Well-Known Member
i got that keef that numbs ur fucking jaw!!!!Got keef for that.
i got that keef that numbs ur fucking jaw!!!!Got keef for that.
this will explaine everything u wanna knw... listen up good... [youtube]RdX79pwyBII[/youtube]So you've been around, how exactly do these silly ass titles and rep bar things work.
looks like im a stoner at 892? what's the second "stoner" below it for? the rep bar? because it looks like mines maxed out and.. still at the same titles? fill me in?
well walk around with ur head up ur ass then cuzz thats shit da truth right there!That's 4 minutes and 37 seconds of my life we're talking about here. I dunno man.
That good huh.. Ok fine, I'll bite.well walk around with ur head up ur ass then cuzz thats shit da truth right there!
[youtube]yctj5h7-Tcg[/youtube]That good huh.. Ok fine, I'll bite.
yeah da nly thing i got for xmas was DRUNK......merry christmas fools. my christmas presents this year consist of an amazing girlfriend, and dank ice wax to dab! good enuff for me
yeah da nly thing i got for xmas was DRUNK......
should i veg an indica big has hell and decorate it?lol that sucks bro better set it up for a better one next year, like a stoner party
should i veg an indica big has hell and decorate it?