The closet grow


Active Member
Alright guys hows it going. Ive been here a while reading threw all these pages for a few months now and have finally decided to do a grow with a buddy of mine. So heres the thing, I would love to be able to do a perpetual grow in the closet we are gonna be using. Its about a 3 by 6 and the usual height for a walk in closet. My plan is to either start with some cron seeds i found in some cron...or get a few clones. The main problem i see is that with the room in the closet.
So heres the idea tell me what yall think. The goal is to get about 2 ounces to a qp every 2 weeks. Im gonna be using soil all the way through. we will start with about 6 or 7 clones(or more depending on what yall think) going directly into the flower closet(want to be finished with the first cycle of clones in 2 months). We will obviously be force flowering them with low or no veg time depending on the height of the clones. Every two weeks we will put 4 or 5 more clones in there until it starts to flow out. At that time there should be about 24 plants in there at different stages of growth. Do yall think there is enough room for that many plants in a 3x6? i feel like it will be stuffed but thats the whole point when u think about it. will be using 1 gallon pots to restrict growth and want spears at the end. Any sugestions for a power of light, i have a 250 mh im gonna throw in there also for a little extra but obviously need a higher power HPS. Any suggestions for venting and odor control would be great. thanks guys


Active Member
u would think more people would be intersted in talking about getting a qp every 2 weeks outta a 12 sq foot closet...any tips would be great


Well-Known Member
12 square feet * 7000 lumens per square foot = 84000 lumens

you can go 600w HPS as they are 90,000 - 95,000 lumens.

Assuming 8 week flowering(could be low 4 given strain):

set up the 4x3 in 1x3 stations....which gives you 4 stations

Week 1/2: plants go in station 1
week 3/4: station 1 plants go to station 2... new plants in station 1
week 5/6: station 2->3; station 1->2; new station 1
week 7/8: station 3->4; station 2->3; station 1-> 2; new station 1

Week 9/10 Harvest and rotate stations again.. now every 2 weeks you have bud.



Active Member
thanks potlike thats what im talking about. So you think a 600 would be enough for that room? Thats what i would think, also am going to hang a 250 mh right next to it so that should help a little. Can someone here explain what a 1, 2, 3, 4 and so on wand count when watering is? Also can i double your plans and reasonably have 2 plants a square foot? 1 gallon pots are relatively small.


Well-Known Member
2000 lumens per square foot absolutely minimal
5000 lumens per square foot average
7000+ lumens per square foot optimal

I have heard people dispute between 7000-10,000 lumens per square foot as optimal

regardless using a good bulb like hortilux or Sunmaster rated at 95,000 lumens with the HPS alone gives you a little over 7900 lumens per square foot... I believe the better 250watt MH lamps are around 23,000 lumens so that puts you at a total 118,000 lumens/12 square feet = 9833 lumens per square foot(VERY Good imho)

I would set both lamps up in the middle side by side with light movers for the reason of using MH lamps advantage of promoting shorter internodes which will keep the plant from stretching.

Add to the setup a couple UVB 10.0 lamps and your lighting will be wonderful. UVB helps trichome development during flowering which gives you better & more potent bud to smoke.

As far as going two plants per square foot... you could but be aware air circulation as well as bud rot might become a more prevalent problem going this route... Plants need some room for air to breathe. If you go this route do it SCROG/SOG style use some plastic security fencing from home depot/menards and be prepared to pay LOTS of attention to your buds....

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Active Member
thanks man, is there an easy way to make a light mover..and can you explain how if works ive been wondering