nice bong! you got a keeper of a girlfriend there
naw not this time atleast...
ahhh sometimes i wonder why i do this to myself lol..that sucks chi hope you're still keeping your goals in mind bro.
rippin my gf's bong, it's pretty siiick. I"ll post up a pic![]()
yeah im sorry maybe next time...that's a shame.
we couldn't be so lucky.yeah im sorry maybe next time...
sometimes I wonder too.ahhh sometimes i wonder why i do this to myself lol..
lololol... jo..... i dont give fuck..... that nigga a dj and manage some skate park... ima drug dealer.... i gets paid.... if i care what people thought about me i would have changed long ago... i hope she shows him da texts to.. lol.. cuzz he stuck with some chubby cheatin biitch and im dickin down dime peace jo..... now who in da worng.. lololol thug love till diss dynasty blowz jolmfao, you retarded cuz. but you know all she was doing was showing that shit to her new nigga, now how that look.?
look my G we gonna enroll you in some english classes.. we gonna understand just wtf u tryna say in no time....ya dum fuks cause yals dum azzez luvs so
niiice bong dr looks uded ha
no bro i dont miss her... just cuzz u keep saying that dont make it true... i miss kicking it with her pops in his big ass yard drinking uth and atecates, modelo negroes, and patron..... i miss all that shit... i dont wanna hit it one more time because i was fucking that for over 7 years.. even doe i ait smashed it in well over a year if someone fingerd her i could pick up da smell of her... i know that pussy well... i dont drained it her mouth and booty hole for years... im still not over the shit she did to me.. cuzz i feel i aint deserve that.. i wouldnt do that shit to a friend let alone someone who supposed to be my sig. other.... i mean i knew from day one she wasnt for me. yet i stayed 7 years lol... im only 27 so 7 years is a huge chunk of my life ya dig... but on da real doe... fuck that bitch..., just cant trust these hoes these days man.. it aint like the good ole world war 2 generation and before when nroads were loyal to there niggas till death.. equal rights fucked da game up :]Lol, chi. He's well aware o his slanguage, i love it its kinda unique n shit. i wish my girl would leave me for a cornball nigga. you know you miss her though, gotta hit it one more time.
yeah but looking at it that way isnt the same... the future always pops up way too soon becuase time flies.... gotta get ready to make this move jo.. move on to the next faze of my life..... because i am going to see millions from this game or life is not worth living and ima go back to choppin up kilos...I feel you bruh, i just be fuckin around. 7 years is a long ass time, imagine how long 7 years from now is.
i need millions to be comfortable.. and really its not that hard to do... doenst seem impossible or hard to me.. my last outdoor grow of 25 p's of high grade bubba whats 25 x 3500? its not that hard..... its harder to hide it then make it....I used to think like that. but now i'm not so concerned wit millions. i just wanna be comfortable. and i aint that yet.
i called my ex yesterday... i was just trying to see how she been.. but really i wanted to brag to da bitch how well i been doing.... lol i never got a chqance da hoe hung up once she realized it was me... so i texted her lol... gave a pussy pic of this bitch i been sticking it too lately... lol also text her that i wish i would have hooked up with her older sister who is fine has hell.. instead of her chubby ass... hahahahahaha ima mother fuker i know... i dont care... next stop colorado... wmen beware.....