The choice God makes when sending someone to Hell


Well-Known Member
Why? Why waste your time asking such nonsense questions? I do want to understand. t's like debating what comic book hero would win in a fight.

Does Santa Clause really make it around the world in a night?I
no he does not do it in a night, it actually takes a year , the 24th is his last night and on the 25th he makes all the gifts visible to all those who believe...duh


Well-Known Member
the thing that makes GOD ...GOD is that GOD the power can do what soever he pleases he does not exist by rules or laws, that's what makes him GOD

That sounds like a copout to me. Something said as an ultimate supposed to be accepted as fact because "that's just the way it is"...

Even God would have to abide by the rules of logic, otherwise, there would be no ultimate meaning or reason for logic at all. Logic is a way of explaining why the rules of existence exist


Well-Known Member
We dont know much about God, do we? Because if we knew anything about God, there wouldnt be so many Atheists. I dont blame the Atheists for not believing in God because why should they believe in God? Its not like God has His own blog where He talks to people and shares His videos to anyone, does He? When has God ever talked to anyone? Or when has God ever revealed His Self to anyone? When has God done anything besides create the multiverse and laid down the laws of physics? When has God?... Who is God anyways? What is God? Is God an invisible force or is God a Person? But Christ...

But Christ is (supposed to be) a Person. But Christ can be analyzed because He is (allegedly) a Person. You cant get to know God but you can get to know Christ because He is (allegedly) a Person. You can read what Christ has said. You can hear Christs voice. You can basically read His (past) mind. Christ is much different then God. God is working everything out in the unfathomable invisible realm. Christ is working everything out in the tangible physical realm. You cant know God but you can know Christ. Christ is the Person that everyone should meet in the future, or at least read about Him and watch His videos.

But no one cares about Christ or else the world would be a very different place. Almost everyone thinks the Person of Christ is just a crazy person and a joke. When will the world wake up to the Life that we all experience? I bet God is a lot like Christ but much greater but no one can prove that because we dont know a single word that God has said, but what has the alleged Christ said?

EDIT- Im the one claiming to be Christ if you dont know by now.



Well-Known Member
When I say "God", I include Jesus Christ. I don't believe he, as a person, nor as a divine being, the son of God existed.


Well-Known Member
When I say "God", I include Jesus Christ. I don't believe he, as a person, nor as a divine being, the son of God existed.
When I say God, I mean the Highest Power ever. And when I say Jesus, I mean the Jesus from the Bible, normally. I believe in the possibility of God but I dont believe in the Jesus of the Bible, i.e. the miracle working Jesus. But I do believe the New Testament was based off of a real person named Jesus or Yeshua, but God only knows what the real Jesus said or did. So Im sure there was a Jesus or Yeshua but I dont believe in any of the fictional stories from the Bible.

But normally, when I say Christ, Im NORMALLY referring to Myself. And it should be an irrefutable fact that Im claiming to be Christ. Consider Me!



Active Member
Why? Why waste your time asking such nonsense questions? I do want to understand. t's like debating what comic book hero would win in a fight.

Does Santa Clause really make it around the world in a night?I

It's the "spirituality & philosophy" section dingus.