the chitown sourkush thread


New Member
So you've been around, how exactly do these silly ass titles and rep bar things work.

looks like im a stoner at 892? what's the second "stoner" below it for? the rep bar? because it looks like mines maxed out and.. still at the same titles? fill me in?


Well-Known Member
So you've been around, how exactly do these silly ass titles and rep bar things work.

looks like im a stoner at 892? what's the second "stoner" below it for? the rep bar? because it looks like mines maxed out and.. still at the same titles? fill me in?
this will explaine everything u wanna knw... listen up good... [youtube]RdX79pwyBII[/youtube]


Well-Known Member
"cuzz if u lookin for me u can find me on da block dissobeyin da law// a real g// thorobred from da streets// pants saggin with my gun in my drawz//"


Well-Known Member
merry christmas fools. my christmas presents this year consist of an amazing girlfriend, and dank ice wax to dab! good enuff for me