The choice God makes when sending someone to Hell


Well-Known Member
Can God choose not to send a sinner to Hell?

If he can't, how is he omnipotent? If he can but doesn't, how is he omnibenevolent?


Well-Known Member
My guess is the argument against this will be that God doesn't send people anywhere, they make the choice and based on those choices it's one outcome or the other.

What about this question; Can God send a good person to Hell?


Well-Known Member
My guess is the argument against this will be that God doesn't send people anywhere, they make the choice and based on those choices it's one outcome or the other.

What about this question; Can God send a good person to Hell?

Why? Why waste your time asking such nonsense questions? I do want to understand. t's like debating what comic book hero would win in a fight.

Does Santa Clause really make it around the world in a night?I


Well-Known Member

  • Does Santa Clause really make it around the world in a night?​

  • Well, why yes he does, aren't you a believer ?

    As for God, or god if you prefer....

    He heard your question before you asked it, and told you your answer, and you still came on here and asked it....
    You are not listening to god's voice?​



Well-Known Member
Why? Why waste your time asking such nonsense questions? I do want to understand. t's like debating what comic book hero would win in a fight.

Does Santa Clause really make it around the world in a night?I
He asked a question in a discussion thread. Noone knows the answer, but it makes for good discussion. Get it now?

eye exaggerate

Well-Known Member
My guess is the argument against this will be that God doesn't send people anywhere, they make the choice and based on those choices it's one outcome or the other.

What about this question; Can God send a good person to Hell?
Some Bodhisattvas are in hell and will stay there until no more souls are there. They could choose to be a Buddha but are so full of LOVE for humanity that they do not.

Christ went to hell.

"They" all went to hell to redeem the souls of the 'damned'. Important to note that they are not damned by a finger-wagging God. Interestingly, in a more modern description you could think of it as re-animating lost aspects of your self. Usually turns out to be that the real you is covered by the ego you. Not all bad, but a negative constellation of an archetype in the unconscious is not what humanity needs.


Well-Known Member
Some Bodhisattvas are in hell and will stay there until no more souls are there. They could choose to be a Buddha but are so full of LOVE for humanity that they do not.

Christ went to hell.

"They" all went to hell to redeem the souls of the 'damned'. Important to note that they are not damned by a finger-wagging God. Interestingly, in a more modern description you could think of it as re-animating lost aspects of your self. Usually turns out to be that the real you is covered by the ego you. Not all bad, but a negative constellation of an archetype in the unconscious is not what humanity needs.
Jesus went to Hell? Never heard that before. Where does this take place in the bible?


watch people fuck someone over repeatedly. constantly holding someone back from having a life. breaking in and sabotaging, planting evidence of something because they absolutely want to fuck up your life. God sends people to hell for sinning and being fucking pricks. there has to be some kind of sacredness to life. otherwise you sit there and go wait this prick gets into heaven and he used his banking skills to fuck people out of tons of money.


Well-Known Member
why does everyone still refer to God as a e or sometimes she. NO human being knows what God truly looks like, also for the omnipotent being it is, i doubt God actually has a physical form.


Well-Known Member
why does everyone still refer to God as a e or sometimes she. NO human being knows what God truly looks like, also for the omnipotent being it is, i doubt God actually has a physical form.
God might be purely spiritual and He might just be a Presence, with no body. But Christ is a Person with a physical body and YOU can see Him with your eyes and YOU can hear Him talk with YOUR ears and YOU are reading what He typed RIGHT NOW. Check out My signature for details.

But to get back on subject, I dont believe God would send anyone to hell because God is greater then condemning anyone, He wants everyone to go to heaven no matter what; so hell is a moot point to Me. If someone is really bad, the worst case scenerio is that God wont reincarnate that said person and once their life is finished, thats the END for them. And heaven might just be another life full of felicity and then you die and become born again and again and again, etc.



Well-Known Member
why does everyone still refer to God as a e or sometimes she. NO human being knows what God truly looks like, also for the omnipotent being it is, i doubt God actually has a physical form.
I think people still anthropomorphize God because it's easy for other people to understand what you're talking about

I dont believe God would send anyone to hell because God is greater then condemning anyone, He wants everyone to go to heaven no matter what; so hell is a moot point to Me. If someone is really bad, the worst case scenerio is that God wont reincarnate that said person and once their life is finished, thats the END for them. And heaven might just be another life full of felicity and then you die and become born again and again and again, etc.
Are you a Christian? If not, what would you say your religion is?


Well-Known Member
I never really got how people can say there is a heaven and a hell. Have they seen either one to be able to say so? Imo just because a book says there is one doesn't mean it's necessarily true.. I wouldn't worry about going to hell...


Well-Known Member
Are you a Christian? If not, what would you say your religion is?
I was a Christian most of My life until 2008 when I saw the movie Zeitgeist. Even though I used to consider Myself a Christian, I never went to Church or studied the Bible; I was a Christian because... well most people in the USA are Christians and I figured if so many people believed in Jesus, there has to be some truth to it.

Right now, I dont have a religion, Im just Spiritual. I have My own spirituality too, I might call it Georgieanity- or the study of George Manuel Oliveira, lol. I exclusivly believe in Myself as the long awaited Savior of the world. Dont we all need a Savior? Im just the Savior that even the Atheists can believe in because Im real and alive and thats an infallible fact. Its also a fact that I have written and spoken exactly what I have said.

Im also a time traveler too; I came from the past, I live in the present, and Im going to the future. You all will hear about Me in the future. Right now youre reading what I wrote in the past and who knows how long people will be reading what I have written. Either way, I am with you all... Christ is on your side.



Well-Known Member
Written? More like posted.... Hope electricity lasts forever for ya bro!
Yes, written in text. Written or posted, whats the difference?

One day, someone is going to publish all that I have written into a real book, a best seller. I am typing My autobiography right now but no one really cares at this point, hopefully one day that will all change. I have said some pretty amazing discourse that I hope will be read forever, THE GREATEST TRUE STORY EVER TOLD.

Im on a smart phone right now, so I dont need electricty until tomorrow, lol. Electicity is never going away, not in My Life time at least.

Thank God your alive!
SCROGA, I remember you from here/RIU from a while back but I forget what we talked about, but I remember that I liked you.

But I agree with you, thank God that we all are alive. Hopefully we will all live like kings, forever, and never die. But if the inevitable happens and we die, we will be reincarnated to a better life.
