

To recap one of the question (in case you've gotten to lost in these quick macros I took) For those of you who grow hydro, especially those using an areoponic system, how low of PPM's do you run leading up to your 2-3day pure water flush? I'm at about 370 and was thing to do another change at an even lower PPM? thoughts?
the big easy!
(specimen 5)

The plants are doing great and now the flower room enters the twilight of their lives. Trics are turning amber leaves are turning yellow, it is the change of the artificial perpetual seasons.

Just now after having the plants at around 350PPM for just over a week, I have emptied all the water and replaced it with strait h2o.p1.jpg
I will be running them with just tap water (30ppm) for the next 2-3 days, along with that they will be shrouded in 24 hours of darknes for these 2-3 days ass well.
some of the plants leaves are yellowing, although not as nuch as I would've liked. Next batch I will start the light ppm solution an extra week ealier than I did with this grow to try and really get them to color change.
p4.jpg p4.2.jpg
The ones closer to the CFL havent changed color in the slightest so I am curious to what the CFL does to them to retain their N?
but man are they the nicest & easiest buds I've ever grown!
next after I cut them down, I'll be putting them in a large passively ventilated cardboard box to dry, as I'm all out of space in my apartment to have a dark room or closet to dry in. _DSC0741.jpg
but the veg side is getting outta hand and after I clean the flower system I'll move them over into flower, to which I expect a real jungle to spring forth! Wish me luck and send me a machete!
Winter harvest festival!


Well I've got a pretty decent crop for my 1st areo grow, I'm very happy with the results, I'm now cleaning my flower unit to ready it for the next set of flowers and something dawned on me, I think it's time for a light upgrade! I was currently growing with a 150w HPS and a cfl that uses 80w, I forget what it's rated at but I wanna say around 200w+

Anyway so I'm thinking of upping it to a 400w HPS but I am a lil worried about heat. Right now when I've my windows shut in the apartment the closet is around 81 degrees. I'm curious if a 400hps will generate more heat than the 2 lights I'm currently running. But I had a pretty good yield for the plants directly under the HPS and kinda scraggly(yet frosty) for under the cfl.

Decisions decisions...
Get a 600 and a exsasut fan you'll thank your self later, or invest in a nice led seen some good hard buds grown by them