the chitown sourkush thread

Because reactive airway disease is sometimes used as a quick diagnosis for a patient in lieu of further investigation, patients may want to see a respiratory specialist or ask their doctors for additional information if they are diagnosed with this condition. Adults should receive pulmonary function tests which can be used to distinguish between reactive airway disease and asthma, and additional diagnostic tools can also be used on children to explore the cause of the respiratory syndrome. Failure to get a proper diagnosis for a respiratory condition can lead to long term problems and delays in treatment.

well I'm getting rid of the reactive stimuli so I figure by doing that I should cure the problem over time... as well as improving my diet and habits, etc.

I'll get more information if I need to, but I'd prefer not to as they seem to be keen on using very nasty medication on me instead of telling me to change my diet and things that would actually prevent shit like this in the first place..... hmm.
thanks guys but im supposed to have two ofem from a trade
but not sure i have authentic - cause no trust in the person i got them from so have to wait an see whut they are
but im an old man and have mor seeds then i need i only grow like 4 to 6 ata time or wife gets nervous

and i must have like three hunnerd seeds at least my latest list updated entirly in January
entrys on the right are two and three per line left is one entry per line all diff quantaties per
thanks guys but im supposed to have two ofem from a trade
but not sure i have authentic - cause no trust in the person i got them from so have to wait an see whut they are
but im an old man and have mor seeds then i need i only grow like 4 to 6 ata time or wife gets nervous

and i must have like three hunnerd seeds at least my latest list updated entirly in January
entrys on the right are two and three per line left is one entry per line all diff quantaties per
supposed to have two of what from a trade??? man if you get the opportunity to grow the real deal sk I'd take it, I wouldn't just assume some seeds someone gave me are the same strain when the likelyhood of that is quite low unless you got it from one of the 7 or 8 people who have the strain.
So chi you going back out to the desert or what's your plans bro?

i dont know... i think ill just do the world a favor and shoot myself in da head with da scar ... lol im thinking michigan... i dont know i gotta do something... im not feeling right in da head lately man....