the chitown sourkush thread

well, dont know much about the thread, but chitown anything mixed with kush...i can get behind it.... :) :) :)
hehe, chitownsmoking was the online nickname of the person who made this particular 'sour kush' strain, which is the most potent I have ever tried out of all the strains I've tried and I live in northern california. only a particular phenotype of it is super killer potent.

it is an F5 hybrid of Pre98 Bubba kush x east coast sour diesel
heres a rare opportunity for you guys, I will only keep this video up for a short time, but I wanted to show you guys how these plants look when you walk through them. enjoy.

Hey pops thanks for the walk thru your garden. I just happened to stumble upon it and like my cute Lady J said, I feel privileged too : !)

That's sweet your having a good year with it, hope it continues for ya!

Go pops go haha, later mang ; !)
thanks all, I'll keep that video up for a few more days for anyone else who wants to see then it's gonna be pictures for the rest of the season ;)
and just to give you guys reference, I'm about 6 foot tall, so I'm holding the camera up at probably 5.4 feet tall, so that'll give you an idea of how big the plants are.
Hey Pops that is a sweet garden bro!! I hope one day to have a space like that, and to be able to grow as well as you!
I wanted to tell ya which one I liked best, but honestly they all look amazing!
I was thinking either this guy is short or he got some monsters in the field lol.

yeah I"m not short by no means, I"m not quite 6 foot but close ahaha. honestly I'm expecting the highest yeild I've ever got out of this garden before this year.

even though I don't plan on using much of the potassium supplement to make the buds harder I don't think I"ll have a problem with yeild this year ;)

all those plants will likely gain an extra foot before harvest :D

and shit man, my hippie buddies garden always makes mine look so tiny... the bud quality that comes out of my garden always beats his, but not by a whole lot. he grows high quantites of quality ;) haha. gotta love all teh differentn styles of grwing there are.
so I compared a pic from last year to this year and it appears that 80% of my garden is significantly larger than last year.

last year, august 14th 2011

this year, august 7th, 2012

I will take a pic on the 14th to match up to last years pic ;)
You were a lot bushier last year, this years garden is much more vertical. but both look great.

well the only reason 2 of those plants were way more bushy was because they were vegged under a 1000w HPS ;). next year I"m going to make a make-shift greenhouse so the plants are more beefy by the time they do get in the ground.

all of the sour kushes except one are atleast 1 foot taller than they were last year at this same time! I'm hella stoked, and I have 5 sour kushes, not 2 or 3, haha.
Nah i was asking because i know a few on here that veg out side all year but don't grow in ground like you. I was imagining vegging outdoors for 6 months(like nov-april) and then going in ground, makin monsters in my head.