the chitown sourkush thread

the more I look into illiois marijuana laws the more I feel this some bullshit... Under the proposal, a four-year trial program would be created to allow doctors to prescribe patients no more than 2.5 ounces of marijuana every two weeks. To qualify, patients must have one of 42 serious or chronic conditions listed in the bill — including cancer, multiple sclerosis, glaucoma and HIV — and an established relationship with a doctor.
They would undergo fingerprinting and a criminal background check and would be issued a registration ID card. Marijuana use would be banned in public, in vehicles, around minors and near school grounds. Property owners would have the ability to ban marijuana use on their grounds.
Patients could not legally grow marijuana, and would have to buy it from one of 60 dispensing centers across Illinois. The state would license 22 growers, one for every state police district.
Opponents said they did not trust the state to properly regulate marijuana production, pointing to Illinois' inability to solve problems such as a budget crisis fueled by inaction on pension reform. They also questioned the legitimacy of using marijuana for medical reasons, saying there are other options for pain management that have been approved by federal regulators.
im never gonna be one of those 22 licensed growers.... not with this background... looks like im still black balled until some class action lawsuits are won by some outstanding and prolly very sick mmj patiants from the ill state.... people w/o felonies and time and money to fight the good fight... sounds like they still gonna wanna lock my ass up.... no bueno :[
I will never by fucking scwagg weed from anyone of those 22 licensed dipshits who just cuzz maybe they went to college and got a botanist degree think just because they understand how photosynthesis works and shit that they can grow some bomb ass meds... fuck u and ur college degree.... exxperiance in excellence will always trump some bitch ass peace of paper.... #teamgrowurown
CAM00321.jpgSoooo, the hawaiian sun is so strong, it'll do this to the plants..

if you can't see what the sun is doing in this pic, You'll really be able to see what's happening in the next..
The sun is so strong, the fan leaves twist Toward the sun like solar panels, following the sun all the way tilk shit... notice it's dusk already. Guess which way is
the rain has still been coming in proper. at this rate with atleast one day of rain every 7-10 days {which were getting way more rain then that} and all the polymer crystals I will never have to water my plants :] uv index has been high has hell lately around here... not soo much today but if its ot raining and cloudy theres ruff ass uv outside
Dude, take bioastin. Astaxanthin...i take 15mg's a day and i have never used sunscreen since. That shit works wonders. It does a lot for you body but one of the things it does is help with sun exposure. I walk around all Day in just surf shorts And no sunburn to speak of